Written in the Stars

Chapter 17

Months later
You hadn’t been feeling very well lately. You threw up every morning and just didnt feel like eating much. Finally Peter, forced you to see a healer.
"Are you sure?" you asked the healer.
"Of course Im sure." The healer said, "You have all the signs."
"How long?" you asked.
"About three months I should say. Now you may go. I will want to see you once a month for the next 4 months and then once a week for the last 2 months."
"Thank you sir." You say to the healer.
"Thank you my Queen." You heard the healer say and you left.
You promised Peter you would go to his office when you were done with the healer. You were trying to think of all the ways to tell him. You found Peter at his desk looking at a bunch of papers that needed his signature.
"Peter." You say walking up to him. He looked up and smiled at you.
"What did the healer say?" he asked patting his lap and you sat down on him. You put your arms around his neck and said,
"Do you really want to know?"
"Mia, dont tease me. What did he say?"
You smiled at Peters fake distress and said, "Well, Im not sure if I should tell you."
And you got off his lap. Peter stood up and put his arms around you.
"Are you alright?" he asked a bit concerned. You nodded.
"Im wonderful, actually. Peter, Im with child. Were going to have a baby."
You watched Peters reaction. He had a bunch of mixed emotions but eventually smiled , lifted you up and brought you back to kiss you.
"Im going to be a father?" Peter asked you.
You nodded and smiled at his reaction as he ran off to tell Edmund and the girls.

Five months later.
You gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. You and Peter named him Devin Peter Pevensie, Prince of Narnia. Peter sat by your side and had an arm around as you looked at your newborn son.
"Hes beautiful." Peter said.
"He is. He looks just like you." You say smiling at Peter. Peter returned the smile and kissed you. "Can you believe it?" you asked Peter, "Were parents."
"Im glad we are." Peter said.
"Hold your son." You say handing Devin over to Peter.
Peter took him very carefully and smiled at the infant in his arms. Then he kissed you again and said,
"Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world."

A year later:
Aslan returned and approved of your hiding place for the wands. Only you went to hide them. No one but you and Aslan know where they are hidden.

6 years later:
You, Peter, Devin, Susan, Lucy and Edmund went to hunt a white stag that was said to be running around Narnia, when you came upon a familiar lamppost.
"It looks familiar." Peter said helping you down from your horse. You helped Devin down as the rest climbed off their horses.
"As if from a dream." Susan said.
"Or a dream of a dream." Lucy said, "Spare Oom." And Lucy ran off.
"Lu?" Peter said going after her.
You grabbed Devin’s hand and followed Peter. Soon you were all in a strong ticket of trees.
"These arent trees." You heard Peter say.
"They’re coats." Susan said.
"You own my toe." Lucy yelled.
"Im not on your toe." Edmund yelled.
"Will you stop shoving?!" Peter yelled and suddenly you all poured out of the wardrobe.
You looked at Peter and you realized you were the same as you were before you went to Narnia. Then the Professor came into the room.
"Oh, there you are. What are you all doing in the wardrobe?" he asked.
"You wouldnt believe us if we told you sir." Peter said sitting up next to you. Then the Professor threw a cricket ball at Peter and said,
"Try me."
After telling your story to the Professor, you and Peter walked up to your room.
"I cant believe were back." Peter said opening the door for you.
"I know. Its hard to believe that we have to go back to our lives before Narnia." You say.
You both change into your nightclothes and went to bed.
"Peter, what do you think happened to Devin?" you asked.
"I dont know. I just hope hes alright." Peter said holding you in his arms.
"Peter. Hell be a good King." You say.
Peter smiled and kissed you. And you fell asleep to Peters light kisses, like you had every night of your marriage.