Written in the Stars

Chapter 14

Once you got to camp Peter let your hand go and kissed you one last time before you went to Aslans tent.
"Sir, you wanted to see me?" you asked as you went into the tent.
Aslan looked at you, smiled and said, "Yes. Mia, you are to train to be the Enchantress of Narnia. Do you know that prophecy?"
"Yes, sir. Beaver told us about it and Father Christmas gave me this." You said taking out, Echo, your golden wand.
Aslan looked at the wand and said, "It contains all the magic that is good in Narnia. People have sought to destroy this wand. The White Witch herself has sent search parties to try to find it. For now, you need to learn how to use it and in time, you will become the magic, itself."
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"When you have had enough training you will no longer need your wand and you will be able to control magic with your mind. Then you will bury your wand along with the wand of the White Witch, and seal them so they can never be used for evil again. But until that time, you don't have to worry about it. For now lets practice using and controlling your magic. The main thing you have to do is want something to happen.." Aslan continued to tell you how to use your magic.
After you were done with Aslan it was nighttime. So you went to your tent to find Peter waiting for you. He smiled as you walked in and said,
"How was it? Did you learn any magic?"
You smiled and said, "I did."
"Show me."
"I'm tired. I'll show you tomorrow."
"Oh come on. I want to see now." Peter said with a bit of a pout on his face.
"Well alright." You said pulling out your wand. You pointed it at the dress you were wearing and whispered, "Nightgown."
Suddenly, you were wearing a beautiful blue nightgown.
Peter nodded in approval but said, "Thats not going to help you in a battle."
You laughed and said, "No, but some of the other things I learned will."
Peter motioned you to go sit by him. So you walked over to the bed and sat by him. He held you to him.
"I love you." You said before kissing him.
"And I love you." He said before returning the kiss.

The next morning you woke up before Peter. He looked so peaceful when he slept and you couldn't help but smile as you watched him sleep. After a few moments you kissed him lightly and got up. You put on a Narnian dress and then grabbed your wand. Aslan had told you to come see him the next morning for more magic training. When you walked out of the tent, however, you saw Aslan talking to ----Edmund. You smiled and then you heard Peter call out your name.
You walked back to the tent and said, "Peter, get dressed and get out here."
"Why? Whats wrong?" Peter said climbing out of the bed hurriedly.
You smiled as he put on his Narnian tunic and said, "Nothings wrong. But there's someone you’ll be glad to see." He looked at you confused, then his eyes widen.
"Edmund?" he asked.
You smiled and nodded. He quickly grabbed your hand and went outside. You and Peter watched as Edmund and Aslan talked until Susan and Lucy came out of their tent. You looked over at Susan as he looked to Edmund and smiled.
Then Lucy noticed Edmund, smiled and said, "Edmund!", as she darted for him.
Peter stopped her and she looked up at him a little confused. He shook his head and you all looked back at Aslan and Edmund, who were now looking at the group of you. Aslan said something to Edmund and then, they started to walk toward the group.
Once they reached you Aslan said, "Whats done is done. There is no need to talk to Edmund about his past." Then Aslan left.
"Hello." Edmund said barely looking at you and his family.
You smiled and hugged him. He was your brother-in-law and you were relieved to know he was alright. Then Lucy and Susan hugged him. You walked back up to Peter.
"How are you?" Susan asked Edmund as she hugged him.
"I'm a little tired." Edmund said smiling at her slightly.
"Get some sleep.: Peter said a bit harshly.
Edmund kept his head down and he walked past you and Peter. You looked at Peter and elbowed him softly. He looked at you with mouthed, What? You looked at Edmund and then back to him. As if knowing what you were telling him he turned to Edmund and said,
"And Edmund, try not to wander off."
Peter smiled at his little brother and Edmund smiled back at him. Then you went to make Breakfast for the family. Peter watched as you taught Susan and Lucy how to cook. By the time you were done cooking and setting the table, Edmund came back out of the tent and sat down at the table next to the tent. You told the girls to go ahead and sit down and eat. You grabbed two cups of tea and walked over to Peter, who was leaning against a rock. You handed one of the cups to him and he smiled and thanked you. His free hand took yours and you both sipped your tea.
At the table Edmund was eating pretty much anything he could get his hands on.
"Narnia’s not going to run out of toast, Ed." Lucy joked.
Edmund smiled and continued eating. Then Peter said,
"I'm sure they’ll pack some up for the journey back."
You looked and Peter and said, "Were going home?"
Peter lead you to the table, while saying, "Well, you are. I promised Mum, Id keep you all safe. But that doesn't mean I cant stay behind and help."
"But they need us, all four of us." Lucy protested.
"Its too dangerous, Lu. You and Mia almost drowned. Ed was almost killed."
"I'm not leaving you." You said to Peter. Peter looked at you and was about to say something but Edmund spoke first.
"Thats why we have to stay. I’ve seen what the white witch can do and I’ve helped her do it. We cant leave these people here to suffer for it." Peter looked at Edmund and he knew he was out voted.
"Well I guess that settles it then." Susan said getting up and walking over to the girls tent.
"Where are you going?" Peter asked.
Susan picked up her bow and arrows, smiled and said, "To get in some practice."
You smiled and Peter looked at you. You looked at Peter, smiled and said, "Speaking of practice, Aslan wanted to see me again today. So I'll be off." Peter nodded and gave you a small kiss.
"I'll see you later?" He asked.
"Of course. Love you." You replied.
"Love you too." Peter said. You kissed Peter one more time and then you left.