Harsh Reality

Chapter Eight

Kayla’s POV:

Jack knew what was going on. I hated that he knew me so well.

I looked at Jack. “Sorry about last night,” I mumbled.

He put his hand over mine. “Kay, it’s fine, it was no big deal. You know I’m always there for you.” I smiled.

“Thanks,” He nodded.

We walked into the school and Ethan greeted me with a hug. Jack gave him the death stare as he wheeled away by the waist. I mouthed sorry to Jack.

“Hey baby,” Ethan smiled, giving me a quick kiss.

“Hi,” I faked a smile, unlocking my locker.

“Can you come to my game today?” He asked me, his eyes hopeful. I thought for a moment on what I was doing. I remembered that I had to help Jack and Alex study for our English test tomorrow.

“Sorry babe I can’t,” I pouted.

He groaned. “Why not?”

“I told Jack and Alex I would help them study,”

His eyes widened a little bit. “Why would you hang out with them instead of me?” He asked, getting angry. “You’re always busy with them, you never have time to go out with me anymore!”

“Stop, you’re making a scene,” I mumbled.

“Well maybe I want to make a scene!” He yelled.

I rolled my eyes, getting tired of his accusatory personality.

I opened my mouth to say something when a short, skinny blonde in shorts and a tight tank top came up to Ethan and wrapped her arm around his waist.

“Ethan, you have to help me with math like you promised,” He said in a high-pitched annoying voice, batting her eyelashes.

Without a goodbye, he turned and walked away from me, leaving me with my jaw wide open.

I wasn’t good enough.

- - - -

One week later…

Jack was starting to catch on to me not eating. I haven’t eaten one thing for exactly one week. I had been staying at Jack’s this whole week, because Rob was still at my house, and I don’t think he’s planning on leaving anytime soon. My mom hasn’t even tried contacting me this week; it’s not like she cares where I am anyways.

Whenever I saw Ethan, he was either kissing me, or another girl was hanging all over him. I was sick and tired of it. Why wasn’t I good enough?

“Kay,” Jack poked me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Huh? Sorry,” I looked up at him.

“Eat,” He shoved a sandwich in front of my face. I shook my head.

“No Jack I’m not hungry.”

“Yes you are, eat,” He argued.

“No I’m fine,”

“Bullshit! You haven’t eaten in days!” He screamed. Our whole table got quiet and stared at us. I looked down. “Come here,” Jack mumbled, taking my hand and pulling me out of the lunchroom and into the empty hallways. “Why are you doing this? You look horrible,”

“That’s exactly why I’m doing it,” I snapped.

“Kayla, I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant was your eyes are bloodshot, you have absolutely no meat on your bones. It’s not attractive. No guys like it when girls are this skinny baby,” He said softly. I began crying, out of fatigue, out of anger. I slid down the wall onto the floor. He sat down next to me, wrapping his arms around my body.

“I’m not good enough,” I said shakily.

“Stop that, you’re beautiful,”

“Ethan doesn’t think that!” I said loudly. He hesitated and I looked at him. His eyes were sad.

“I do,” He mumbled, looking down at my hand and rubbing his finger over the top of it.

“Jack?” I said, breaking the silence.


I slowly connected my lips to his without thinking. He didn’t respond at first, but he did after a few moments. I deepened the kiss and he got more into it, rubbing my sides tenderly. I couldn’t deny the sparks that were flying.