Written in the Stars

Chapter 22

You were in Narnia walking through what looked like ruins. You looked at the strange ruins and asked yourself.
"What is this place?"
Then to your surprise you saw Aslan in front of you.
"Enchantress." He said.
"Aslan." You say kneeling in front of him.
"Enchantress, Narnia needs you and your family." Aslan said as you stood back up.
"Whats going on?"
"Soon the time for you to come back to Narnia will be here."
"How do we get back?" you asked.
"You will see. I will call for you soon. Until then, remember your magic abilities. Goodbye, Enchantress."
"Aslan wait my son, Devin, what happened to him?" you asked but by this time Aslan was gone.
End of Dream:

You shot up in your bed. Peter had, had his arms around you and so you ended up waking him up.
"Mia, my love? Are you alright?" Peter asked a bit tiredly but he sounded concerned.
"Peter, I just had a dream about Narnia and Aslan. Aslan said it was almost time for us to come back to Narnia." You said.
Peter had gotten a bit touchy on the subject of Narnia. He went from being High King Peter to working boy Peter who had to go back to school. That it had almost been a year since you had been in Narnia.
"Thats all it was Mia. A dream. I dont think well be going back to Narnia." He said.
"Why not?" you asked.
"In two months it'll be a year, Mia. How long are you supposed to wait?"
"He didnt say. Only that it would be soon."
"Soon for him is really slow for us." Peter said lying back on the bed.
You smiled and said, "I love you Peter."
He smiled and reached for you to lay back down. You snuggled up to him and kissed him.

Peter was debating with himself the next morning. He knew he needed to go to work for the money but he didnt want to leave you alone in case something happened and you needed help.
"Peter, you need to go to work." You say to your husband as he sat down on the bed.
He looked at you and took your hand.
"I know but what if something happens and you need help. Youre more important than my job." Peter said.
You smiled and said, "I'm going to be fine. Dont worry."
This time Peter smiled and said, "You ask the impossible. I'm your husband; I'm supposed to worry about you."
He leaned over and kissed you. Then you two heard a knock on the door. You looked at each other a little confused but Peter got up and opened the door. Susan was standing outside with two bags and a great big smile on her face.
"Good morning. I thought Id come over and keep Mia company while you're at work." She said to Peter as she came into the apartment.
"Thank you Susan, thats so thoughtful." You say as Susan walked over to you.
"No problem. It'll be fun." She said.
"Well then, I guess I'll go to work." Peter said grabbing his coat. He walked back to you gave you a quick kiss and said, "Love you."
"I love you too." You say smiling at him.
He gave you one last kiss and then left. Then Susan sat down on a chair next to the bed and handed you one of the bags she had.
"Whats this?" you ask finding a bunch of yarn inside.
"Mum thought you would want to start making clothes for the baby. Oh and she started going through some of the clothes she made for me and Peter before we were born and she sent some of them over for you and the baby." Susan said taking some baby clothes out of the second bag she had.

After looking through some of the clothes Mrs. Pevensie had made you took some of the yarn and showed Susan how to make baby clothes. As you two knitted you talked about Narnia.
"I had a dream last night. I was in Narnia and I saw Aslan." You say to her.
"You saw Aslan? What did he say?" Susan asked.
"He said that we were needed back in Narnia and that we would be going back soon."
"Really? Thats great!" she said smiling.
You nodded and said, "It is. It would be great to be back in Narnia. No Boarding Schools to go to. Peter and I wouldnt have to be away from each other. I could finally find out what happened to my son."
Susan smiled and said, "It would be great to be back in Narnia. No homework."
You laughed and you two continued to talk about Narnia as you knitted baby clothes. By the time Peter came home that night you and Susan had finished two baby outfits. Susan left saying that she would be back the next day. You showed Peter the outfits you and Susan made. He sat on the bed and listened to your day. Then you talked about his work. Peter had an arm around you and put a hand on your belly. Then, to your surprise, you felt a slight flutter in your belly. You and Peter looked at each other smiling. That was the first time the baby kicked.

The next three weeks passed slowly but you were able to handle it and made lots of clothes for the baby. Soon the time for you and Peter to leave for Boarding schools was approaching. The day before you and Peter would have to go to your separate ways. Peter left his work the week before which gave him a lot of time at home with you. You spent the day packing uniforms and some extra dresses and anything you thought you’d need for you and the baby. You looked at your old school uniform and your now slightly showing belly.
"These uniforms were not made for pregnant people to wear." You say to Peter holding up one of your uniforms.
Peter smiled and said,"Don't worry about it. If anyone has a problem with it I'll punch them."

You laughed a bit and continued to pack. You couldnt believe that you and Peter would have to be away from each other that long. Another thing that bothered you was the fact that you might have the baby while youre still at school. Peter noticed your sudden silence and came up to you. He put his arms around you and asked,
"What are you thinking?"
You were quiet for a moment. You turned to look at Peter. He smiled and put his forehead on yours.
"What if.... what if I have the baby while I'm still taking classes? What if something goes wrong? What if...." You started but Peters lips covered yours.
Once the kiss was broken Peter held you and put his forehead back on yours. He smiled and said, "I’ve thought the same thing, Mia. It terrifies me to think you might have to go through those things alone. If you need anything at all or even if you just need to be with me you go head and get a train ticket, alright? But let me know a few weeks in advance so that I can meet you and the train station and find a place for us to live."
You smiled and gave him a kiss. "Im going to miss you." You say kissing him again.
Soon you two where in a snogging session. Later that night you laid in Peters arms with your head and hand on his chest. You sat in quiet just listening to each other breath and enjoying what little time you had left together. Peter kept giving you soft kisses until you eventually fell asleep.

You woke up before Peter did the next morning. You smiled as you watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful. After a few minutes you leaned up and kissed him. A second later you could feel him kissing you back. After you two broke apart. He smiled at you and said,
“Good morning.”
You smiled back and said,
“Good morning. Well today is the day.”
Peter looked at you a bit sadly and kissed you again. After the kiss ended you both got up and dressed in your uniforms. Once dressed you, made a light breakfast. After you finished you and Peter were off to his parents’ house to pick up his brother and sisters. Mrs. Pevensie greeted you at the door.
“Mia. Peter. How are you two? Are you ready to get back to school?” She asked in a very pleasant voice. You and Peter looked at each other a bit sadly. Mrs. Pevensie nodded, understandingly and said,“I know it’s hard my dears. But you’ll both be glad to have a good education.” She hugged you and then Peter.
A second later Susan came into the room wearing the same style uniform you were wearing. You were glad that your sisters-in-law were going to the same boarding school as you. This way you wouldn’t be totally alone and you would have someone to talk to. Once everyone was ready you all headed out.