‹ Prequel: These Lives Of Ours.

Nothing Is Ever Perfect

Spiralling out of control

“So what happened?” Everyone was staring at me as I sat down next to Ryan and Spencer. “Nothing. He apologized for being so rough on us. He’s just worried. I guess I understand that.” Jon flicked on the T.V and put in a movie. Really, we had nothing better to do when we’re on a bus.

I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. I didn’t remember leaving it there but I unfolded it and read the note. All it says was “No sex on the bus…” I looked on the other side and burst out laughing, on the back it read “Without a condom.” Everyone was staring at me. Of course, I was laughing too hard to actually explain what was on the note so Ryan took and it started laughing as well.

When we finally stopped laughing everyone either looked disgusted or scared. “Oh guys grow up.” I stifled a laughed and went back into the bunks. I was tired anyways; I needed some sleep. “May I come in?” Ryan knocked on the wood above the bunk and I pulled back the curtain. “Why thank you kind madam.” I laughed and shoved him lightly. “Can the sweet talk Ross. Ur not getting any tonight.”


I was awoken the next morning by Ryan leaving a trail of kisses all down my jaw line and neck. “Good morning to you too.” I smiled and crawled out of the bunk. “Aww I don’t even get a hug good morning?” He asked, pouting and giving me the puppy dog eyes. “Fine you can have a hug.” I hugged him quickly and walked out into the living room where everyone was watching T.V. as normal.

For some reason this morning I felt like being up at the front. I needed some fresh air anyways and our bus driver was really nice. “Hey Alex.” He smiled and took his eyes off the road for a second, but only a second, to see who it was. “What’s up Chip?” “Oh nothing much. Just taking some time away from the “talented musicians.”” He let out a little laughed and turned back to the road. Not in time however because a truck came spiralling out of no where. “OH MY GOD!” I yelled out and grabbed onto…I’m not even sure but I grabbed it as the Alex slammed on the breaks and the bus started to turn and skid on the road. I wasn’t wearing a seat belt and the next thing I new I went right threw the window shield and everything went black.