Status: On going but slow.

I'm Sick and Tired of Being the Bad Guy I Could Never Be What You Need but Opposites Always Attract


The last few days have basically been routine for me.

Wake up super late; do to the time difference between the UK and Canada, eat, unpack, get harassed by Max and my mother, eat, more unpacking, eat again, call Melissa and Karson, and sleep.

Pretty boring huh? But sadly this routine came to an end on Sunday. Yup, that's right the day before Monday. Which means the day before I start my new hell.

"Come on Anna it won't be that bad, stop stressing over it!" Max tried to comfort me as I stared at this hideous thing before my eyes.

"Bad? BAD? Max look at that! It''s so gross! I cannot and will not wear this piece of shit you call uniform!"

"You are so picky and impossible!"

"No. I. Am. Not! I just like voicing my opinions, and in my opinion-"

"You hate it I get it Anna, but no one cares. You have to! It's school rules."

Okay so you may be wondering why I'm having a spazz attack about the school uniforms and not about actually going to school. Well honestly, I don't know myself. But those uniforms just sent me off edge. The black plaid skirts where the shortest things ever! Only a barbie girl slut would wear something like it and I wouldn't doubt that some girls roll them up higher. Our white shirts were skin tight which completed the whole Britney Spears school girl look. Along with a red tie and optional black blazer or cardigan. Now wouldn't you be freaking out too? Oh I'm sorry, that is unless you're one of those barbie girl sluts.

If so, I'll tell grandma to pray for you.

"Adrianna, stop fussing it'll be fine," Max spoke softly and walked across the room to sit beside me on the edge of my bed; pulling me into a sideways hug. "Trust me I know you're nervous but you're completely forgetting the fact that we're both in the same grade, and chances are we'll have some of the same classes together." He ended with a smile.

"Whatever." I grumbled and pouted. I was still upset about this whole change in environment.

Max giggled, ruffled my hair and walked out my bedroom door whilst closing my door quietly behind him. I let out one huge sigh and realized that sulking wasn't going to do anything to help me with this situation so I got ready for bed; dreading what was going to be tossed at me tomorrow.


According to, sleep is defined as- rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness; cease being awake.

In other words, something that I didn't get enough of because as soon as I closed my eyes, it felt like I had to get up a second later.

Of course, me not being a morning person, it was a pain in Max's ass to get me up. That guy had tried everything in the books, and yet I didn't move an inch. He must have spent a good half hour trying to wake me up before I started to get annoyed with him and gave in. Thus leaving me with only another half hour to get ready which was honestly fine with me, I never took long to get ready.

I dragged my feet towards my closet and took out the horrid uniform that was forced upon me and headed towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. Within minutes I was out with mypieces of clothing uniform on, black eyeliner and mascara, and my pin straight hair up in messy ponytail.

I skipped downstairs towards the kitchen and sat on one of the seats at the island, in which a piece of toast and orange juice was placed in front of me. I smiled and thanked my aunt. I felt someones eyes on me so I turned my head to the side to see Max glaring at me from across the island.

"What?" I asked in fake innocents which earned me another glare from him. I smiled cheekily and took a bite of my toast.

"I am never waking you up ever again."

"I love you too Maxy" I said with a smile.

"Well you sure are happy for your first day of school." Aunt Beth stated with a smile, which in turn made my smile drop in an instant.

There goes my happy mood

"We better get going if we want to make it to school on time" Max said whilst grabbing his keys to his new Saleen S7 and his back pack while I followed...minus grabbing the keys to a very expensive car part...


This school was huge. It looked like a freaking castle, that's how big this stupid school looked like. It just screamed rich and the students weren't helping the situation either with their expensive cars, bags, and accessories.

I sighed and got out of the car, grabbed my bags and started walking away.

"Hey! Wait! Where do you think you're going?" Max asked as he jogged to catch up with me.

"I don't know." I said while still walking.

"...Then where are you walking to?" He stopped dead in his tracks and asked.

"Hmm, I'll find my way to the main office eventually." I replied with a shrug, never slowing my pace or stopping for him.

"I'll show you!" He yelled in the same exact spot he stopped.

"It's alright." I turned my head to look back and a dumb founded Max. I shook my head and turned my head back around only to come face to face with a wall.

Great, just what I needed on my first day-public humiliation.

"Oh I'm sorry mi-Adrianna?" I looked up to meet to familiar green/blue eyes.


"I'm so sorry I should have been paying attention and look-"

"It's alright." He said with a slight chuckle as he extended his hand to help me up. I graciously took it and dusted myself off.

"So how are you? Do you have your schedule yet?"

"Uhm I'm okay, I guess," I giggled and blushed. "I was just heading over to the main office now." Oh God what has the world come too?

"Do you even know where you're going?" He asked kindly with a cute little smile plastered on his face.

"Honestly?...No idea." I could feel the heat rising to my checks so I looked down praying he would noticed. He only laughed, took my hand and walk me to the office.
♠ ♠ ♠
So You Me At Six's new CD came out today so I thought I'd update even though I have a pile of homework and studying to do:( Exams are in two weeks and I can't procrastinate at all. I know Josh isn't in the story yet but soon guys i promise=P Holy crap I have 16 subs...that's so much more than I thought I'd ever get=] Comments are again, always great motivators.