Written in the Stars

Chapter 20

A week passed since you and Peter moved into your apartment. Peter started working the day after you two moved in. You knew Peter didnt really care for his new job but he never complained about it. You had gotten into the routine of getting up before Peter did, start making breakfast. You two would eat breakfast together then Peter would go get dressed for work and you would make his lunch. Then Peter would give you a kiss and then leave for work.
The first few days Mrs. Pevensie, Susan and Lucy would come over to visit and help you decorate your new apartment. You were able to use a few things that were left from your house. On the mantel you put pictures of yours and Peters family and finally your wedding picture in the middle. The apartment seemed a lot more like a home when you were finished. You were making dinner when Peter came home and saw everything that you had done. You watched his reaction. His eyes seemed to be in awe and finally you asked,
"What do you think?"
Peter looked at you, smiled, and said, "Its wonderful. It actually looks like a home now, and its not so empty."
"Im glad you like it." You said going back to the dinner you were making.
Peter put his coat on the coat hanger and came up behind you. His arms went around your waist and he held you to him. You looked up at him and he leaned down and gave you a kiss. When you pulled away you wanted to kiss him again but remembering the food you went back to cooking. Peter set the table, as he always did, in an effort to help you out. Once the food was ready you set the pan down on the table and you and Peter helped yourselves. You and Peter talk about your day and Peters work and everything else that came to mind, including Narnia and your son.
That night you and Peter got ready for bed. Peter held you close. After about a half hour you were both wide awake so you talked a bit.
"Peter? you asked."
His eyes fluttered open; he put his forehead on yours and said, "Yes, my love."
"I was just wondering, when did you fall in love with me?"
Peter looked a bit surprised but smiled and said, "Do you remember the dance we went to when we were 16?"
"When I asked you to dance with me and you gave me your hand for the first time, the second our hands touched, I knew you were the girl I was going to marry."
"Really?" you asked smiling.
Peter nodded and lightly kissed you. "What about you? When did you fall in love with me?"
"Well," you said looking down.
Peter moved his face in front of yours and said, "Well?"
"It was about a year later."
"You mean we dated for a whole year until you fell in love with me?" he asked.
"Something like that. Do you remember when we first saw each other after we got back from our separate boarding schools? When I first saw you and hugged you I fell in love. Just having your arms around me, it made me feel safe."
You looked at Peters smiling face. He leaned down and kissed you.
"I still cant believe it took you a year, when it took only took me a few seconds." He teased as he pulled away from you.
You laughed and kissed him again. Soon you two fell asleep.

The next few months of being in your new apartment went by fast. You and Peter enjoyed every minute of it. Except for when he was at work, that is. You didnt live to far away from Peters family so you would often go over there to visit them and to pass some time while you were waiting for Peter. Mrs. Pevensie would put you to work with something for their house or for your apartment. Other times you, Susan and Mrs. Pevensie would simply talk.
One day while at the Pevensie’s Mrs. Pevensie told you some shocking news.
"You mean you want me and Peter to go back to school?" you asked.
"Well, you both only have one year left of boarding school, dear. If Peter gets his diploma it would make it easier for him to get into a University and get a better job." Mrs. Pevensie said as she was sewing something.
"But, Peter and I wouldnt see each other for basically 8 months." You said.
You didnt want to be away from Peter the hours he was gone during the day much less six months for you two to go to different boarding schools.
"I know. But you wont be leaving for at least six more months and you and Peter really need to get a better education."
"I dont understand. What brought this up?"
"Well, Mr. Pevensie has told me that the store he works at it planning on letting go some of its people. Peters name was mentioned."
"It wont be for about five more months. So dont worry about that."
"But, Peter just started working there. They cant let him go like that. We need him to have that job."
"I know. But Mr. Pevensie and I are willing to pay for you two to go back to school and finish it up. Then for Peter to go to college so he can get a better job."
"Has anyone talked to Peter about it?" you asked.
Mrs. Pevensie nodded and said, "Mr. Pevensie was going to talk to Peter during lunch."
"So Peter knows his job is at stake?"
"He didnt tell you? Peters job has been at stake for the last few weeks. Part of the reason is because he doesnt have a High School diploma."

You were a little late getting home that evening. Late enough that Peter was already home. You found him in your bedroom sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.
"Peter?" you asked.
He jumped a bit, but smiled when he looked up at you.
"Hey, love. I got here before you did" He said smiling and patting the place next for him.
So you sat down and asked, "Are you alright?"
"Im fine. Just thinking." He said looking at the floor.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked.
He took your hand and said, "I havent said anything for the last few weeks, because I didnt want to worry you, but. in five months I wont have a job."
You could tell he was nervous about telling you this.
"Why? Whats wrong?" you asked.
"I dont have a stupid diploma from that dumb Boarding school. To be able to continue working there, I have to go back to school. But that would mean being away from you. I cant be away from you that long." He said sitting against the bedpost.
His arm went around you as you joined him and you laid your head on his shoulder.
"Your Mum and I talked about it today actually. Your parents want to send me back to school too." You say lifting your head up to look at Peter.
He looked back at you a bit sadly. "So you knew this was coming?" he asked.
"Since this afternoon." You replied.
He looked down at his feet and said, "Im so sorry, Mia. I know I havent been as good a husband as you deserve, but please dont leave me."
You smiled at him and used you hand to lift his head to face you. You kissed him and he gladly kissed you back. Once you two pulled away you said,
"Peter, I love you. We could be living on the street and even then I would never leave you."
Peter smiled and said, "I will never allow you to be homeless. But what are we going to do?"
"I think the only real choice we have is to accept your parents offer and go back to school."
"But I cant be away from you that long." He said again.
"I cant stand the thought of being away from you either. But what other choice do we have?"
Peter thought a moment but shook his head and said,
"We dont have any other choices."
You two were quiet the rest of the evening. Peter held onto you tightly until it was time to go to bed. Once you were in your nightclothes you and Peter laid in bed holding onto each other. Suddenly you remembered something.
"Peter?" you said lifting your head off his chest.
"Yes love?" Peter asked looking down at you.
"Do you remember that summer before last when you never saw me because my Mum was home schooling me?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Peter, I finished a semester that summer and was able to use credit for it at the boarding school. I only have a semester left."
Peter realized what you were getting at and smiled as you continued to say "We only have to be apart for four and a half months. Instead of the 8 months."
"Because I can come live you while your finishing up school."
Peter held you to him tighter as he smiled and said, "This is great! Thank heavens for your Mum."
You smiled and kissed him. You two talked a bit more until you finally fell asleep.