Written in the Stars

Chapter 19

"Mia, were home."' Peter said trying to wake you up.
A few hours after your finished the vest you fell asleep on Peters shoulder. You opened your eyes and yawned. You smile as you saw Peters face next to yours and said,
He smiled back and said, "I love you."
You kissed him, but heard Edmund say, "They’re at it again! DO they ever stop?"
You and Peter broke away and laughed.
"We better get off the train." Peter said standing up and offering you his hand.
You gladly took it and stood up. Peter got everyones luggage and handed then to each person. You took your suitcase from him and he gave you his hand as you both got off the train with Lucy, Edmund and Susan in front of you. Trying to find Peters parents was a bit of a chore. There were kids everywhere that were trying to find their parents that it made it difficult for you and Peter to search for the Pevensie’s. Finally you heard someone call yours and Peters names.
"Peter, Mia, over here." You heard Mrs. Pevensie call.
You saw and pointed her out to Peter.
"Lucy, Susan, Edmund, Mum is over there." Peter said to his siblings leading you and them over to Mrs. Pevensie.
"My darlings." Mrs. Pevensie said hugging Peter.
Then she hugged you, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. It so good to see you all are well. She said.
"We're glad to see you're alright, as well." You say to her. She smiled at you and put a hand on your shoulder.
"We better go; Dad has a car waiting for us." Mrs. Pevensie said.
Once things were packed in the car you climbed into the car followed by Peter. Inside you saw Mr. Pevensie.
"Ah, Mia, Peter. I believe that congratulations are in order, for you two." Mr. Pevensie said. You and Peter smiled at each other and then turned back to Peters Dad.
"Thank you sir." You say.
"Don't call me sir, Mia, call me Dad. You are a member of the family, after all." He said smiling at you and Peter.

Once back at the Pevensie house you and Peter went straight to his room. It was so small compared to the room you shared at while you were at the Professors.
"Wow, that king size bed makes my twin size very small." Peter said setting his suitcase down and sitting on the bed.
He patted his knee and you sat down on him. You arms were around his neck as his were around your waist.
"You're so beautiful." Peter said looking into your eyes.
You smiled kissed him and said, "Thank you."
Peter kissed you and then pulled away.
He smiled, but looked down at the floor.
"What are you thinking?" you asked him.
Peter looked back at you and said, "I'm thinking about trying to get a job at my Dads work. I love my family, but the sooner we can afford our own apartment, the better. So we can start to be our own family unit." He said.
He looked at you for approval and you thought a moment.
"Peter, that would be wonderful." You say smiling.
He smiled and kissed you. When you broke away he said,
"I want to be a good husband, Mia. I want to give you and our family everything you may ever need and want."
You smile and say, "All I'll ever need and want is you."
Peter smiled and kissed you again. This time he turned and laid you on the bed so that he was on top of you. You kissing soon lead to a snogging session when you heard someone clear their throat. You and Peter broke apart and realized that you had forgotten to close the door. You looked up to see Mr. Pevensie who was smiling at you two.
"You two may want to wait to later tonight to do that." He said.
"Yes Dad." Peter said getting off of you.
You sat up, blushing a bit.
"Peter, may I have a word?" Mr. Pevensie said looking at his son.
Peter nodded and stood up. He gave you one last kiss and then followed his father out the door. You sat on the bed for a moment and then got up to unpack. You were just finishing when Mrs. Pevensie came in the door with a big box.
"Mia, dear. The soldiers dropped this box off for you a few days ago. Its all they were able to save from your parents house." Mrs. Pevensie said putting the box on the bed.
"Thank you, Mum." You say looking at the box.
She smiled at you and said, "You can open it, you know."
You looked at her and nodded. Slowly you opened the box. You saw some of your mothers old jewelry, pots, pans and other cooking utensils and some pictures of you and your family, before the war. You smile as you go through the pictures of your parents and you.
"We look so happy." You say to Mrs. Pevensie.
"You do." She agreed, "Are you happy with Peter?"
You looked at her and said, "Yes. Of course. I cant imagine life without Peter."
She smiled and said, "I'm glad. I know he thinks the world of you. You are his life now."
You smiled and said, "Hes my life."
She continued to smile and said, "You and Peter remind me of Mr. Pevensie and me when we first got married. I know you two will be just as happy as we are."
"Thank you Mum." You say giving her a hug.
She hugged you back and said, "I'm glad you're my daughter."
You smiled and said, "I am too."
"I am three." Peter said, smiling and coming into the room.
He hugged his Mum and then hugged you. Then Mrs. Pevensie said she was going to check on the others and left.
Peter took you hand and said, "I have some good news. Dad already got me a job at his work."
"Peter thats wonderful." You say.
He continued, "And apparently your parents lawyer has talked to him and you've inherited all the money they left behind. We can use it for whatever you want."
"Really?" you asked.
Peter nodded and said, "I was thinking wed save it."
"No Peter. Its our money. Lets make good use of it. And having our own apartment would be nice." You say to him.
Peter smiled and said, "If its what you want."
"I think its what you want too." You say kissing him.
"I'm glad you want it. But I don't think well need to spend any of your inheritance."
"Why not?"
"Because as a wedding present, Dad found us an apartment and paid a years worth of rent on it."
our eyes widened. "Are you serious? Peter." You said to Peter.
He smiled and said "Yes, we move in tomorrow."
You hugged Peter excitedly and kissed him. He laughed and said, "I think you're excited."
You laughed and said, "I am. We owe your parents so much."
"I know. Well have to do something for them." He said and you agreed.
He kissed you and you repacked everything you had unpacked.

The next day, you and Peter saw your new apartment for the first time. It wasn't much; it was basically a big kitchen area with a bedroom and bathroom linked to it. But it was yours and Peters. Thats all that really mattered to you two. He carried you into the apartment bridal style and set you down as you looked around.
You and Peter spent the day unpacking all your belongings. The bedroom had a queen size bed and two dressers and a large closet. As you were unpacking, Peter came up behind you and held you close.
"What do you think of it?" he asked as he turned you to face him.
You smile and kissed him. "Its wonderful." You said.
He smiled and kissed you back. After everything was unpacked you made Peter dinner. It was different just having the two of you to cook for. You were use to having Peters brother and sisters to cook for. You had to admit that you liked being Peters main focus, though. Peter focused all his attention to you and making sure you were taken care of. He helped you wash the dishes and you fell asleep in your own bed in Peters arms.