Written in the Stars

Chapter 24

After you and the rest of the family changed into your old Narnian clothes you walked out onto the beach Susan was up ahead and to your surprise drew her bow and an arrow. She shot the arrow which caused the rest of you to run toward her. Then you saw what she was shooting at, two humans were in a boat drowning a dwarf. Peter and Edmund drew their swords and Susan yelled,
“Drop him.” \
So the soldiers dropped the dwarf causing Peter and Edmund to run towards them. Susan shot one of the soldiers and the other fell out of the boat. Peter dived into the water and saved the dwarf.
“DROP HIM! Is that all you could come up with?” the dwarf said once Lucy had cut the ropes that tied his hands together.
“A simple ‘thank you’ would suffice.” Susan said as you all looked at each other confused.
“They were doing just fine drowning me without your help!” the dwarf said.
“Why were they trying to kill you anyway?” Lucy asked.
“They’re Talmarines, it’s what they do.” The dwarf replied gloomily.
“Talmarines? In Narnia?” Edmund asked.
“Where have you been the last few hundred years?” the dwarf said annoyed.
“That’s bit of a long story.” You say. Then you handed Peter back his sword.
“You have got to be kidding me. You’re it? You’re the Kings and Queens of Old?” the dwarf said.
Peter stepped forward to shake the dwarf’s hand and said, “King Peter the Magnificent.”
The dwarf drew his hand back while you said, “You could’ve laid off the last bit.”
“Could have.” The dwarf agreed making Peter a little angry.

He put arms around you as you all listened to the dwarf introduce himself as Trumpkin and talked about a Prince Caspian who had blown Susan’s horn and summoned you to Narnia. Once he was done telling you his story. You all got into the boat that the Talmarine guards had been using and were off to help this Prince Caspian. Peter was rowing the boat as you sat next to Edmund and the girl and the dwarf were on the other side of the boat. After a while of nothing but sailing Lucy said,
“It’s so quiet.”
“They’re trees. What do you expect?” Trumpkin said.
“They use to dance.” Lucy replied.
“It was long after you lot abandon us that the Talmarines invaded Narnia. Those who survived fled into the woods. The trees hid so deep inside themselves they haven’t been heard from since.” Trumpkin explained.
“I don’t understand. How could Aslan let this happen?” you ask.
“Aslan? Ha. I thought he abandoned us when you lot left.”
“We didn’t mean to leave.” Peter said defensively.
“Either way; it doesn’t make a difference now.” Trumpkin said.
“Get us to the Narnians and it will.” Peter said back.

After a few hours you were finally back on the shore. Peter helped you out of the boat as Trumpkin threw the anchor on the land. Lucy was walking down the beach when you heard her say,
“Oh, hello.” You and Peter looked at each other and then at Lucy. Then you saw a bear. It growled at Lucy.
“Oh don’t worry. We’re friends.” She said.
“Don’t move your highness.” Trumpkin said.
By this time the bear was charging Lucy. She screamed and started to run. Susan had her bow and arrow out while you were grabbing your wand and Peter and Edmund were grabbing their swords.
“Get away from her.” Susan yelled.
“Shoot Susan, shoot!” Edmund yelled but Susan couldn’t.
Just as the bear was about to get Lucy an arrow hit it. Susan hadn’t shot it so you looked next to her to find that Trumpkin had shot it. You, Peter, Susan and Edmund ran over to Lucy. Peter pulled her up and held her to him. She clung to him, afraid.
“He was wild. I don’t think he could talk at all.” You say to Peter.
“What was wrong with him?” Susan asked.
“If you’re treated like a dumb animal long enough you start to act like one.” Trumpkin said starting to skin the animal.
You pulled Lucy and Susan away not wanting them so see what was happening. Peter locked eyes with you and gave you a small smile. You smiled back and went back to the girls. Once Trumpkin was done you all started to walk. Peter was leading and it wasn’t long before you knew he was lost. You were walking next to Peter with your hands holding.
“How are you and the baby holding up?” he asked you.
“We’re fine.” You say. Just as you said that you felt the baby kick you smiled and put your hand on your belly.
"Did it just kick?" Peter asked smiling at you. You nodded and continued to walk.“When you start to get tired let me know and we’ll rest a bit.” You smiled and kissed him lightly.
“Hey don’t start that!” Edmund yelled up to you two. You both smiled and continued to walk.
“I don’t remember this way.” Susan said.
“That’s the problem with girls; you can’t carry a map in your heads.” Peter said back to Susan.
You looked at him and said. “That’s because we actually have something in our heads.” Lucy and Susan smiled and laughed a bit while Peter just shook his head and smiled.

“We should have just listened to our D.L.F.” Susan said.
“D.L.F?” Edmund asked.
“Yeah are dear little friend.” Lucy said smiling at Trumpkin. Trumpkin glared and said,
“Well that’s not at all patronizing is it?”
Then you came to a dead end.
“I’m not lost.” Peter said to you confused.
“No you’re just going the wrong way.” Trumpkin said.
“The quickest way to get to the forest is over the river.” Peter said defensively.
“Well, unless I’m mistaken there is no crossing in these parts.”
“Well that it explains it then, you’re mistaken.” Peter spat back at Trumpkin.
You shook your head but continued to follow your husband. Soon you were at a cliff.
“Is there any way down?” Edmund asked.
“Yeah. Falling.” Trumpkin said.
“It’s Aslan!” you then heard Lucy yell.
You jerked your head but didn’t see anything. You and Peter looked at each other and then Trumpkin said,
“Do you see him now?”
“He wanted us to follow him.” Lucy said.
“Look I’m not about to jump off a cliff after someone who doesn’t exist. “ Trumpkin said sharply.
“Last time I didn’t listen to Lucy I ended up looking pretty foolish.” Edmund said taking Lucy’s side.
“I’m sorry, Lu.” Peter said walking after Trumpkin.
You smiled at Lucy but followed Peter. ‘If Aslan was there he would have shown himself to me, right?’ you thought to yourself. When you got to where Trumpkin wanted to cross you found a whole army there building a bridge. So you ended up hiking back up the mountain to where Lucy thought she saw Aslan.

“So where did you think you saw Aslan?” Peter asked.
“I didn’t think I saw him! I did see him! I wish you all would stop trying to act like grown-ups.” Lucy said walking away from the group.
“I am a grown-up.” Trumpkin said. You smiled and heard Lucy say,
“I was right over there.” Then there was a scream the ground that Lucy had been standing on caved in.
“Lucy!” you all yelled running over to where she had been.
“Lucy are you alright?” you asked when you saw her.
“Yes.” She replied looking up at the rest of you.
Then you realized there was a pathway down. Once you had crossed the river and traveled into a forest it was getting dark. So Peter, Edmund and Trumpkin built a fire. You and Peter laid down together on one side of the fire with Trumpkin on your right, Edmund on your left, and then the two girls across from you. Peter held you close to him giving you small, light kisses. Once you thought everyone else was asleep you two talked until you finally fell asleep.