Status: On going but slow.

I'm Sick and Tired of Being the Bad Guy I Could Never Be What You Need but Opposites Always Attract

012. Let The Flames Begin

Pounding. That's all I felt. It was as if tiny little people where using jackhammers on my head, and quite frankly, it was not a fun feeling.

At all.

I slowly pried my right eye open only to shut it back quickly. The bright light streaming outside my open window did not help my head ache one bit. A groan escaped my lips and I forced myself in an upright position and opened both eyes, even though it hurt like a bitch to do I had to make sure I wasn't in some rapists quarters getting ready for "a ride of a lifetime." And to my liking, I wasn't...unless Max is rapist, which is highly unlikely, than I think I'm good for now.

I detangled myself from Max's batman sheets, which I'm not even going to ask why he still has, and got out of bed making my way towards to bathroom, but not before tripping over a lump in the middle of the room and landing face first onto the hardwood floors.

"What a lovely comfy floor we have here." I mumbled.

"Ouuuchhh." A voice groaned from behind me. I turned to see a boy with a mess of blonde hair lying on the floor, a pillow supporting his head and a sheet wrapped around him like a butterfly in a cocoon.


"What the hell are you doing on the floor?" I seethed angrily at him. My head was about to explode by opening one eye. From that time I have both eyes opened, got my ass out of bed, and was actually walking somewhere. Now I've just face planted on the fucking wooden floor. I'm sorry but I am in no position to be in any good mood at all.

"Sleeping. Why? Does it look like something else I should be aware of or..." He grumbled back annoyed and angry and the fact I just tripped over him but too sleepy to do anything about it. But the fucker wasn't too tired to add that hint of sarcasm.

"Don't be a smart ass." And with that I heaved my abnormally heavy feeling body and trudge to the bathroom. I took one good look at myself and to put it nicely, I looked like shit. My makeup had smudged everywhere possible on my face. I didn't even want to know how the hell some of it ended up on my forehead. My hair looked like a birds nest, and I felt like Medusa; I just needed snakes for hair but I must say my hair right now was making an impressive replica of it.

I turned the shower on and made it as hot as it could possibly go without causing first degree burns and stepped inside letting it run down my body sterilizing me from whatever I had done the night before. I shampooed and conditioned my hair and scrubbed my skin clean and after about an hour or so I felt that it was time to get out...

No, not really I was just sick of hearing Max yell at me to hurry up because he had to take a piss and "if i didn't he'd do it in my room."

I wrapped a towel around my hair and one around my body and casually walked out of the bathroom as if I had not been threatened to have my room pee covered by a little blond boy midget.

"For fucks sake it's about time." I heard him mumble and rush into the bathroom slamming the door in the process. I felt a slight sense of victory and pride, I mean he did trip me with his body earlier. He's a human hazard for Christ's sake!

I threw on a pair of denim skinny's and a white tank top. Hey it's a Saturday and I have no one to impress in this house.

As I was making my way downstairs I threw my hair up into a high pony tail and went into instant search for Advil to kill this headache and food to calm my stomach.

All the while in my quest, I failed to see someone sitting on the island munching, loudly I may add, on cereal. I slowly closed the fridge door, which was the one obstacle blocking my view from mystery person. I knew my mom wasn't home, she was out scoping jobs, aunt was out doing groceries and my uncle was at work.

When I had successfully closed the fridge door and saw said mystery person an instant glare graced my features.

"The fuck are you doing here?"

"Eating cereal. Why? Does it look like something else or...?" 'Mystery person' replied ever so bitterly.

So that's where Max gets it from. Ugh I should have figured.

I ignored his sarcasm and pressed on, "don't you have a home to hide yourself in? Why are you here torturing everyone with the site of your very existence."

"Well aren't you charming when you have a hangover." He replied back and gave me a cruel fake happy smile.

I snatched the box of Lucky Charms out of his hands, " Ew why don't you get a bowl instead of sticking your nasty hands in the box contaminating everything!"

"Too much work." He replied with a mouth full of cereal and snatched it back out of my hands.

"Ugh how the hell did you get in here anyways?" I questioned. He needs to leave, like ASAP.
"Mmm this really fine bird with black hair and piercing green eyes let me in." He managed to get out with cereal still in his mouth.


A piercing shriek came out of my mouth while I grabbed the box away from him and started to hit him with it, sending bits of cereal everywhere. And him being too shocked and still trying to comprehend what was going on, was defenceless against the box of cereal...which didn't do much damage if any at all!

"Adrianna what are you doing!" I was being pulled away from a confused Josh by none other than Max.

"Calm down. Dri, just stay calm. Breathe with me. Breathe in, and out, in, and out." Max had his hands on both my shoulders trying to calm me down. It was a stupid outburst and I wasn't really mad at all, just frustrated, but I probably looked like I was about to bury Josh 12 feet under.

"I'm fine." I replied bitterly and ripped my body out of Max's grasp. I made my way towards the ridge and grabbed a bottle of water and went to the cabinet to find myself some pain killers because I think by headache has increase significantly over the course of the 10 minutes conversation I had with Josh. Clearly that's too much for me to handle, especially in the state I'm in.

"Crazy bitch look what you did! There's cereal everywhere and I'm not helping you clean up." Just hearing Josh's voice made me want to run him over with a tractor truck.
I placed my elbows on the island, my head in my hands trying to ignore everything and anything that had to do with Josh.

"What're doing here so early bro?" Max questioned.

"Uh, don't we have band practice today?"

"Oh...yeah," queue nervous laugh from Max, "you actually came today. On time too! Well...earlier than on time...what the hell did you do? What do you want?" Max went into full interrogation mode.

"What? I don't want anything! I just thought...I'd surprise you for once." Lame lie. He's hiding something, I can tell.

"Alright then," there was loud knocking and obnoxious amount of door bell ringing, "that must be the rest of guys. I'll go get them and you guys go in the garage and set up alright?"

I didn't even get a chance to decline before Max was out of the kitchen making his way to the door. So I had no choice but to follow quietly behind Josh. I figured that I'd do myself and favour and not kill myself with internal bleeding in the brain region by starting an argument with Josh. Unfortunately for me, his very being makes me want to jump off a cliff so what hope do I have really?
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