Written in the Stars

Chapter 25

You woke up early the next morning due to the fact that the baby wouldn’t stop moving. You smiled and put your hand on your belly. Then you look up at Peter’s sleeping face and kissed him lightly. A few minutes later he woke up. He laid his forehead on yours and said,
“Good morning, my love.”
“Good morning.” You said as Peter leaned down and kissed you. After a few moments of enjoying each other’s company Peter sat up.
“Mia. Lucy’s gone.” Peter said looking at you concerned.
“What?” you ask sitting up and looking where Lucy had been the night before. Peter grabbed his sword and you stood up.
“I’m going to find Lucy.” Peter said starting to walk off.
“I’m coming with you.” You say going after him. He turned and looked at you,
“Maybe you should stay here.”
“Because. … If Lucy is in trouble than I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“If Lucy’s in trouble you might need help. Besides I enjoy walking with you.”

Peter smiled and reached out for your hand. Once your hand met his you were both off. You did find Lucy but to your horror she was just about to walk into a Minotaur. Peter went up behind her and clasped his hand on her mouth and pulled her back behind the bush you were hiding behind. She struggled a bit but once she saw you and realized it was Peter she calmed down. Peter put his finger to his lips and she nodded. The three of you looked up from the bush and saw the Minotaur walking. Peter put his hand on his sword handle and started to walk out from behind the bush. You watched him unsheathed his sword as he approached the Minotaur. Then to yours, Peter’s and Lucy’s surprise a man jumped at Peter hitting his sword. The two fought back and forth until Peter managed to get his sword stuck in a tree. The dark haired man kicked Peter to the ground and Peter scrambled around until he got this huge rock. You looked around and noticed there were Narnians all around drawing their swords. Then you realized that the dark haired man was Prince Caspian. Peter was about to hit Caspian in the back of the head with the rock but Lucy ran towards them yelling,
“No! Stop!” You went after her and Peter’s and Caspian’s gaze went to you and Lucy. Then Peter looked around and saw all the Narnians. He looked back at Caspian and asked in a surprised voice,
“Prince Caspian.”
“Yes. And who are you?” Caspian asked pointing Peter’s sword at Peter.
“Peter! Mia!” you heard Susan yell out as she, Edmund and Trumpkin ran up to you and Lucy. Caspian looked at Peter then to his sword and saw the lion on the swords handle. Surprised Caspian said,
“High King Peter?”
“I believe you called.” Peter said proudly.
“Well, yes. But I thought you’d be older.” Caspian replied still surprised.
“Well if you like, we can come back in a few years.” Peter said starting to walk toward you but Caspian stopped him and said,
“No. It’s alright. It’s just….you’re not quite what I expected.”
“Well neither are you.” Edmund said eyeing a Minotaur. Then you noticed Caspian lock eyes with Susan and just kind of stared at her for a moment. She smiled lightly, looked at you and then back at him.
“We have anxiously awaited your return my liege.” A mouse said coming up to Peter.
“Oh my gosh he’s so cute.” Lucy said to you.
“Who said that?!” the mouse said drawing his sword and looked around.
“Sorry.” Lucy said shyly.
“Oh, your majesty.” And then he started to list a bunch of words that he described that would better fit a knight of Narnia.
“Well at least we know some of you can handle a blade. Because we’re going to need every sword we can get.” Peter said smiling at the mouse and turning back to Caspian as if he was challenging him.
“Well, then. I guess you’ll be wanted yours back.” Caspian said handing the sword back to Peter.
Peter took and rolled his eyes. He reached for you and you two walked hand in hand, with the rest of the family behind you. Caspian walked on the other side of Peter as you continued your journey.

Peter and Caspian talked back and forth about battle plans and that sort of things until you found yourself in front of a field that led to a big mound of what looked like dirt and stone.
“Isn’t this where the stone table used to be?” Lucy asked looking up at you and Peter.
Then Caspian said, “Oh it’s still there we just have to go inside.”

