‹ Prequel: These Lives Of Ours.

Nothing Is Ever Perfect

Am I just paranoid, or am I just stoned?

“Hey guys.” I smiled and sat down on the table next to Patrick and Ryan. They both turned and smiled at me. I smiled back immediately, as I hadn’t seen a genuine smile from Ryan is ages. “Looks like someones in a good mood.” I joked, poking him in the side. He just smirked and poked me back. “What’s going on with the tour Pat?”

He jumped of the table and pulled out a small piece of paper. There were a couple of number writen on it, a few dates, and quite a few towns. “We leave tonight, and we’re headed to Florida for our first show, then we pick up the tour right where we left off…” He paused for a moment and then continued quietly. “We have a…temporary substitute for Pete.” I took note of how he said substitute and not replacement. It made me wonder what they were going to do after tour.

“Come on Chip, we should pack up our bags.” I nodded absent mindedly and followed Ryan up the stairs. “You ok?” He asked, noticing my clearly vacant expression. I shook my head again, trying to clear out my thoughts, they were getting harder and harder to control lately. “Yeah…I just gotta go pack.” He stared at me for a second, before huging me and walking away.


3 hours, 4 suitcases, and a lot of heavy lifting later, we were all on our tour buses, getting ready to head back out on the road. Andie, Jon, Spencer, Brendon, Ryan, and I were all sitting around the living room staring akwardly at each other. Well…I can’t exactly say I was staring. I was too engrossed in my drawing from earlier. I picked it up again about an hour ago, in an attempt to finish it, and then realized what I had drawn.

You have to understand how lost I can get in my drawings before I can explain what happened. So just imagine…uhm…singing a song, and then doing something else, and then when you finally pay attention to the song again, you realize the song’s changed and you’re singing along to it now. Make sence?

Well anyways, I stared at my drawing, and realized that, even though I started with the one treem it had turned into the scene from my dream, with the swirling black clouds, but perfect landscape. I had spent the last hour or so staring at it, and trying to draw in the missing pieces. Unfortunaly, I couldn’t seem to make it work.

“Chip…CHIP!” I looked up quickly and saw 5 sets of eyes staring intently at me. “What do you want for dinner?” Brendon asked slowly, like he was talking to a retard. “I dunno.” I mumbled, turning back to the sketch pad.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my older bro staring at my with a woried look. He probably thinks I’m snapping under the stress of Pete being gone, and frankly, I was starting to wonder that as well.