Written in the Stars

Chapter 12

So you ran to the river to find it cracking.
"We have to cross now!" Peter said taking yours and Lucy’s hands.
"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked looking hopeful.
"I'm not that fast dear." Beaver said.
So Peter pulled you and you started to climb down to the river.
"Wait shouldn't we think about this for a moment?" Susan said.
"We don't have a minute!" Peter spat at Susan.
"I was just trying to be realistic." She said, pouting.
"No you're trying to be smart as usual." Peter said.
Then you climbed down to the river.Peter took a step on the ice and the ice cracked. He moved back toward you and gave you a worried look.
"Maybe I should go first." Beaver said.
"Maybe you should." Peter agreed.
Beaver walked across the ice with a bit of it cracking.
"You've been sneaking seconds for dinner, haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver said.
"Well you never which meals going to be your last." Beaver joked, "Especially with your cooking."
Peter grasped you hand and started to walk across. The ice broke a little but you were doing fine until you realized that the wolves had up with you. One was in front of you. Peter pulled you and the family behind him and pulled out his sword while Beaver was caught by one of the wolves.
"Put that down boy, someone could get hurt." Maugrim said to Peter.
"Don't worry about me. Kill him, kill him now." Beaver said.
"Put that down and well take you to your brother." Maugrim said.
"Stop Peter maybe we should listen to him." Susan yelled.
"No!" Beaver said.
"Smart girl. All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go."
"Listen just because a man in a red coat hands you a sword, it doesn't make you a hero." Susan shouted.
"Susan! Quiet!" you said.
"Peter, Narnia needs ya." Beaver said.
"Peter!" Lucy shrieked clinging to his coat.
You and he looked up and to see the water fall breaking. He looked around and then said, "Hold onto me."
He stabbed the ice and you all held onto him and the water falls water began to run. You were holding onto Peter when the water came crashing onto you. When you resurfaced , everyone was there and alright. But to your horror you and Lucy slipped. Peter grabbed Lucy’s coat but you still slipped and was fully in the water. You were able to swim to shore when you heard your family calling for you and Lucy.
"Had Lucy also fallen in?" you asked yourself when you felt a tug on your dress. You looked down to see the completely soaked little girl.
"Are you alright?" you asked Lucy handing her your coat.
She nodded and you walked toward Peter and Susan.
"Mia!" Peter shouted.
"Lucy!" Susan yelled.
"As anyone seen my coat?" Lucy asked coming up to them.
Peter and Susan turned to see you two walking up to them. Lucy handed you your coat back as Peter put her coat on her. Peter looked at you and you smiled as you put your coat back on.
"Don't worry dears, Peter has you both well, looked after." Beaver said.
As Peter came up to you and hugged you.
"And I don't think you’ll need those coats anymore." Mrs. Beaver said.
"You alright?" Peter asked after he gave you a small kiss.
"I'm fine." You say, smiling at him.

He held your hand as you both walked behind the Beavers. The signs of spring were everywhere. You were glad to see the flowers and the grass as the snow melted. Soon you and the rest of the family were getting warm enough that you left your coats on a tree branch. You walked a bit more and finally came to a campsite. Peter had his arm around your waist and led you into the camp.
Up ahead you could see Mrs. Beaver trying to tidy her fur and Beaver said, "Stop your fussing. You look lovely."
You couldn't help but smile at the two. They really did remind you of yourself and Peter. As you walked into camp everyone was staring as you made your way for Aslans tent.
"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked.
"Maybe they think you look funny." Lucy said smiling.
You and Peter laughed a bit at the comment and continued to make you way to Aslans tent. Finally you reached the tent. Peters arm left your waist and he drew his sword.
"We have come to see Aslan." He said to a centaur that looked like he was in charge.
The centaur looked at the tent and your eyes followed his gaze. A second later, a lion came out of the tent. {This is Aslan?} you thought.
"Welcome Peter, son of Adam. Welcome Mia, Susan and Lucy, daughters of Eve. Welcome Beavers and thanks. But where is the last?" Aslan said.
"Thats why were here sir." Peter said.
"We had a little trouble along the way." You said.
"Our brother has been captured by the White Witch." Peter finished.
"Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan asked.
"He..betrayed them, your majesty." Beaver said.
"Then he has betrayed us all." The lead centaur said.
"Peace, Oreius." Aslan said, "I'm sure there's an explanation."
"Its my fault sir." Peter said looking down, "I was too hard on him."
You put a hand on his shoulder and said, "We all were."
"Sir, hes our brother." Lucy said to Aslan.
"I know dear on, but that only makes the betrayal all the worse. This may be harder than you think." Aslan said.