Status: On going but slow.

I'm Sick and Tired of Being the Bad Guy I Could Never Be What You Need but Opposites Always Attract

007.You've Made Your Bed(So Sleep In It)

Photography was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It was always one of my most favourite hobbies and I loved doing it. English was okay, it was my favourite subject in school so I was naturally bad ass at it. And now it's lunch time which means that half the day is almost over! Only two more classes to go and I'm free from this hell hole. The teachers weren't hell, though I did struggle with understanding what they were saying. Why the fuck do English people speak so damn fast? It's unnatural. The problem I had were the students. Now I know what you must be thinking.

“Aww did little Adrianna get bullied and picked on.”

And if you were actually thinking that, then I am sorry to crush hopes and dreams. No I wasn’t. It was the exactly opposite actually. They were the nicest people alive! During each of my classes almost everyone tried to talk to me which ended most, if not all, in one sided conversations until they gave up. I gave one word answers and tried to stay away from all human contact all together.

Well…until lunch that is. Max dragged me to the cafeteria and sat me down with a group of foreign people, well except Dan.

“Hey guys, I’d like you to meet my cousin Adrianna.” He pushed me in front of him. I looked back and caught a glimpse of his bright smile which made me glare more at him for doing this to me. I got a various chorus of “hi’s” and “hello’s”

“I think you’re in my homeroom.” A girl with brown shoulder length hair stated. She was relatively short for a high school student. She had short brown hair barely passing her shoulders and hazel eyes that stood out on her pale skin. She was one of the many people who tried to talk to me during homeroom. Max thought that I was being rude by ignoring everyone earlier so in order to redeem myself (and not avoid a lecture when we got home) I went against all the things I promised myself not to do and interacted with them.

The bell rang pulling me out of my deep conversation with Riley, the short girl with brown her, you remember her? Yeah well she turned out to be an alright girl, kind of reminded me of Melissa and Karson put together which was a good memory.

I tried to getfind my way to class but only got even more lost then I was before! Maybe I should have gotten someone to show me around during lunch instead of talking about how played out vampires are now a days because of Twilight. Ew.

I swear I have been walking in circles around the school and these massive crowds of students weren’t helping. As is started to clear up I was finally able to walk a little faster and have my personal space back.


I was almost there! My class was 309, I was so close until I was hit in the head by and unknown force causing me to fly to the ground and land on my back. A groan escaping my mouth. I slowly sat up clutching my head where the mystical force hit me. I was staring at someone’s beaten up old con’s a slowly trailed my eyes up to the waiting face. I was met with an amazing blue eyed boy that any girl would give anything just to fuck. I looked to see his hand placed on his locker door.

So THAT’S the magical force…is it me or is ‘magical force’ starting to sound very sexual to you?

“Watch where you’re going next time will ya.” He stated in a monotone voice and turned back to his locker.

I was completely flabbergasted, the nerve of him! It was so rude! He didn’t even help me up. I was so angry and it didn’t help that my head was spinning so I got up, by myself I might add, and went to class. By this time the halls were completely empty and I was for sure late.

Josh’s POV

She got up and just walked away. It wasn’t my fault that she walked into my locker. I was having a bad day as it was, I didn’t need some chick, who I’ve never seen before might I add, making it worse. She must be new; I know the entire female population, if you know where I’m getting at. Me and girls are very close. Even closer in the bedroom.

I was ditching third and fourth period to go chill with Ryan, one of my closest friends.

I met him outside near his car and we started to make our way to the park, along the way sharing a blow.

“So what was up with you today?” He asked.

“Nothing. Parents were fighting again, I almost got suspended again, teachers breathing down my back. You know sometimes I just- HEY! Me Carmen did it again yesterday. She’s too easy.”

“Did you see the new girl?” He asked, which got me interested because the new ones are always the easiest.

“Nah, I must’ve missed her. Who is she?”

“What? You’d think he would’ve- Max didn’t introduce her to you? She’s Max’s cousin. Moved here from Canada I heard. Fine. As. Fuck. If I were alone with her-“

“Okay stop.” He may have been one of my best friends but I did not need to know THAT!

“Sorry to burst your bubble Ryan but as soon as she sees me you won’t be in the picture,wait no cut that you won't even MAKE it to the picture.” I smirked.

“Alright Mr.Cocky, if you’re so sure then I’ll make a bet with you.” He proposed with a sly smile on his face.

“Mhm yeah sure hit me.” I was always up for a challenge…and a bet.

“I’ll give you 1 grand if you make her fall in love with you.” Did I mention that this kid was a filthy rich spoiled brat? Yeah well he was and all of his bet involved big money like this.

“Alright I’m game. What if I don’t?”

“I thought you could make anyone fall in love with you hmm?” He asked with a smirk

“You have until the end of the summer.” He stated. By this time we had reached the park. He took one last drag and threw it to the floor and walked to the swings.

You see, if I weren’t so high I would have thought this bet over. My relationships consisted of one night stands only. No love, nothing. And I made sure that each girl I banged knew what they were getting into. Unfortunately for her, love is what’s going to make me a grand richer.

If only I weren’t so high
♠ ♠ ♠
There ya go=] 24 subs is like amazing, so I expect comments please and thanks =]