Status: On going but slow.

I'm Sick and Tired of Being the Bad Guy I Could Never Be What You Need but Opposites Always Attract

010.Girls Do What They Want

What have I gotten myself into?

That was the first thought that came to my head as soon as I stepped foot on the property. It was only 10 pm and people were already high and dry. Drunk teenagers were outside in the front, some on the ground struggling to get up, some struggling to stay standing, and some emptying their stomachs content which was probably only filled with cheap beer, liquor, and drugs. Instinctively I smoothed out my clothes which consisted of black short shorts, a white fitted tank top, and grey cardigan. Something that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing if I weren't forced to.

Wait, I think I've gotten way ahead of myself here. How about I just back up a bit and tell you about what happened 3 hours prior to this hot mess.

"Max what do I wear?" I asked in an annoying whiney voice. I had stood in front of my closet for a good hour and still didn't know what I should wear. It made me feel like...a real teenaged girl for once. I'd usually just throw on whatever was in arms reach, but not this time. I had to make myself look... suitable for the occasion. Which was going to be hard seeing as I had never been in this situation before so I didn't know what would be "suitable for said occasion".

I heard a huge sigh before a blond headed boy popped his head through my door. "Come on Anna just wear what you'd usually wear to a party." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. It might have been for him, but I'd bet to differ.

"You have been to a party... right?" He asked eyeing my down with an accusing look. I looked down and felt my blood rush to my cheeks.

Keep cool Anna, just lie about it.
"Yeah of course I've been to parties Max. I was just...yeah know....maybe UK parties are different from Canadian parties."

Epic fail. It's bad enough that I've probably already sold myself out, this lie is just pathetic.

"You mean you've never been to a party before?" Max asked in disbelief, "Well than I guess we're just going to need to call in the expert." He gave a sly smile and disappeared into his room. I huffed and sat cross legged in front of my closet. It was just a regular walk in closet.
Not ginourmously big that you could fit 50 people in, but decent sized. Enough to fit a vanity and enough room to walk. I looked at my plain white walls. I could have painted them but seeing as we just moved in here I didn't have the time. This also wasn't my house to stay. Mom was looking for apartments near by and looking for jobs. Of course she was going to stay a lawyer. She didn't go through years of school for nothing. Thinking about school made me question myself. What the fuck was I doing? This little party thing is completely disrupting my plans in life. What the hell is happening to me? I wouldn't even go to a party back home with Melissa and Karson.

A door bell and rapid knocking brought me back to life, and what I had currently gotten myself into. I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, like someone was running for dear life and two faces popped in through my door.

It was Max and Riley standing there grinning like mad men. One look in their eyes and you could tell what they were up to.


"So I hear this is your first time going to a party." Riley stated taking a step into my room. Max retreated back into his room. A faint "Have fun" was heard before Riley shut my bedroom door and walked into my closet.

"You being Maxies cousin I thought you would have been to a ton of parties back home." Her voice was muffled because of the walls and clothes that surrounded her but I could still hear her perfectly.

"Yeah well I guess we're just not that much a like." I replied quietly.

She stuck her head out of my closet and rolled her eyes, "Obviously. Maxies a party animal, just like Josh." She retreated back into my closet. I didn't even want to know how much mess she was probably making.

"Who's Josh?" I asked out of no where. I've been here for a week and all I hear about is this Josh person but every time I'd ask Max he'd always say that he was no one important which got me even more curious.

As soon as the words left my mouth her head popped out of the closet again. This time shock and confusion etched in her face. "You've never met Josh before?" She asked in complete disbelief. She finally came out of my closet holding what she liked and laid them on my bed.

"That's... weird. They're like best friends." Now I was just as confused as she was. If they were best friends, why was Max acting like he was a plague?

"Well, no time to be thinking about it now. We still have to get you made up. Now go take a shower and I'll be waiting here for you." She smiled and pushed me towards the bathroom.

"Wait. Shouldn't you be getting ready too?"

"Don't worry about me, I'll get dressed after we take care of you." She gave me one last smile and fully pushed me into the bathroom.

I sighed and turned the shower to hottest it could go without giving me 3rd degree burns. I stripped myself of my school attire and stepped into the bathtub letting the hot water run down my skin and hair. Hot showers always mad me think clearer, but not this time. I had to hurry so Riley could "take care of me", yes I know that sounds sexual, and then she could get ready.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room only to see things I didn't want to.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry...I uh.. just needed the clothes for...ya know the party...thing...tonight." I managed to get out while I quickly turned around and headed back towards the bathroom.
A minute later i heard a knock on the door and Riley standing there flushed and holding out the clothes I was to wear tonight. I took it with a smile and closed the door so I could change.
I was sitting in front of the vanity letting Riley take care of my hair and makeup. Personally I think this was a bit too much, I mean it's just a party. Why do I have to dress up and paint my face? I don't fucking care what I look like going to this damn party, everybody would be too high and drunk to even take notice of what I wear tonight.


I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"So uhm..about what you saw back there..." Riley said quietly.

"It's cool. I mean I'm sorry I shouldn't have walked in like that. i should have knocked and uh waited for a response and not have walked it and not have intruded and interupted and-"

"Okay. Stop. Rambling." She shut me up quickly, Thank God cause I could have gone on for hours. Our conversation died after that and Riley had moved on to my makeup. She was just about done when I could hold it in any longer.

I just had to know.

"So uh.. you and Max huh?" I asked smirking.

"Shut up." Her whole face turned red and she bit her lips to stop the smile from forming on her lips. Unfortunately she failed and a girly giggle escaped her lips. You know that typical girly giggle that every girl does when she thinks about her crush.

"Okay we're done. You like?" She asked with a proud smile.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was amazed at how well Riley had done my hair and makeup. Now I'm not going to go one about how I didn't look at myself and wondered who the girl in the mirror could be because it wasn't me. I knew it was me. The power of makeup and hair is great. It could make the ugliest thing on earth look like a goddess.

"Thank you Riley." I gave her a genuine smile, something that I've been lacking these past few days and walked sat on the bed watching her get herself ready, though I wasn't really paying attention. More like freaking out about what was going to happen when we actually got to the party.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I'm super sorry I haven't been on in months. I just stopped writing, I don't even know why I did. But I miss it so I'm back. So don't eat me please =] Ohai we're in double digits XD
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