Written in the Stars

Chapter 13

"But enough of that I'm sure your all tired. Oreius, will you show them to their tents?"
Oreius nodded. Once you and Peter had been given your tent. Peter told you he was going out for air. A half hour later you found him at the top of a hill talking to Aslan.
"You doubt the prophecies?" you heard Aslan ask.
"No. Thats just it. Aslan I'm not who you think I am." Peter said.
"Peter Pevensie, from Finchley, and husband of Mia" . Aslan said. Peter looked at him a bit confused and then Aslan said, "Beaver also mentioned you planned on turning him into a hat." You and Peter smile.
"But I cant even protect my own family." Peter said.
"You brought them safely this far." Aslan replied.
"Not all of them." Peter sadly said.
"Peter. I will do all I can for your brother. But I need to consider what I ask. I too want my family safe."
Peter nodded then you heard a horn.
"Susan!" Peter said grabbing his sword and running toward you. He looked a little relieved when he saw you were safe but he didn't stop running. "Are you alright?" he asked quickly taking your hand.
"Yes. I'm fine." You replied and you ran to the river.
You found Susan and Lucy in a tree. Peter drew his sword as he approached the wolves.
"Mia, stay back." Peter said to you pointing his sword at Maugrim.
"We’ve already been through this. We both know you haven't got it in ya." Maugrim said to Peter.
"Peter, look out." Susan said as another wolf started circling Peter.
Just as the wolf was about to attack Peter, Aslan came and stepped onto the wolf, trapping him.
"Peter, be careful." You said as you stood next to Aslan.
Peter nodded to let you know he had heard you. Oreius came and drew his sword.
"No this is Peters battle." Aslan to Oreius and you all watched.
"You may think you're a king, but you're going to die like a dog." Maugrim said jumping on top of Peter.
You and the other girls screamed. You ran over to him and helped the other two pull the wolfs carcass off of Peter. He was alright. You sighed relieved as you let Susan and Lucy hug Peter first. Then Aslan let the other wolf go.
"Follow him. He will lead you to Edmund." Aslan said to Oreius and some other warriors. Oreius and the others ran off. "Peter wipe off your sword." Aslan said before Peter had a chance to get to you. Peter did as he was told. "Kneel." Aslan said and Peter did so. Aslan put his paw on Peters shoulder and said, "Rise Sir Peter Wolfs-Bane, Knight of Narnia." Peter looked over at you and smiled. You smiled and hugged him excitingly. Susan and Lucy left saying they were tired. And Aslan said to you," Mia, I would like a word with you when you get back to camp." You nodded.
Once Aslan left, Peter kissed you aggressively. You laughed and pulled away from him.
"Peter what has gotten into you?" you asked.
He smiled and said, "I'm just so glad you're alright. I was so afraid that I had lost you. I didn't know where you were, and when I heard the horn, I thought I was going to lose you."
"I'm fine." You say.
Peter smiled and kissed you again, holding you close to him."Mia," Peter started, "when the time for the battle comes, I want you to stay here in camp."
You knew Peter was going to say that so you said, "Peter, on our wedding day, I promised to stay with you until my dying day. I'm not going to let you face this without me."
"Thats what I'm afraid of. What if I cant protect you?" Peter said holding you close, putting his forehead on yours.
You pulled away from him a bit and pulled out you wand.
"He said that Aslan was going to teach me how to use this properly. If he does then I'm going to fight and Ill be alright."
Peter shook his head and said, "I don't want you hurt. And we both know that you cant promise that you wont be."
"No I cant promise that. But neither can you. Why should I just let you go off to war hoping you come back alright? Peter, I know what you're thinking and I know you want to protect me, but maybe, I need to help protect Narnia and our family. If that is fate, you cant stop it."
Peter put his forehead on yours again and said, "No. But promise me, you’ll stay by my side."
"I swear to you, that I will stay by your side."
You two kissed and walked toward camp. You knew Peter still didn't want you to fight but you knew it was part of destiny