Written in the Stars

Chapter 15

Aslan decided he wanted you to practice outside with blowing up some rocks and transforming them into things. Susan and Lucy were practicing with their weapons, while Peter was sword fighting with Edmund while riding on horses. Peter would every now and then glance over at you to see how you were doing with your magic.
"Concentrate, Mia." Aslan told you as you looked at a big rock. "I want you to move it from this side of the field to the other." You nodded and did as you were told. "Very good, Mia. Youre a fast learner. I think youre almost ready." Aslan said. You smiled then you heard Beaver talking to Peter and Edmund.
"The White Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. And she’s on her way here, now." Beaver said.
You saw Peter look at Edmund franticly and then he turned back to you. You gave him a worried look, then you looked at Aslan, who was already walking toward his tent.
"Jadis, Queen of Narnia." A dwarf said as you saw a woman being carried into the camp in a big chair.
Peter grabbed your hand and you leaned into him a bit. Then Aslan came out of his tent.
"You have a traitor among you, Aslan." The witch said.
"His crime was not against you." Aslan said.
"As you know when Narnia was formed."
"Do not recite the deep magic to me witch. I was there when it was formed."
"Then you’ll remember very well, that all traitors belong to me. That boy is my property."
Then Peter let go of your hand and drew his sword.
"Try and take him then." Peter said aiming the sword at the witch.
You put your hand on Peters shoulder and tried to hold him back a bit. "Peter calm down." You whispered to him.
"Do you think mere force will deny me my right? Little king." The witch said and Peter lowered his sword. "Aslan knows that if I dont have blood all of Narnia will be destroyed in fire and water. That boy will die on the stone table. As is tradition." The witch continued.
Peter looked at you worriedly. You returned the look and then looked up as Aslan said,
"Enough. I will speak to you alone."
And the witch followed Aslan into the tent. Peter sat down and patted the spot next to him, so you sat down next to him and he put an arm around you.
"Dont worry Edmund," you say to the very nervous boy, "we wont let her hurt you."
Edmund nodded and Peter agreed with you. After a while of waiting, Jadis came out of the tent followed by Aslan. Peter stood up and helped you up.
"She has renounced her claim on the son of Adam." Aslan said.
You and Peter smiled. Peter hugged Edmund and then turned to you. Peter hugged you and kissed you deeply.
"How do I know that your promise will be kept?" the witch said.
Then Aslan roared and the witch sat down on her chair and was carried out of the camp. After you celebrated with Peter and rest of the family, you decided to go thank Aslan.
"Aslan?" you asked going into Aslans tent.
"Yes, Mia? What can I do for you?" Aslan asked sitting at a table.
"Nothing. I just wanted to thank you for saving Edmund." You said smiling. "How did you do it?" you asked.
"I told her to kill me instead." Aslan said sadly.
You heart dropped. "No Aslan, there has to be another way." You say quickly.
"There isn’t. Listen to me Mia. You and Peter will go into battle tomorrow. I need you to make sure Peter leads the troops. No one else can do it. Do you understand?" Aslan asked you. You looked at Aslan sadly and nodded. "Mia," Aslan continued, "use your magic against the white witch. You can help save Narnia and Peter. Trust me. You are ready."
"Thank you sir." You say and you hugged him.
"I need to ask you one last thing, Mia." Aslan said, "Dont tell anyone what I’ve told you. Otherwise all in Narnia will be lost. I have to do this."
"I understand sir. Thank you and Im so sorry." You said.
"Put on a smile and enjoy your family. And goodbye."
You walked away from Aslans tent, quietly. You thought about Aslans sacrifice and realized he was doing it for you and your family. You got to yours and Peters tent. You smiled as you saw Peter getting ready for bed.
"Hey," he said as you came into the tent.
"Hi." You smiled at him and walked to your side of the bed.
You used your magic to turn your dress into a nightgown and climbed into bed. Peter laid down next to you and you both moved closer to each other. Peter put his arm around you and kissed you.
"How are you?" he asked, when you two finally pulled away.
"A little tired." You admitted.
Peter smiled and kissed you again. You and Peter talked a bit more and kissed until you both fell asleep.

Early the next morning you and Peter felt a breeze in your tent. You felt something on your face and opened your eyes as you felt Peter move quickly and drawing his sword. You saw Peter pointing the sword at a woman who was made of the blossoms of a tree.
"Be still my King and Queen. I bring grave news from your sisters." The woman said and Peter lowered his sword but kept you close to him.
You heart sank as she told you of Aslans death. Tears formed in your eyes and Peter put an arm around you.
"Shh." He said trying to comfort you.
"Im alright." You said. He nodded.
Then the tree lady left. Peter got out of bed and dressed quickly. You did the same and you both walked over to Aslans tent. Peter told Oreius the news and walked into Aslans tent.
"Shes right. Hes gone." Peter said coming out a second later.
"Then you must lead us into battle." You said to Peter.
You were scared for your husband, but knew Aslan wouldnt ask you to do this unless you and Peter were going to come out alive.
"I cant." Peter protested.
"Peter. Theres an army and its willing to follow you." You said.
"I cant." Peter said again.
You put your hand on Peters and pulled him into a hug.
"Aslan believed you could." You said. "And I know you can."
Peter looked at you and kissed you softly.
"What are your orders my King?" Oreius asked.
Peter looked at the map in front of him. He gave Oreius his instructions. Then Peter turned to you.
"What are my orders?" you asked him.
"I dont want you to fight." He said.
"Well, Im fighting anyway. Where do you want me?" You asked again.
Peter looked down and sighed. Then he looked back at you and said, "I want you to remain in the cliffs with Edmund."

You stood next to Edmund as you watched the enemy nearing. Peter turned to look at you and Edmund. You nodded at him and Peter turned back to the war in front of him. You thought back to the last hug Peter gave you that morning.
"Be safe my love." He told you kissing you lightly.
"And you too." You say enjoying his arms around you.
You looked at the army that was fighting against you. Then they charged your army. You could see Peter talking to Oreius then Peter drew his sword and pointed it forward and a bunch of griffins flew out of nowhere and where dropping rocks on top of the enemy.
Soon you heard Peter yell,"For Narnia! And for Aslan!!"
And he and Oreius started heading toward the battle.