Status: On going but slow.

I'm Sick and Tired of Being the Bad Guy I Could Never Be What You Need but Opposites Always Attract

006.I Need To Find My Way Back

Semester 1- Period 1-Photography
Period 2- English
Period 3- Math
Period 4- History

Semester 2- Period 1- Civics & Careers
Period 2- Science
Period 3- Music
Period 4- French

Everyone, meet my schedule for the next year. It sucked but apparently I had English with Max, photography with both Max AND Dan and math and history with me, myself, and I. But, if I were to be optimistic about this, next semester I would have most of my classes with them.

At least by second semester I'll have be befriended people...WAIT! What? where the hell did that come from? NO! Nope, Nada NO! Remember Adrianna, the plan! In, out, and I'm done.

I cracked a smile at my last thought. It sounded way to dirty in my mind, imagine if I had said that out loud. I have the tendency to say what I'm thinking sometimes.

The warning bell rang and Dan led me to our homeroom class. When we walked in, Dan took his place in the back row leaving me to confront the teacher. All. By. My. Self.

She looked least. She had platinum blond hair with black rimmed glasses that hid her sparkling blue eyes, and adorn in a gray dress suit. She was gorgeous without even trying to be. I'm smart enough to know that she was one of those teachers every hormonal guy in the school hit on. Kinda like Chris and Angie from Skins...What? Just because I'm not from the UK doesn't mean that I can't watch their drama's!

"You must be Adrianna." She smiled showing me her perfect teeth. The final bell rang and the last few people came into the room, including Max.

"You can take a seat right next to Mr.Flint." She pointed. I was completely ecstatic when those words flowed from her mouth because not only do I get to sit in front of a very hot guy, but Max was seated right next to me.

Wait wait wait. No. This.Is.Bad. Very very bad! I shouldn't care about this! It doesn't matter REMEMBER! It doesn't matter that I'm seated next to one of the hottest guys I have ever met in my entire life. A sex god who- NO STOP! I'm not suppose to get close to anyone! IN OUT AND IT'S OVER REMEMBER! NO.RELATIONSHIPS!

Oh God, something is telling me that everything is going to go wrong this year...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay okay before you like chop my head off I'm posting two new chapter today because I know I promised that Josh would be in this chapter but I thought that this was a good way to end it BUT YOU STILL GET TO READ YOUR PRECIOUS JOSH TODAY! So don't eat me please and thanks=] I haven't been on in like 100000 years and I am quite sorry but life is fulled with drama & school work now a days. Final thought- Skins is amazing. I'm sad that they're making an American version because I know that the Americans will fuck it up =\ Nothing can beat the original ESPECIALLY THE CAST! The American's cast is so ugly THE UK HAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CAST ALIVE=] Just saying. OH EM GEE GUYS 24 SUBS! I am expecting more comments. They motivate me to update more=]