‹ Prequel: These Lives Of Ours.

Nothing Is Ever Perfect

I just worry about you that's all

I watched as Panic! took the stage and the crowd went wild. It was kind of serial, listening to all the girls around me screaming for Ryan. It was kinda funny how they all had a crush on him and Brendon. I guess it’s different when you’ve lived with one of them. You get to see how dorky they really are.

“Is it still me that makes you sweat…” Brendon started my favourite song and I couldn’t help but smile. It’s had changed a bit since Ryan first played it for me, but it was defiantly just as good if not better. “WOOOO!” All the girls screamed as Brendon leaned in and “pretended” to kiss Ryan. Andie and I just looked around and burst out laughing. Oh how funny it was that they thought Ryden was real.


“GUYS!” Andie and I went running back stage and pretty much mauling the sweaty smelly boys. “Well hello to you too.” Brendon and Spencer just stared at us and we mauled them with hugs as well. “Thank you.” They muttered and we all broke out laughing. “We shall see you all in a bit!” Patrick yelled and FOB walked on stage.

“So how much trouble do you think I’m in with Pete?” I asked Ryan as we all walked back to the dressing room. “I’d say somewhere between grounded for life and murdered at first sight.” I sighed, he was right. Pete has seriously changed since we got back to living all together. He was like a parent now, he wasn’t as much fun. I don’t understand where the old Pete went.


Brendon, Jon, Spencer, and I stood in the dressing room, getting our showers and changing into clean clothes. Spencer was in the shower and the rest of us were sitting around watching the tiny T.V that was put in here. I’m not exactly sure what was on but it was keeping us entertained for the short while we’d be in the dressing room.


“Hey guys!” Pete, Patrick, Andy, and Joe all paraded into the room, covered in sweat and smiling like…well like crazy people. “I assume it was a good show then?” I laughed as they all sank onto the carpet, probably exhausted. “It’s time to head back to the busses guys. We’re heading into New York tomorrow. We’ll take a hotel there, play a show, and they leave to the next city.” We all nodded and got up from our seats. Pete motioned for Chip to come out in the hall with him. “Good luck.” I whispered, kissing her cheek and watching her walk out the door.

I walked out to the bus with everyone else. The engine was started and probably ready to go at any moment. “When are we leaving?” I asked the drive as we all climbed in. “As soon as Pete gives the order.” I almost laughed. Pete being in charge of anything was hard to believe. He’s not very mature.


“Uhm…yeah?” I asked, standing as close to the wall as possible, trying to avoid Pete’s gaze. I wasn’t sure whether he was going to start screaming at me or just brush it off as if it was nothing. “Look Chip…I’m sorry.” And that was not in either of the options. “What?” I asked, completely dumbfounded. “I’m sorry I’ve been a bit rough on you guys lately. I just worry about you, I don’t want to loose the two of you again.” I smiled and hugged Pete. He was, after all, just being a good parent. “I promise we’re not going anywhere.” He smiled and shoved me gently towards the door. “Well I’m afraid you are unless you wanna get left here.” I shook my head and raced him up to the busses. “See ya tomorrow morning!” I smiled and gave Pete one last hug before climbing on the bus, just as it was pulling away from the parking lot.