Glass Angel.

___“It’s the end of the
__world as we know it.”

_________________This is an My Chemical Romance fan-fiction.

glass /gla:s/ n., v., & adj. – n. 1 (often attrib.) a usually clear, easy to see through and shining substance, although it can sometimes also be translucent and harder to see through. It is hard and strong but brittle, easily cracking if struck in the right place. 2 a a mirror; a looking glass; used to see a reflection of ones self b an hour- or sand-glass; which shows time slipping away c a window; to see into the outside world blackened glass glass which is treated so it becomes dark and impossible to see through he had a glass too much is rather drunk. [OE glæs f. Gmc: cf. GLAZE]

angel /’end3()ls/ n. 1 a an attendant or messenger of God. b a conventional representation of this in human form with or without wings. c an attendant spirit (evil spirit or guardian angel) 2 a a very virtuous person 3 an echo on the radar which cannot be explained. angel dust sl. the hallucinogenic drug phencyclidine hydrochloride. [ME f. OF angele f. eccl.L angelus f. Gk aggelos messenger]

_____What if our glass angel was broken beyond repair?
____What would happen if Gerard could not be saved
__________________from himself?

  1. The Boys Are Back.
    Prologue: Article
  2. Shattered Glass.
  3. Stick Me Together With Candle Wax.
    I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry this took so long x]. Looong story...