Status: indefinitely on hold. draft got destroyed, and I just don't think I can go on...sorry ):

The Little Things

Fighting is never fun.

Elise and George weren’t speaking. They were sitting far away from each other in all of their classes. Elise and Fred sat together for Herbology. They played a muggle game, called thumb war, which Seamus had taught them. Just as Elise was about to win (and as Fred was about to let her win) Professor Sprout cleared her throat. The two stopped, and smirked.

“As I said, there is a group project to be done about a magical plant. I will be assigning partners and plants to you. Miss Seymour and Fred, you’ll be partnered; your plant is the mimbulus mimbletonia.” She and Fred both smiled. Across the greenhouse, George and Angelina were fuming. Sure, both of their relationships were on the rocks at the moment, but to see them together infuriated them.


Elise and Fred were in the library. It was late, and the first task of the Triwizard Tournament was tomorrow. Elise flipped through the pages while Fred wrote down notes. Elise was sitting on top of a desk, reading out loud. “The mimbulus mimbletonia will croon as you pet it.” She said dully.

“Ehhhmaagod.” Fred said. “This is so boring.” Elise laughed. “We’ve got to get an A on this project, Fred.” She said. Fred rolled his eyes and sat on the desk with Elise. They were in the muggle section; they found it much easier studying there where no one could see you. Fred cast a charm on the section so that no one could hear them talk.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow.” Fred said. “My brother Charlie is working on the first task. It’s dragons. They’ve got to fight one off.” Fred said excitedly. “Damn, I wish I was in the tournament. Harry is so lucky.”

Elise shut the book and gave him a flabbergasted look. “Harry is not lucky! He’s only fourteen, he can’t fight off a dragon!” she said. Fred looked at her, bemused. “You obviously don’t know what feats he’s accomplished. He’s gotten through a three headed dog, crash landed a flying car into a tree that’s made to whomp you, fought a basilisk, tamed a hippogriff, and saved my sister.” He said.

Elise stared at him. “He saved Ginny?” she asked. Fred nodded sourly. “You Know Who possessed her. He led her to some secret chamber in a girl’s bathroom to suck the life out of her. Had Harry not intervened, Ginny wouldn’t be here right now and Voldemort would be alive. Harry risked his life by getting a basilisk fang stuck in his arm. If you stare at his bare arm for a while, you can still see a small etching of where the fang went through.” He said.

Elise stared at him even longer. “A basilisk’s venom is toxic! How did he live?” she asked. Fred smiled. “Dumbledore’s phoenix cried on his arm. Their tears heal anything.” He said. Elise smiled. “You know, sometimes I swear Ginny and Harry would make a cute couple.”

Fred laughed. “I noticed too. She could hardly talk to him as a kid. But now they’re cool. It’s too bad Harry fancies Cho Chang though. She’s Cedric’s girlfriend, but Harry really likes her.” He said.

Elise sighed. “Ah, to be young and not care so much about love.” She joked. Fred smiled. “I know what you mean. Angie and me are on the rocks right now.” He said. Elise sighed again. “Ditto. I don’t get how George thinks he’s better than me all of a sudden.”

Fred didn’t talk for a moment. “He and Angelina suspect we have feelings for each other.” He said. Elise stared at him, and let out a weak laugh. “But…we don’t. I’ve got George, and you’ve got Angelina. I mean, I had a crush on you when I was eleven, but that was it.” She said.

Fred stared at her. “I had a crush on you too. I was devastated when you left.” He said. “I was in love with you.”

And with that, Fred and Elise leaned in and kissed each other. It was much different from kissing George; George kissed her lightly and delicately every time. Fred was a bit rougher, but still passionate. His hand was tangled in her hair.

She pulled away from him. “No. We can’t do this. I can’t do this to George, and neither can you.”


The next day, Fred was holding Angelina’s hand. George’s arm was around Elise’s. Apparently, after Fred and Elise kissed, she ran back up there and he apologized. George led Elise to the section where the Beauxbatons girls were sitting. She had to sit with them. He kissed her cheek, and walked away. She sighed. It was so much different from when Fred kissed her.

Fleur had gone first. She tried enchanting the dragon, but it sneezed out fire, burning her skirt. She quickly put the fire out and then grabbed the golden egg. Elise and the other girls cheered loudly, performing a little dance. Already, she saw George and Lee laughing.

After that, Krum and Cedric went. Finally, Harry was up. She crossed her fingers. He had gotten the Hungarian horntail. She held her breath as Harry summoned something. His broomstick zoomed through the air, and landed in his arm. As the dragon spit fire at him, he tried to grab the egg. The dragon broke its chain and flew towards the castle. It smashed a couple of Professor Trelawney’s windows.

Harry zoomed back to the field, and picked up his egg.


“Hurrah for Potter!” George screamed. They were drinking butterbeer and celebrating. Elise laughed and drank her’s. She had gone to Ravenclaw tower for a while to celebrate a victory for Fleur. When she came back, the party was full on.

Ron approached Harry. Elise couldn’t tell what they were saying, but she knew they were making up.

George walked over and hugged her. “It’s good to forgive and forget, don’t you agree?” he asked. She looked at Fred, who was staring pitifully. She nodded, and downed her butterbeer. “Yeah, it is.”
♠ ♠ ♠
whoo :)