Written in the Stars

Chapter 21

Three months went by and in three more months you and Peter would be away from each other for four months. Peter didnt really want to go to work every day because they were letting him go anyway, but he kept going for the money to help support you and the child you were now carrying. You had to admit it was about the worst time for you to be pregnant but you and Peter accepted the news joyfully. Peter did everything he could to keep you comfortable and never complained once, when you asked him to do something. Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie were not exactly happy with your news however. You and Peter didnt plan on this pregnancy but his parents seemed to think you had. You had to admit with your pregnancy you hoped you would be able to go with Peter to his Boarding School and not have to go to yours but his parents insisted you get your education.

You went out shopping with Mrs. Pevensie and her children one day. You were buying fruits and veggies for you and Peter when you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen. You dropped the bag of bananas you were holding and stated to breathe heavily. Susan was next to you and said, "Mia, are you alright?"
But you fell to your knees and grabbed your belly.
"Mum!" Susan shouted over to Mrs. Pevensie, who ran over to you.
"Mia, dear. Are you alright?" When you didnt reply she said to Susan, "Get Edmund and Lucy. We have to get Mia to her house."
Susan nodded and did as she was told. Then Mrs. Pevensie sent Edmund to get a doctor as she and Susan got you to your house. Once you got to the apartment they set you on the bed.
"Mum," you said snapping out of the trance you had been in. "Whats wrong with me?" you ask her.
"Shhhhh. Edmund went to get the doctor, when he gets here Ill send him to get Peter." Mrs. Pevensie said.

You nodded and looked down at your stomach tears were forming in your eyes. You were afraid for your baby. What if you had lost it? Your first pregnancy with Devin went very smoothly and you expected it to be the same with this one. But that was back in Narnia.A second later the doctor came in followed by Edmund. Mrs. Pevensie stayed with you as the doctor checked you. She sent Edmund to fetch Peter and sent the girls home. After 15 minutes the doctor said,
"Mrs. Pevensie, your baby is alright." You were relieved. "You just had some minor pains." The doctor continued, "But I recommend you to get more liquids and Im putting you on bed rest for the next three weeks."
"Three weeks?" you asked.
"Yes. It'll stable the pregnancy a bit more and itll help make things easier for you."

You nodded and looked down at your belly. You didnt know how you’d stand being on bed rest for three weeks but at least you knew the baby was alright. Then you heard the door open and in ran Peter. He was breathing heavily and looked like he had run all the way from work. He looked at you and looked a bit relieved that you were alright. He nodded at the doctor but went up to you and sat on the bed. He took your hand and asked,
"Whats going on? Edmund said you had collapsed."
You were about to say something but the doctor answered for you.
"Mr. Pevensie, you wife was experiencing some minor pains."
"The baby?" Peter asked worriedly.
"Is fine. We just had a bit of a scare. I recommend you make sure your wife gets plenty of water and I’ve put her on bed rest for three weeks. It'll lessen the chance of this happening again and will stable the pregnancy."
Peter nodded and said, "I'll make sure she’s taken care of. Thank you doctor."
The doctor nodded and left. Mrs. Pevensie told you and Peter that she needed to go home tell everyone the news so she left. Leaving you and Peter alone. Peter leaned against the bedpost holding you in his arms. You two sat in quiet until you said,
"Peter, Im so sorry. I didnt mean to"
"Shhh..." Peter said putting his finger on your lips. He smiled at you and said, "I'm just glad youre alright. I was so scared, when Edmund showed up at work saying that something happened to you, I thought I had lost you. Im so glad you and the baby are alright."
You smile and kiss Peter. You knew he had been worried. Once the kiss broke you said,
"I'm sorry I worried you."
Peter just smiled and kissed you again.

Peter stayed with you the rest of the day and was determined to stay with you until you were off bed rest. You smiled and told him,
"I'm glad you want to be with me. But with the baby coming we need you to work."
Peter thought for a moment before saying, "I know. Its just. Youre my life Mia. If something happened to you, I couldn't live with myself."
You smiled and said, "You're my life, too, Peter."
He kissed and then went to make dinner. Peter had never really cooked before so you ended up eating cut up veggies and fruit.
"I know its nothing that youre used to eating," Peter said bringing a tray of food into the bedroom, "but its all I really know how to do."
"Its wonderful." You say kissing him.

Peter smiled and you two continued to eat. Once done Peter did the dishes and then spent the rest of the night with you, holding you and talking with you. Then Peter helped you get ready for bed and then got himself ready. Once in bed he held you and you both soon fell asleep.