Written in the Stars

Chapter 26

You hated just sitting down and waiting. Lucy was sitting on the stone table and looked completely bored. You sigh and stood up you walked out of the room and back to where the drawings were. You had to admit your favorite one was of you, Peter and Devin. You stared at the drawing for a few minutes until you heard someone say,
“My Queen, are you alright?” you look over to find Trufflehunter looking at you worriedly. You smile and say,
“I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.” Trufflehunter nodded and said,
“He was found by Mr. Tumnus, a few days after you disappeared.” You looked at him confused but he went on to explain, “Prince Devin, I mean. Mr. Tumnus found him about two days after you disappeared. The Narnians gathered together knowing that a six year old would not be ready to be their king. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver raised him until he was old enough to be King. He reigned for over 30 years until the Talmarines came. King Devin lead the Narnians against the Talmarines before he was captured.”
“Then what happened to him?” you asked Trufflehunter.
“The Talmarine King executed him by hanging.” You put your hand on the drawing.
“How could I just leave him like that? I’m his mother and I just left him.” You whispered to yourself.
“Your majesty?” Trufflehunter asked.
“I’m sorry. I just wish I could have been there from him.” You say to Trufflehunter. Trufflehunter smiled and said,
“He was a great King, your majesty. You should be proud he was your son.”
“I am. Thank you for telling me what happened to him. I always wanted to know.”

You ended up talking to Trufflehunter for several hours. Until you heard the horn sound off.
“They’re back.” You say to Trufflehunter.
Lucy ran passed you and Trufflehunter. You stood up and ran after her. To your relief you saw Peter leading the group of the few returning Narnians.
“What happened?” Lucy asked.
“Ask him.” Peter said sharply looking at Caspian and obviously not happy.
“Peter.” Susan said.
“Me? You could have called it off, there was still time.” Caspian said.
Peter stopped and turned to Caspian.
“No I couldn’t of. If you had just stuck to the plan those soldiers would still be alive right now.”
“And if we had just stayed here like I suggested they defiantly would be!”
“You called us remember.” Peter stated.
“My first mistake.” Caspian said.
“No! Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people.” Peter said starting to walk towards you.
“Hey!” Caspian screamed and Peter turned around. “I’m not the one who abandoned Narnia!” Caspian continued.
“You invaded Narnia!” Peter said as Caspian pushed passed him. “You have no more right to be here than Miraz does. You, him your father. Narnia’s better off without the lot of you!” with that Caspian pulled out his sword and Peter drew his sword as they start to fight.
“Enough of this!” you say going up to them.
“Stop it!” you heard Edmund say.

Then you saw Stormhold put down an injured Trumpkin. Lucy ran passed you and knelt down next to Trumpkin using her fire flower juice to heal him. Caspian turned and walked into the How. You walked up to Peter and put your hand on his shoulder. He turned to you and put his hand on yours. You watched as Trumpkin started to cough.
“What are you all standing around for? The Talmarines will be here soon enough.” Trumpkin said standing up.
“Thank you.” He said to Lucy.
Peter grabbed your hand and you all walked into the How. Once you and Peter were alone Peter said,
“I should have listened to you, Mia.”
“What are you talking about?” you ask him.
“I should never had led them to that castle,Mia. The only reason so many of them are dead is because they got trapped. I was the last one out and there were so many soldiers that were behind me. They were all screaming at me to save myself. I almost went back to help them but then I thought of you and our baby and I knew I couldn’t help them.”
“Oh Peter.” You say pulling him to you.
His arms went around you and he held you lose. It was silent until Lucy ran up to you two saying,
“Caspian’s in trouble.”
“What?” Peter said putting his hand on his sword.
“Come on.” Lucy said running away from you two.
“Mia, stay here.” Peter ordered you and he ran off.

