Status: indefinitely on hold. draft got destroyed, and I just don't think I can go on...sorry ):

The Little Things

the start of something new.

Elise woke up early that morning. It was the first day of classes, and she wanted to be ready. She put on her white silk shirt from Beauxbatons (she had at least twelve of them, and her parents didn’t want to waste money on new, thicker ones) and put on her blue tie. She slipped the gray cashmere sweater with oyster colored buttons on over it. She put on the gray wool skirt (which she thought was rather ugly compared to her old uniform, but far more practical) and put on the white tights. She laced up her high heeled oxfords from Beauxbatons (again, her parents didn’t want to waste money on sensible footwear) and combed her hair.

She stared in the mirror. Her hair was so flat and boring; she stuck in her light ice blue headband from Beauxbatons. There, she looked different from every other girl at Hogwarts. She picked up her black cloak with blue silk lining (Her parents insisted on getting them custom made) and her old bag from Beauxbatons (it wasn’t right not carrying it around.) and departed for Gryffindor tower, where she was to meet Fred.

She stood next to the portrait of the old lady. “Ah, aren’t you the girl who stayed in Gryffindor tower for the Triwizard Tournament last year?” she asked. Elise nodded. “Why don’t you go in?” she asked. Elise gave her a flustered look. “I got put in Ravenclaw.” She said. The fat lady rolled her eyes. “Just pop on in, I trust you.”

The doors opened, and Elise stepped through. Oh well, it couldn’t hurt. She saw Hermione, wearing her cloak, waiting for Ron and Harry. “Come on, the lot of you. You’re so slow in the mornings-Elise! What are you doing here?” she asked. Elise felt awkward in the all red and gold room.

“Um, the Fat Lady let me in.” she stuttered. Ginny came down the stairs. “Oh, Elise! Morning.” She said, as if there wasn’t any problem. George came down next. “Oh, bless him. Fred’s taught Elise how to get into the common rooms without a password.” George said, grinning. “Morning, Elise.”

“What’ve I done so far?” Fred asked. He came down. “Elise!” he yelled, running towards her. They leapt into each other’s arms and kissed. Ginny made a face. “Ugh. I’m going to breakfast. Let’s go Hermione. Ron, Harry?” she asked, walking through the door.

Elise smiled. “I missed you.” She said. Fred grinned. “How was your first night in hell?” he asked. Elise shrugged. “It wasn’t so bad. I met some really nice people, and this one girl name Luna.” Seamus walked by. “You met Loony Lovegood? Piece a work, innit she?”

Elise didn’t like the way they spoke about her. “She’s very nice.” She said, frowning. Fred calmed her down. “Luna’s a…I guess a special type of person. Not many get her, I suppose. Went barking mad when her mum died I heard.” He said. “Anyway, let’s get down to breakfast.” He said.

Nobody really cared about who sat with whom at breakfast. Elise sat with Fred, George, Angelina, and Lee. Angelina looked at her apologetically. “It sucks you didn’t get Gryffindor. You should’ve been in our room.” She said. Elise picked at her bacon. “I know! But I do like Ravenclaw Tower, and the girls in my room are quite nice. Besides, the Fat Lady said she’d let me in whenever I wanted.” She shrugged. George laughed. “That’s so cool.”

Alyssa walked by. “Hey, Elise, you promised you’d walk with us to Potions. We have it with the Gryffindors today.” She said, eying the four Gryffindors she’d been sitting with. Elise stood up. “I’ll see you guys down in the dungeons with Snape.” She said, making a face at the man who’d never fully appreciated her special knack at potions.

Fred kissed her lightly. “Alrighty then.”

As Elise walked away with Alyssa, Caitlyn, Emily, and Pandora, they all giggled. “Who is that cute guy sitting with your boyfriend? The one with dreadlocks?”


“Seeing as it is your first day back, I’ll be taking it rather easy on you. I expect you to make the draught of the living dead in thirty minutes. If my sixth years can do it in forty five, you can do it faster! You are seventh years! Use your minds and wands! Go!”

Elise was sitting at a table with George, Fred, and Alyssa. She and Alyssa were already getting along quite well; the potion was starting off nicely. Snape looked over it. “Not bad. Five points to Ravenclaw.” He sneered. Elise and Alyssa high fived each other and went along. George and Fred looked at them desperately. “Help?” Alyssa and Elise smirked and started helping the boys.

Finally, it was over. Elise and Alyssa finished first; they received another ten points towards Ravenclaw. They were now leaving for Transfiguration; Elise was given a free period for passing Transfiguration already. She’d taken her NEWTs after last year’s catastrophe. Fred looked at her jealously. “Man, if I’d actually applied myself during Transfiguration back in the days, I could be taking a nap during my double free period.” He said. Elise giggled and kissed him on the cheek. “But you didn’t, so you’re stuck with one more year of Transfiguration.”

As Elise walked away from the others towards the library, she saw two first years playing Exploding Snap. The new professor was walking towards them. “Oi, you lot, put those away.” She hissed. “You shouldn’t play that out where the professors can take them away from you.” She warned.

“Right indeed, miss. Away, children. Go on to your class; you’re already late.” The toad faced woman said. “Hello, I’m Professor Umbridge. And why aren’t you in class, my dear? You must be a fifth year.” She said kindly, but too kindly.

“Oh, no, professor, I’m a seventh year. This time was supposed to be for my Transfiguration class, but I’ve passed that already and taken my NEWTs last year. I took double transfiguration in my first year at Beauxbatons.” She said. “Ah,” the woman said. “You are an exchange student from the lovely Beauxbatons in France. If I am not mistaken, isn’t the headmistress a half bred giant?” she asked frigidly.

Elise gave a nervous giggle. “Well, she’s always said she’s merely big boned, but I’ve always known she was half giant. I have an eye for half breeds.” She said. Because I am one.

Umbridge smiled. “What is your name, dear?” Elise smiled. “Elise Seymour.” She said. Umbridge smiled even more. “Ah, you must be the daughter of Robert Seymour. Yes, I do remember him; I worked at the Ministry. Lovely fellow, even lovelier wife; she’s almost enchanting. I didn’t know they had a daughter. Well, I think I’ll be getting along very well with you, Miss Seymour. Off you go.”
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so i've been watching the olympics all day.
sidney crosby, you fucking traitor. play for the us. haha, just kidding. nick lidstrom from the red wings can play for sweden, so i guess you can play for canada.