Harsh Reality

Chapter Seven

Jack’s POV:

I woke up to find my iPod lying between Kayla and I. I tried to turn it on, but it was dead. She always forgot to turn it off.

I yawned and looked at the alarm clock, which read 5:45. May suddenly walked into my room, smirking. I then realized my arm was around Kayla’s waist. I left it there.

“Hey big brother,” She mumbled, still tired. May would come into my room in the morning so we could talk about stuff.

I stretched my arms out, remembering last night. She had another nightmare. This happened to her all the time. If only her mom didn’t have such an ass of a boyfriend, none of that would have happened.

“It’s too early to be awake,” I whined tiredly.

“I know,” She sighed. “I couldn’t sleep.” We were quiet for a few moments. “We haven’t talked lately,”

I ran a hand over my face. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been thinking a lot,”

“About her?” She said quietly, glancing at Kayla. May knew I liked her, I didn’t even have to tell her. I nodded. “Jacko, just tell her, she likes you too,”

I shook my head. “No, I’m like her brother,”

“A brother she’s basically in love with. I’ve seen the way she looks at you,”

“She has Ethan,” I muttered.

“He’s an ass, she’d leave him in a second for you,” She scoffed.

“Doubt it,” I sighed.

She shrugged, yawning. “Well I’m gonna go back to sleep for another half hour. Love you, brothaaaa,” She did a peace sign and left my room.

- - -

“WAKE UP!” May screamed.

“Bah!” Kayla woke up, startled, flinching into my arms.

“Food’s ready,” May left the room.

Kayla groaned, swinging her legs over and getting out of bed. “I’m wearing your clothes.” She said groggily.

I chuckled. “Alright,”

She went through my closet until she found a pair of skinny jeans (which were actually hers, she left them here God knows how long ago.) and a Glamour Kills shirt. I tried my hardest not to look at her ribs, which were sticking out, along with her hipbones. She had no meat on herself whatsoever. Her curves were disappearing.

After I got dressed as well we went downstairs where my mom had eggs and toast ready.

“Um, I’m not hungry,” Kayla, said. “Thank you though,” She smiled.

“Oh come on, eat something,” My mom pushed.

“I’m fine, I swear, I don’t normally eat breakfast.” I glared at her. She didn’t see me though.

“Just have a piece of toast,” My mom handed her one. Kayla finally gave in and took a bite out of the toast, while I sighed, eating my eggs quickly.

Once she finished, she excused herself to the bathroom. She didn’t come out for six minutes and I began to worry but she finally came out, and her eyes were red, her face rather pale. I knew something was up. I wasn’t going to say anything, she’d deny it.

“Let’s go,” She said, faking a smile and her voice was a little shaky.

“Bye mom,” I called over my shoulder.

“Bye you two! Have a good day at school!”

“Jacky you know I love you right?” Kayla said randomly on the drive to school.

“Yeah, why? Did you break something at my house?” I laughed.

“No, just making sure you knew,” She said seriously.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, fine, why?” She said a little too quickly.

“Just making sure,” I faked a smile as I put my arm around her.