Status: On going but slow.

I'm Sick and Tired of Being the Bad Guy I Could Never Be What You Need but Opposites Always Attract

004.Famous Last Words

Within seconds i was being crushed in a bear hug.

Max was the same guy that I remember. He was still short; we were almost the same height, something that I always thought that he would grow out of. Guess I was wrong. He still had his dirty blond hair cut the same way as always. Looking at him made me feel better. He was the one thing in my life that hadn't changed.

"Anna! Look at you! What happened to my baby cousin?" He said with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Well she sure isn't a baby anymore." I heard someone mumble underneath their breath. There was only one other person in the room and that was Dan. I turned my head to look at him only to see his face flush with embarrassment.

"Go home Dan." Max glared. He was always overprotective of me.

"What! But what about band practice? Where the hell is Josh?"

"He's not coming, he bailed...again."

Of course my curiosity got the best of me.

"Who's Josh?"

"No one important. Don't worry about him." Max answered.

"Alright then, I guess we'll be going."

"Yeah see ya." Max said with barely a glance at Dan.

"Bye Dan! Thanks for helping!" I said with a smile. What? Someone had to be nice and Max sure wasn't the one.

"No problem, see you..around." He smiled showing his perfect whites that could make any girl melt on the spot.

"I'm so happy you're here Anna, I haven't seen you in years. So I guess this means we'll be going to school together?"

"Uhm, I guess!" I said with fake enthusiasm. Don't get me wrong, getting to go to school with Max is great! But the whole idea of starting a new school...not so much.

"Well then, I'll leave you to unpack. If you need anything you know where to find me." He smiled and left.

The sad thing was that I honestly didn't know where to find this boy if I ever needed him. He could be anywhere and everywhere! He was always a friendly person, which naturally made him quite popular with everyone. So he never stood still, never in the same spot all the time.

I sighed and started to unpack all the useless shit I brought with me.


I collapsed on top of my bed and turned my head to the right and glanced at the clock resting upon my bedside table.

8:00 PM

I had spent nearly four hours unpacking and I'm not even half way through!

I sighed and picked up my cell phone and dialed the two people that would actually miss me.


"Hey what's up?"

"OH MY GOD! ADRIANNA! Karson Karson Adrianna's on the phone!" Melissa squealed in my ear, which hurt... a lot.

"Adrianna? Oh thank God you finally called. Melissa's been worried about you. I kept telling her that you'd be fine but she wouldn't shut up. So how's England? Meet any cute guys yet?" I giggled at Karson and rolled my eyes at him only to remember that he couldn't see me.

"Yeah I have actually."

"Really who! What does he look like? What's his name? SPILL!" Melissa stole the phone from Karson and, once again, screamed in my ear.

"Uhm, his names Dan." A small smile unexpectedly creeping onto my face along with a blush. Something that has never happened before when talking about guys.

"Okay, dish!"

"I'm sure she would but she must be tired Mel. Besides I'd much rather you two talk about this when I'm not around."

"Then why'd you bring it up?"


"You guys I'm really tired, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow okay?" I jumped in quickly before they could start to bicker some more.

"Okay, well have fun! And tell your mom I said hi."

I hung up and laid back on my bed. I was staring up at my ceiling and before I knew it my eyes started to slowly close.

Day one down.
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Sorry I haven't updated in like 100,000,000 years. Guys guys guys guess what! IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS! I'm so stoked for summer..I know it's only winter and I'm thinking about summer but come on WARPED TOUR! I seriously cannot wait for Warped. You Me At Six is going to be there<3 So anyways I have 12 subs! I'm so happy, thanks everyone. Oh and comments are still always welcome=)