After a few minutes you decided to follow him anyway. It was in the large room with the stone table. Peter was standing in front of an ice wall. Inside of it though was the White Witch. She had her hand extended to Peter saying,
“You know you can’t do this alone.” You realized Peter was actually considering bringing her back.
“Stay away from him!” you yell bringing out your wand and pointing it at the White Witch.
Then you shattered the wall with your magic. Peter and Caspian looked back at you. Susan came up from behind you. Then she left looking completely frustrated and disappointed.

Peter and Caspian looked at each other then Caspian left the room. Soon it was only you and Peter left in the room. Peter extended his hand. You walked up to him and took it. He and you sat down on the stone table as looked up at Aslan’s tablet. Peter put his arms around you so he could feel the baby kick every now and then. Until you felt a lot of movement coming from your belly. Peter looked at you, smiling and laughing a bit.
“It’s doing summersaults.” You say smiling and laughing as well.
“I can’t believe how much it’s moving.” Peter said putting his forehead on yours.
“Devin would move like this when I was pregnant with him but not when I was five months along with him.”
Peter smiled and said, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You say back. Just before Peter’s lips met yours Edmund came in saying,
“Pete, you better come see this.” Peter looked at Edmund and nodded.
He stood up and held out his hand for yours. You gave it to him and he pulled you up. You and Peter followed Edmund out onto the second floor of Aslan’s How. There you saw the Talmarine army. Peter’s gaze met yours. He had a worried look in his eyes. He put his arm around you and said,
“Let’s go.” Everyone headed back into the how.

“We need Aslan.” Peter said.
“What do you suggest?” Caspian asked sitting on the stairs.
“I’m going to send Lucy, Susan and Mia into the forest to try to find him.” Peter said looking at you. You nodded at him but Trumpkin slammed down his fist and said,
“That’s your big plan?! To send a little girl to the darkest parts of the forest alone!”
“It’s our only chance!” Peter said.
“And she won’t be alone.” You say standing next to Peter.Trumpkin turned to Lucy and said,
“Haven’t enough of us died already?”
“Nikabrik was my friend too. But he lost hope. Queens Lucy, Susan and Mia haven’t. And neither have I.” Trufflehunter said to Trumpkin.
“Well then I’m going with you.” Trumpkin said to Lucy. She shook her head and said,
“No, we need you here.”
“We need all the help we can get to distract the Talmarines so they can get through.” Peter said to Trumpkin.
“If I may,” Caspian started and everyone looked at him, he continued, “Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer, but as King he has to uphold the expectations of his people through my people’s traditions. One of those traditions may buy us some time.”
“I’m listening.” Peter said willing to accept any advise.
“One on one combat. It is tradition that he cannot refuse a challenge for one on one combat.” Caspian said. You looked at Peter, who was considering the idea. Finally he said,
“I’ll challenge him.” Your heart sank as you thought, ‘Peter no.’ Peter then turned to you and the girls and said, “You’d better get ready to leave.”

The two girls left and soon I was only you and Peter in the room. He looked at you with definite worry in his eyes. He walked up to you and held you in his arms. You two tightly held onto each other for a few minutes until Peter said,
“You need to be going soon.”
“Peter, promise me you’ll be careful during your battle with Miraz.” You say to him. He smiled slightly and said,
“I want you to know that no matter what happens; I love you and our baby more than anything. It has been my greatest honor to be your husband.”
“I love you. Promise me if I die, that our child will know that I loved him or her.”
“Peter, you can’t…”
“Please, promise me.” Peter said putting his forehead on yours. Finally you nodded and said,
“I promise. And I love you more than anything.” Peter smiled and kissed you.
He held you close to him savoring every moment he had you in his arms as if it could be for the last time. He kissed you again letting deepening the kiss as much as possible. Soon he broke the kiss off and said,
“I need to write this letter to Miraz and you need to go find Aslan.” You nodded and said,
“I love you.” Peter held you as close to him as possible and said,
“I love you, Mia. No matter what happens. I love you.”
You two kissed again before heading to find Susan and Lucy. Peter and Caspian saw the three of you off.