Harsh Reality

Chapter Nine

Jack’s POV:

We kissed for five minutes. If she tried to pull away, I’d pull her back, and her lips would happily collide with mine again. I didn’t want to let her go, I was afraid she’d disappear, and this would all be a dream.

“Jack,” She whimpered, pulling away slowly.

“I’m sorry,” I looked away.


“Well because yo-”

“Jack, I kissed you. I wanted to kiss you.” She interrupted me. “But what am I going to do?” She sighed shakily. I could tell she was about to start crying. I held her tighter to my body.

“What do you mean?” She glanced at the cafeteria door frightfully. I could tell she was worried about Ethan or one of his friends coming out.

“I don’t want to be with him anymore, I don’t like feeling unwanted,” She cried, hiding her head in my shoulder.

“Break up with him.” I answered quickly.

“What if he hurts me?” She asked quietly.

“If he or one of his friends lay one finger on you, I will fucking murder them, you know that. I’ll never let anybody hurt you.”

She kissed me again, unexpectedly. This time more urgent. But then I thought, she’s probably just doing this to feel wanted. She wants to feel pretty, good about herself. She doesn’t like me like I want her.

I pulled away and she looked confused. “Kayla, I cant do this,” I shook my head. “I… I like you, Kay. More than just friends…” I trailed off, looking away, waiting for her to reject me.

There was silence for a few moments, and then a hesitated reply. “Well I love you,” She said quietly.

I groaned. “Kayla, you only love me as your best-”

“No Jack,” She said assertively, but her voice cracked. A tear rolled down her face. “I’m fucking in love with you,”

No. No way.

“Don’t just say that be-”

“I’ve been in love with you for three years,” She interrupted me again. I kissed her this time. I never wanted to move from that spot.

“I want you, Jack,” She whispered.

“You have me. You always have.” I told her honestly.

“But I don’t know what to do about Ethan,” She looked so helpless.

“Tell him you’re fucking sick of being treated like crap! You deserve the best, and although I’m not the best, I can give you all I have,” She began crying, resting her head in the crook of my neck while I ran my fingers through my hair. She suddenly snapped her head up.

Her face began to get pale. “Kay?” Worry crept into my voice. She didn’t look good; her face was now pale as a ghost.

“I don’t feel too good,” She moaned. Her body suddenly fell limp against me, her eyes closing.

“Fuck!” I whisper yelled. She hasn’t eaten in a week, and she used up the little energy she had left by crying, and making out with me. She had passed out. “Kayla!” I shook her. “Kayla wake up!”

After five minutes she finally woke up before I could really start panicking.

“You need food.”

She shook her head. “No,”

“You’re going to start fucking eating, and dump that idiot. I’m not letting this go on anymore. You don’t have to go out with me, but you cant be with him anymore,” I growled.

“But… I want to be with you,” She looked away.

“We’ll work this out after school. Let’s go eat, and then you’re gonna break up with him.”

Just then, he walked out.

“Why the fuck are you touching her!?” Ethan yelled at me. My hand was on her shoulder.

“You fuck every other girl at this school!” I snapped back.

“Jack,” Kayla started.

“Do it now,” I demanded.

“I’m not a fucking dog!”

I sighed heavily. “Kayla, I can’t handle this, let’s just go eat,” I shook my head.

“No, she’s coming with me,” He took her wrist and pulled her back into the lunchroom. Tears were streaming down her face as she looked back at me.

She was going to be mine.