Status: On going but slow.

I'm Sick and Tired of Being the Bad Guy I Could Never Be What You Need but Opposites Always Attract

009. Are These The Best Years Of My Life?

I had survived my first week in hell, but now I had another hell to worry about.

Well, more like a hell raiser.

"So what's your plan for this weekend?"

"Studying... or maybe dying in a corner. Which ever sounds more pleasing in the moment." I replied with no interest. The only thing that mattered right now was the magazine in my hand and the faster the hell raiser himself left the more peace and alone time I had.

"Well that sounds like a rather boring weekend. I think you should get out a bit. Hey! Here's an idea,"Hell raiser Max said, enthusiasm clearly laced in his voice and he moved his skinny lanky body from my bedroom doorway; only to collapse next to me on my bed.

"How about you come with me to a party tonight." He stated rather than asked. I teared my eyes off of my magazine and turn my head to look at Max; hope clearly evident in his eyes.

"No." I stated clearly and sternly before going back to my magazine.

"Oh come on Anna, live a little you're 15 not 50. Don't be a boring nerd burger." He said with a taunting smile. I gave him a glare and ignored his comment turning back to my magazine.
Can't this boy get the hint that I don't want him here?

"Please Anna!" He said dragging out the "e" and giving me his signature puppy dog eyes. Something I have never learned to turn down. Come on you wouldn't be able to turn down a short, adorable, blond boy either. None-the-less when he's giving you puppy dog eyes and jutting out his bottom lip a tad.

I took a deep breath in a returned to my forgotten magazine after his little scene. I could feel him burning holes at the side of my head and I was about to give in when he abruptly got off the bed and walked towards my door.

"Fine, you can stay home I guess. I just wanted to help. You can't live here in England for the rest of your life being an antisocial bum." He said sadly. It reminded me of a little kid getting in trouble for fucking something up when they were only trying to help.

He walked out closing the door softly behind him and a few seconds later I heard his own door close too. This guilt was eating away at me.

Guilt for what you might ask.

Truth is I didn't even know myself, I just... did. One thing about Max is that he always knew how to make me feel bad when I didn't agree to do something for him.

He was playing this card well.

After 5 minutes I could take it anymore! I mean... he was only trying to help... right? He just wanted me to fit in, I mean if I were him I wouldn't want my little cousin going friendless. But the one thing that got me was when he said I couldn't live in England for the rest of my life being antisocial.

If he only knew that I wasn't planning on staying here very long... maybe he would understand.

I let out a long sigh and stood up from my laying position on my bed.

I was going against all of my morals and rules right now.
I promised myself that nothing was going to let me stray away from my main goal.
Fuck me sideways, maybe Max was right. I do need to loosen up and live a little.

I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of all the little voices in my head telling me that this party was going to be the downfall of me. But at this point the guilt was eating away at me at a greater speed and I could already imagine Max's face light up like a fucking Christmas Tree when I'd tell him that I'd go with him.

If only I weren't so stupid back then and listened to those voices, I wouldn't have screwed myself over today.
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39 subscribers. I am a happy bunny. Thank you to everyone who commented and wished me luck on my exams. Just to let you guys know I passed all my class and am still on the honor roll which is good. I know I was MIA in July my birthday was on the 5th and I took a history course that would be mandatory when school starts, and thought I might as well do it now than when school starts. Most of my friends were taking it and it'd give me something to do for a month. I swear we learned more about Europe, especially Britain, more than Canada. But I guess that makes sense since Britain owned us until the late 1900's. Me and my one of my best guy friend found it ironic how he has Jewish people in his family and I have British and German people in mine and his cousin is dating my cousin. If they ever got married it'd be like World War 3. I'm kidding=] Humanity has changed since then, thank God. The world was a fucked up place back then=\ Anyways comments are always magical and I respect anyone who has read all of this=]
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