Written in the Stars

Chapter 27

You were on a horse by yourself while the girls shared one. You were riding as fast as you could when you noticed that you were being followed by Talmarine soldiers.
“They’ve spotted us.” Susan yelled to you. Then to your surprise she slowed her horse down and got off.
“Take the reins.” Susan said to Lucy.
“What are you doing?” you ask Susan slowing down.
“It looks as if I won’t be with you two after all.” Susan said to you.
“Susan, be safe.” You say to her as she hit the horse Lucy was on.
You and Lucy rode as far as you could. Then you noticed that there were two Talmarine soldiers behind you. You got your wand out and turned your horse around.
“Stay away from us!” you yell at them but they continued to come.
You got off your horse and pointed your wand at them. Just as you were about to hit them Aslan came from behind you and leaped on one of the soldiers. You looked behind you and saw that Lucy had fallen off her horse. Aslan turned to look at you two and Lucy ran up to him.
“Aslan! I knew it was you the whole time, I knew it.” She said after she had hugged him.
“Why would that stop you from coming to me?” Aslan asked her.
“I’m sorry I didn’t want to come alone.”
“But you didn’t.” Aslan said looking at you as you walked up to him. You bowed to him and he said,
“Rise Queen and Enchantress of Narnia.” You looked at him and stood up.
You walked over to them and sat down.
“If we had come earlier, would those soldiers still be alive?” you asked him.
“We can never know what could have happened, dear ones. But what will happen is another matter. Come I think your friends have slept long enough.” He said. Then he roared waking up the trees and sending them to help Peter and the rest of the Narnians.
“Come we must go. The Talmarine will head for the river and we must reach the other side before they do.” Aslan said allowing you and Lucy to climb on his back.

Soon you were at the river. Just as you got there you could see the Talmarine army appearing from the trees. Lucy went out first. She smiled at the Talmarines and pulled out her dagger. Then you and Aslan walked out as the Talmarine leader looked behind him to see the Narnian army. You were barely able to see Peter, he had a big bruise on one side of his face but other than that he looked alright. His eyes locked with yours before you looked down and pulled out your wand. You also smiled at the Talmarine army as they looked at the three of you confused. Then the Talmarines started to go toward you. Then Aslan let out a huge roar, stopping the Talmarines in their tracks. The water then started to build up into a giant man.
“The River God.” Aslan said to you and Lucy.
The river god then proceeded to break the bridge the Talmarines were on leaving only their leader. Then the river god crashed down and drowned many of the Talmarines. The Talmarines who had survived surrendered and were putting down their weapons or giving them to Narnians. Peter, Susan, Edmund and Caspian walked across the river towards you, Aslan and Lucy. When they reached the shore and was in front of Aslan they bowed.
“Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia.” Aslan said.
Peter, Edmund and Susan stood up but Caspian stayed down.
“All of you.” Then Caspian looked up and said,
“I don’t think I am ready.”
“It is for that reason I know you are.” Aslan told him and he stood up.

You and Peter locked eyes and you walked over to him. You both smiled as you wrapped your arms around each other. Then you heard music and looked behind you. The mice were carrying Reepicheep on a mat and playing what sounded like Narnian funeral music. Lucy ran over to the mice and gave Reepicheep a drop of the fire flower juice, healing him. Reepicheep then stood up and bowed to Aslan. Then he realized he didn’t have a tail anymore and started to apologize. Then he started saying that a tail was the honor and glory of a mouse and Aslan was giving him a hard time. You and Peter and the rest of you laughed as Reepicheep tried to convince Aslan to give him a new tail. Peter had his arms around you and was not willing to let go anytime soon.
“Maybe you think too much of your honor.” Aslan said to Reepicheep.
“It’s not just the honor, it’s also great for balance and climbing and….” Reepicheep started but was interrupted by his men saying they would also cut off their tails. Then Aslan granted Reepicheep a new tail. Reepicheep went onto say he would treasure it always.

Soon you all started to walk towards the Talmarine castle. You were greeted with cheers from the Talmarine people and Caspian was crowned king.

Later that night you and Peter were given a huge guest room and finally had some alone time. You sat down on the bed and watched him as he came over to you. He sat down and put his arm around you.
“Does that hurt?” you ask him referring to the bruise on his face. He smiled and said,
“Not really.” Soon you found and Peter in a snogging session. Once you two finally broke apart Peter told you about the battle with Miraz. Then you told him about finding Aslan.
“How’s the baby?” Peter asked you. You looked down the truth is you didn’t know. The baby hadn’t kicked, moved or anything in the last few hours. Peter looked at you now really concerned and said,
“Mia, we didn’t lose the baby, did we?” You looked at Peter who had deep concern in his eyes.
“I’m not sure.” You said, “It hadn’t kicked or moved or anything since I left the How.”
Peter looked down and then back at you. He put his hand on your cheek, leaned in and kissed you. When the kiss broke, he looked down at your belly and put his hand on it. “Please, be alright.” He said to it. After a few moments you felt a flutter in your belly. Peter looked up at you and you both got huge smiles on your faces. He leaned back up and kissed you more fiercely this time. The next thing you knew Peter was on top of you and you were in a heavy snogging session. Then you hear,
“Peter. ____. I just…..Oh I’m so sorry.” Susan said as she saw the position you and Peter were in. You two looked at her and then at each other. The three of you completely embarrassed. “I’m so sorry. I just thought you would want to know that Aslan wants to see us first thing in the morning. I’ll go now." Susan said leaving and closing the door behind her.
Peter and you looked at each other, smiled and continued your snogging.
Later that night you rested your head on Peter’s chest. His arms were around you, holding you tightly. His head was resting on top of yours. Every now and then you would feel him kiss the top of your head. Every now and then one of you would whisper an ‘I love you’. Until you both fell asleep.