Care Just Too Much

Spent To Much Time Watching You Die

For years she would sit with him as he drank the life from his body, he‘d drink so much he‘d pass out where he sat and when he‘d wake up he‘d pee then sit back down and continue what he was doing the night before. It was so bad she has had to call an ambulance several times. Never thinking that it’d come to the point where she would have to choose him in her life or losing everything. Jade moved in with her boyfriend at age of 18. He was 23. She was fresh from high school and he was fresh from tour. They met at party, it was love at first sight. Craig was the signer for a local band that was quickly becoming famous, they were called Escape The Fate. He’d do anything for Jade except give up his one weakness. Alcohol was his weakness and he would never give it up. It was there for him before her and it will be there for him until he dies.

Craig started drinking more after being thrown out of the band, for his drinking. Jade did everything in her power to get him to stop. She would hide his wallet, the keys, the booze. Nothing worked. She begged him to stop. He would for a few days, then the stress of not having a job and the feeling of being a man was going down the drain because Jade was now the bread winner would drive him mad and he would find a way of getting the booze.

Jade would come home from work to find him laying on the floor passed out in his own body fluids, sometimes she’d call for an ambulance. He’d be told if the drinking didn’t stop he’d die. He didn’t care if he did or not. His head was in permanent self destruct mode, and all Jade could do was stand by him and watch. Doing what she could to help and make sure he didn’t die alone.

Three years into their relationship. Jade found out that she was pregnant. She tried telling him, but you can’t talk to an alcoholic. Craig denied it was his, he watched her crumble and cry on the kitchen floor. The only thing he did as his love whimpered on the floor was take sips from the bottle in his hand. The pain of knowing that she might leave and he’d be alone was to over whelming.

He was right on one thing she did leave. She packed her things, right in front of him. He didn’t try stopping her. He didn’t try anything. He watched her, holding a bottle of Jack in his hand sitting in the corner. She couldn’t look at him, to afraid to see what he was feeling, she wouldn’t be able to tell anyways. He was already gone, his eyes spoke nothing of the feelings he was experiencing. The feeling that were making his heart race and his head hurt.

When her father showed up at their door, she handed him her bags and asked him to wait for her in the car. Nodding she turned to Craig, she kneeled down next to him. She leaned in and kissed his cheek. And the last thing she said was,

“Craig, I’ve spent to much time watching you die because of your sick obsession with the liquid in that bottle. I love you. I really do, but it’s gotten to the point where I now have to think what’s best for me and this baby. I want you to know that I’m still yours if you want me but I’ll only come back if you straighten up. I can’t risk anything anymore.”

She got up and walked out of his life. She walked out and never looked back. She walked out, he lost his battle, and she moved on with her life.