Status: On going but slow.

I'm Sick and Tired of Being the Bad Guy I Could Never Be What You Need but Opposites Always Attract

003.Hell Just Froze Over

The flight to England was long, boring, and quiet but hey I never complained. Something that I don’t do. I take things as it is.

When we finally landed reality hit.

I was in effing England! I’m going to be starting a new life. A clean slate. New country, new house, new school….new friends? Nah. I had no time for that. I just needed to keep up my A+ average, get into Harvard and move out of here and go back home.

After collecting our luggage we started towards the pick up. My mom leading the way, a slight bounce to her steps. Of course she knew her way around here; after all, this is her home and I was a mere foreigner.

A few minutes of walking and looking she finally spotted a woman, maybe in her early forties with sandy blond hair and green eyes, and instantly pegged her as her sister. Now what came out of my mom’s mouth scared the living shit out of me, I thought the world was coming to an end or hell had just froze over.

“OH MY GOD! BETH!” My mother squealed.

Yes she fucking squealed. Something that I didn’t know was even possible.

So much for hiding feelings…

My eyes went wide in fear. I could hear that from a mile away literally. I was almost a mile away…no one said I packed light...

When I actually reached my Aunt Beth and mom I was sweating bullets but was none-the-less pulled into a giant hug.

“Oh Adrianna its’ been so long. Look at you! You’ve grown so much.” She gushed smiling widely showing her perfect white teeth. I managed to get out a weak half smile.

“Oh come you guys must be exhausted from the trip. We have a few hours drive back home.”



The drive was long, boring, and foreign. I didn’t like it. How am I suppose to find my way around here when I know absolutely nothing about this place. I’ve visited a few times but back then I wasn’t too keen on learning street names or my way around; seeing as I never saw this coming. Maybe if I had I would have paid more attention; now I risk the chance of being raped one day…

Nice. Going.

“Max will be so excited that you’re here! I didn’t tell him yet I wanted it to be a surprise I hope that’s okay?”

“Hmm of course.” I said with a smile.

“Perfect cause we’re here!”

I turned my head to the side to see an average sized house. White walls, green grass, mahogany doors, and red frames windows. It was pretty big. But as soon as I stepped out I could hear music blasting from the garage.

“The boys must be over.” Aunt Beth sighed, grabbed a few bags and started heading to the front door.

“The boys?” I questioned under my breath.

“Come come it’s getting chilly out you don’t want to freeze to death.”

“I lived in Canada for my whole entire life, you have nothing on me.” I stated while walking through the front door. I heard Aunt Beth giggle from behind me.

I put my bags down in the hallway and walked into the kitchen. It’s been years since I’ve last been here but I still know my way around the house quite a bit.

“You can go put your bags in the guest bedroom next to Maxs’ room.”

*Sigh* Thus starts my struggle up these long ass stairs….

Of course after 5 steps I’m panting and hunched over trying to catch my breath.


“Uhm…do you need any help?” I heard a deep British*no shit it’s British where the eff do you think you are right now Iceland?* accented voice. I whirled around to come face to face with a very handsome tanned young man around my age. He had bluish green eyes that seemed to burn holes through me, brown hair that wasn’t long but not short, and a nice build. Not bulking but not skinny.

“Uh….” SAY SOMETHING YOU IDIOT! “erm…” Oh jeez. Smooth.

“Here let me help you with those.” He said with a kind smile, taking basically all the heavy ass suitcases and leaving me with the very few light ones I had.

“So, which room are you staying in?”

“Uh this one.” I said shyly while point to the room next to Maxs’.

What? You’d be shy to if ten seconds ago you were struggling up a staircase with a hot guy behind you observing you’re struggles….wait how much did he see…oh great.

“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. Hi I’m Dan.” Dan stuck his hand out for a friendly handshake.

I smiled and clasped his hand around mine, which was significantly smaller than his.

“I’m Adri-“ Too bad I didn’t get to finish. Cause just then I was cut off by someone finishing for me.

“ADRIANNA!” I whipped my head to the door way to see a short blond headed boy who was all too well known.

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I know it's been awhile but I never found the time. OH MY GOD A.P FUCKING TOUR IS COMING TO TORONTO (like always)! Mayday Parade, The Academy Is...,Set Your Goals, The Secret Handshake, and.....YOU ME AT FUCKING SIX! I'm totally going!

Anyways I have 7 subs! That's more than I thought I could ever get so thank you guys! And comments are always awesome motivators.