So you started to walk across the field. When you arrived at the mound Centaurs were lined up. They raised their swords towards each other as you started to walk towards the entrance. It reminded of back when you and your family ruled Narnia. Once inside you saw all sorts of creatures working on making weapons and defensive systems.
“It may not be what you’re used to, but it’s defensive and will work.” Caspian said. Peter nodded and was about to say something when you heard Susan say,
“Peter. Mia. I think you should come see this.”
You and Peter glance at each other for a second but go up to Susan. Peter had a torch in his hand and you and the rest of the family were looking at drawing on the walls. They of you and the family when you were first crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia. A little bit down the wall there was drawing of you and Peter, where you were holding a baby. You looked at and put your hand on it. Peter came up behind you and saw what you were looking at. He smiled and put a hand on your shoulder. You look at him and put your hand on top of his.
“What is this place?” you heard Lucy ask Caspian. You and Peter looked at Caspian and he said,
“You don’t know?” You and a few of the others shook your heads and he took a torch and said,
“Come on.” Peter took your hand as you followed Caspian down a long hallway then into a large room.
You, Peter and the rest of your family went further into the dark room. Caspian put his torch down into a pull of oil and lit the whole room up. You saw statues of Narnians, the stone table was right in front of you and right behind the stone table was a tablet with Aslan on it. Lucy walked up to the table and turned back to Susan.
“He must know what he’s doing.” She said. Peter looked back at the tablet of Aslan and said,
“I think it’s up to us now.” You look at Peter. He squeezed your hand but then let it go and started to walk out of the room.
“Peter where are you going?” you asked him.
“I’m going to gather the troops. We need to decide what our strategies are.” Peter said leaving the room.

Soon Narnians were piling into the room. Peter came in a second later saying that that was the majority of the Narnians, except for the guards outside. You sat next to Susan on the stairs as Peter started to talk.
“The Talmarines will be here soon.” He said.
“What do you suppose we do my liege?” the centaur, Stormhold, said.
Caspian and Peter started to talk at the same time and Peter gave Caspian and challenging look. So Caspian backed off a bit.
“Our only hope is strike them before they strike us.” Peter said taking charge again. “But that’s crazy no one has ever taken that castle.” Caspian said.
“There’s always a first time.” Peter said challenging Caspian again.
“I for one feel safer underground.” The badger, Trufflehunter , said.
“We could dig further underground.” Susan said. Peter gave her a look that said, ‘stay out of this.’
“But if the Talmarines are smart they’ll just wait and starve us out.” Edmund said taking Peter’s side.
“We could store nuts.” A jittery squirrel said.
“Yes, and throw them at the Talmarines.” Reepicheep said. “Shut up! I think you know where I stand sire.” Reepicheep looked at Peter for the last part.
Peter nodded and then turned to Stormhold, “If I can get your troops in, can you handle the guards?” Peter asked.
Stormhold nodded and said, “Or die trying.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Lucy said to herself. Peter turned to her and said,
“Excuse me.”
“Well, you all talk like there’s only two options dying here or dying there.” Lucy said.
“I don’t think you’ve really been listening Lu.” Peter said to her.
“No you’re the one who’s not listening. Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch.” Lucy said to Peter. He just looked at her until he said,
“I think we’ve waited for Aslan long enough.” Then he took off to give everyone their orders.

Once everyone including Edmund and Susan had their orders, he came up to you. You smile and say, “What are my orders?” He took you hand and said,
“You are to stay here, Mia.”
“What?! Peter we went through this during the battle with the White Witch. I’m not letting you do this without me.” You protest.
“I know you want to help but you need to stay here.” Peter said.
You shook your head and said, “Why?”
“Because. You’re pregnant Mia.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“The doctor said not to stress yourself. This is going to stress your body, and neither of us want to lose this child.”
“But Peter…”
“Please Mia. Just do as I say.”
“How can you expect me to stay here and do nothing? Worrying about you and the others are going to stress me out just as much as going with you.”
“I need you to stay here, in case something goes wrong tonight. That way you’ll be able to lead the rest of the Narnians.” He said.
You shook your head and gave him a bit of a pleading look. He gave you the exact same look back finally you just threw your arms around him. His arms went around you as you held each other close.
“If I can’t go with you, then please don’t do this.” You say to him.
He shook his head and put his forehead on yours as he held you closer to him.
“Know that no matter what happens tonight; I love you and this baby more than anything in our world and in this world.” He said.
Then he leaned down and kissed you. It lasted for a few minutes until Peter finally pulled away. Then you felt the baby start to kick again. You took Peter’s hand and placed it on your belly.
“Promise us you’ll come back alive.” You say to him.
Peter was looking at you stomach as he felt the baby move and then he looked back at you. “I promise you as your husband and as king, that I will come back to you.” He said holding you close again.
You nodded and kissed him again. When that kiss was finished he said,
“I need to go.” You nodded and gave him another kiss.
“I love you, Peter.” You say to him.
“And I love you.” He said giving you one last kiss.
Then he left taking almost the entire Narnian army, Edmund, Susan and Caspian with him.