Written in the Stars

Chapter 23

There was still about an hour before your train left for the schools so you all pretty much hung around the train station. You went with Susan to look at some magazines so you would have something to read after you and Peter were separated. Lucy stayed with Peter and you weren’t entirely sure were Edmund went. You were at the magazine stand with Susan when she was approached by a boy who went to the boarding school down the street from yours approached her.
“Hello.” He said to her. Susan looked at him, then at you, and then looked back at him.
“Hi.” She said trying to go back to what she had been doing.
“You go to St. Margret’s School, right?” the boy asked her. Susan nodded at then looked at you as if to say ‘help me.’ But the boy continued saying,
“I go to St. Brutus’, it’s just down the street from you. I remember seeing you all the time. Sitting alone.”
“Yes, well I prefer to be alone.” Susan said suddenly.
“Me too. Um...What’s your name?” he asked her.
“Phyllis.” She said. Then you heard Lucy shout,
“Mia! Susan! Come quickly!” You turned to Susan and said,
“Come on Phyllis.” Susan nodded and you both followed Lucy back to the train station.
You were surprised to see a bunch of kids circled around three kids and were yelling, “Fight!” But you were horrified by what you saw next. Peter was fighting and loosing.
“Peter.” You yelled.
His eyes locked with yours for a moment. One side of his face looked bruised. He gave you an “I’m sorry” look before going back to the fight. A second later Edmund had rushed down the stairs and was helping Peter. Soon the fight was broken up by two soldiers. You walked up to Peter. He gave you a bit of a sad look so you just hugged him. He held you tightly for a moment until you pulled away and asked,
“Are you alright?” He nodded and then pulled you back to him. Then he said,
I’m sorry Mia.”
“Why were you fighting?” you asked. He just shook it off and you both walked to a bench. You sat next to Peter with the rest of the family next to you.

“Your welcome.” Edmund said sitting next to Peter.
“I had it sorted.” Peter spat back at Edmund.
“Peter.” You said. Peter looked at you and just took your hand.
“What was it this time?” Susan asked. By this time Peter stood up and was looking at the four of you.
“He bumped into me.” Peter said.
“So you hit him?” you asked.
“No. Then he tried to make me apologize for it and then I hit him.”
“Whatever happened to just walking away?” Susan asked.
“I shouldn’t have to.” Peter said defensively.
“This is real life, Peter. We’re not in Narnia anymore. This is our home.” Susan said to him.
Peter shook his head and then said, “It’s been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?” Then Peter sat back down next to you and took your hand. A second later you heard Susan say,
“Oh no. Quick pretend you’re talking to me.” You looked at you confused but then you saw the same boy that was flirting with her earlier coming up to your guys.
“We are talking to you.” Edmund said.
Suddenly Lucy jumped up saying, “Ow. Something pinched me.”
Suddenly you could feel something pulling on you. You and Peter looked at each other and his grip on your hand tightened.
“It feels like magic.” Susan said, “Quick hold hands.”
“I’m not holding your hand.” Edmund said to Peter but Peter grabbed Ed’s hand anyway and soon you all found yourselves in a cave next to an ocean.

You and your family peered out of the cave. Susan and Lucy smiled at each other and then ran toward the ocean with Edmund right behind them. You and Peter smiled and kissed before following them. You removed your jacket, tie and shoes before going into the water. Peter took off his vest, tie, jacket and shoes before joining you and the rest of the family in the water. As Peter approached you, you splashed him with water. You gave him your innocent look but he splashed you anyway. Soon he tackled you and gave you a kiss.
“What is it Ed?” Peter asked Edmund noticing he had become quiet.
“Well, where do you suppose we are?” Ed asked.
“Where do you think?” Peter replied.
“I don’t remember any ruins in Narnia.” Edmund said pointing up at the cliff. The rest of the family looked up at the ruins.
“Let’s go check it out.” Peter said taking your hand and leaving the water.
“Are you going to be alright climbing?” Peter asked you referring to your pregnancy. You smile and say,
“I’ll be just fine, don’t worry.” Peter led you and the rest of the family up the cliff. You explored the ruins with your family.
“Who do you suppose lived here?” you heard Lucy ask. Susan bent down to pick something off the ground.
“I think we did.” She said.
You, Peter and Edmund walked toward Susan to see what she had picked up.
“Hey that’s mine, from my chest set.” Ed said.
“Which chest set?” Peter asked.
“I didn’t exactly have a solid gold chest set in Finchley, now did I?” Then Lucy took off toward part of the ruins.
“Lu?” Peter asked taking your hand and running after her. “Just think about it.” Lucy said putting you and the rest of the family into the order your thrones used to be in at Cair Paravel. “Imagine walls and columns there and a glass roof.” You looked around and then you looked to Peter.
“Car Paravel.” he said turning to you.
“What could have caused this?” you asked him.

You explored more until you came upon the door that used to lead to the treasury. Peter and Edmund opened the door. Then Peter took out his pocket knife and cut off part of his shirt. He grabbed a twig and then asked Edmund if he had a match.
“No. But I do have this.” Edmund said pulling out a flashlight. Peter smiled and said,
“You might have mentioned that earlier.” You laughed and followed Edmund, Lucy and Susan into the room with Peter behind you. At the bottom of some stairs you found all of the treasure and yours and your family’s chest sets. You went up to yours and found your old dresses, a sword and to your surprise your wand. You picked up one of your old dresses and you watched the others as they explored their old belongings. Lucy found her dagger and the juice that Father Christmas had given her. Susan found her bow and arrows but didn’t find her horn. Edmund found his old sword and some of his clothing. Peter found his sword and shield.
He unsheathed his sword and said, “I think it’s about time we found out what happened here.