Written in the Stars

Chapter 11

After a minute Peter climbed down. Then he helped you and his sisters down. Peter and Beaver built a fire, while Mrs. Beaver healed the fox. They were helping Tumnus, The fox explained about the animals.
"The witch got here before I did. Ow. Hey. Ouch." The fox screeched.
"Oh stop your fussing," Mrs. Beaver said, "your worse than Beaver on bath day."
"Worst day of the year." Beaver said, getting a smile out of you, Susan and Lucy.
You were sitting next to Peter, of course, with his arm around you.
"Thank you but Im afraid thats all the healing I have time for." The fox said getting up.
"Youre leaving?" you ask.
"Its been an privilege Enchantress and an honor," The fox said, "But time is short, and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops."
"Youve seen Aslan?" Beaver asked.
"Whats he like?" Mrs. Beaver added.
"Like everything we’ve ever heard. You’ll be proud to have him beside you at your battle against the witch." The fox said.
"But, were not planning on fitting any witch." Susan said.
"But surely King Peter. The prophecy." The fox said.
"We cant go to war without ya." Beaver said.
You looked at Peter who was looking at the fire. You put a hand on his shoulder and he looked at you.
Then he turned to the fox and said, "We just want our brother back."
That night you and Peter snuggled up to each other, while everyone else was asleep you talked a bit about the prophecy and what it would bring to your life together.

The next morning you woke up to a pair of lips on yours.
"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." Peter said when he realized you were awake.
He sat up against a tree and motioned for you to join him.
"Good morning. Are we the first ones up?" you asked, sitting up next to him.
He put his arm around you and his other hand asked for yours.
You gave it to him and he said, "Yeah. I wanted to make sure the fire didnt burn out. So I woke up every hour or so last night." Peter said.
"So you didnt get enough sleep?" you asked.
"No, Im fine." he said smiling at you.
You two kissed for a while until you heard the Beavers stir a bit. You both looked over at them and Beavers eyes opened.
"Good morning, love birds." He said rubbing his eyes.
"Morning." You and Peter said smiling.
"We have a long way to go so we better wake everyone else you. Beaver said.
You and Peter helped wake up Lucy and Susan. Once everyone was up and had a bit of breakfast you started to travel again.
Peters hand never left yours as you walked.
"See that over there." Beaver said, "Thats close to the stone table where Aslan is waiting for us. All we have to do is cross the frozen river and were set."
"River?" Susan asked.
"Dont worry dear. The rivers been frozen solid for a hundred years." Mrs. Beaver said.
"But its so far." Peter said.
"Its the world dear. Did you expect it to be small?" Mrs. Beaver asked.
"Smaller." Susan said.

Once you made it to the frozen river you crossed.
"Come on humans, while were still young." Mr. Beaver said back at you and your family.
Susan was first, then you and Peter, and finally Lucy was tiredly walking along. Susan looked back at you and Peter. Peter stopped and let Lucy climb on his back for a ride.
"If he tells us to hurry one more time," Peter said, "Im going to turn him into a big fluffy hat. You, Susan and Lucy laughed. "Itll be your Christmas present, Mia" he continued. You laughed and kissed him.
"Hurry up!" Beaver said.
"He is getting a bit bossy." Lucy admitted.
"No! Behind you! Its her!" Mrs. Beaver said.
The four of you turned to see a sled coming straight for you. Peter had Lucy get off his back and took her hand to help her run. His free hand grabbed yours and you all ran.
"Hurry." Peter said, trying to get Lucy to run faster.
"Here!" Beaver said once you and the rest of the family crossed the river, pointing to a cave like hole.
Peter pushed Lucy and you into the cave and then followed. His arm was around you and he held you and Lucy close. You were all quiet as you heard the sled stop and you could hear footsteps. Then you saw a shadow on the snow infront of you and some snow fell. Then the figure left.
"May be she’s gone." Lucy said.
"I better go look." Peter said going to stand up.
You held him down and shook your head.
"No!" Beaver said, "You no use to Narnia dead."
"Well, neither are you Beaver." Mrs. Beaver said.
"Thanks sweetheart." Beaver said taking her paw. Then he let it go and slowly went out.
A few seconds later, Beavers head came over the top of the cave and said,
"Come here, come here. I hope youve all been good. Cause theres someone here to see ya."
Peter got up and helped you up. He took you hand as you followed Beaver out of the cave and up the small hill. There you saw a man wearing a red suit.
"Merry Christmas, sir." Lucy said smiling at Santa Clause.
"It certainly is since youve been here." Santa said smiling.
"I’ve put up with a lot since I’ve been here but this..." Susan said to you and Peter.
Peter interrupted her and said to Santa, "We thought you were the witch."
"Sorry about that," Santa said, "But in my defense I’ve been using one of these long before the witch. Now lets get to these, shall we?" Santa grabbed a bag and put it on the ground.
"Presents!" Lucy said excitedly.
"The juice of the Fire Flower. One drop of this can cure any injury." Santa said handing her a bottle of juice. "Then this, though, I hope you never have to use it." He handed her a dagger.
"Thank you sir. I think I can be brave enough." Lucy said looking between her two objects.
"Im sure you can. But battles are ugly affairs." Santa said. Then he pulled out a bow and some arrows. "Susan, put you trust in this bow and it will never miss."
"What happened to battle are ugly affairs?" Susan asked taking the items from him.
He laughed and said, "though you dont have a problem making yourself heard , blow on this and I guarantee help will come."
"Thank you sir." Susan said taking the horn from him.
Then he pulled out a long, golden, jeweled stick. "Mia." He said handing it to you.
"Thank you, but a stick, sir?" you asked taking you present and looking at him confused.
"Its Echo, the wand that was created for the Enchantress of Narnia. Dont worry, Aslan will teach you how to use it, once you reach him." Santa said smiling at you. Then he handed you a knife and told you to make good use of it.
"Thank you sir." You said not sure what to make of your new wand.
Then Santa pulled a sword and a shield out of his bag and handed them to Peter.
"The time to use these is near at hand, Peter." Santa said as Peter pulled the sword out of its sheath.
"Thank you, sir." Peter said examining the sword.
"These are tools not toys. May you make good use of them." Santa said. Then he put his bag back into his sleigh and said, "Well I best be off. Winters almost over and things tend to pile up, when youve been gone for a hundred years. Long live Aslan. And Merry Christmas!" Santa got back into this sleigh and drove off.
Shouts of goodbyes filled the air until you turned to Peter who was looking at you and said, "He said, winter is almost over. You know what that means, dont you? No more ice."