Written in the Stars

Chapter 28

The next morning you woke up to Peter lightly kissing the top of your head. You looked up at him and saw him smiling at you.
“Good morning.” You say laying your head on his shoulder so you could see his face better.
“Good morning.” He said before he leaned down and gave you a kiss.
You two just laid there like that for a while just kissing and talking. He had his arm around you and his hand on your belly feeling the baby move.
“What do you suppose Aslan wants to talk to us about?” you asked Peter.
“I have no idea.” Peter said before he leaned down and kissed you again.
After the kiss broke you two got up and dressed into your royal attire. You wore a light blue dress matching Peter’s blue outfit. Peter took your hand and said,
“Let’s go find Aslan.” You two walked for a bit before you found Aslan and Susan. The four of you walked as Aslan talked.
“Peter, Mia, Susan, I have to inform you that this is your last trip to Narnia.” Aslan said. You and Peter looked at each other but let Aslan continue. “Peter, you and Mia and Susan have learned all you can from this world. I hate to say it but you’re all getting to old for the magic that brings you to Narnia won’t be able to work anymore. Edmund and Lucy and the child Mia is carrying now will be able to come back some day though.” Then Aslan saw Caspian and said,
“Your majesty?” You, Peter and Susan looked at him.
“We’re ready. Everyone has assembled.” Caspian said looking at Susan.
Susan looked like she was about to cry but Caspian left.
“We had better go.” Aslan said and you all went to the meeting. Peter had an arm around you as you two listened to Caspian begin to talk.

“Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as much as it belongs to man.” Caspian said to his people, “Those Talmarines who wish to stay and live in peace are welcome to do so. But for those of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the land of our forefathers.”
“It’s been many generations since we’ve been to Talmare.” One Talmarine said.
“We’re not referring to Talmare. Your forefathers were pirates and happened upon and island which transported you here. It is that same world from which our Kings and Queens are from. It’s a great place for anyone who wishes to make a new start.” Aslan said. Three Talmarines spoke up and Aslan said to them, “Because you have spoken first your life in that world shall be good.” Then he used his magic to slit a tree enough to make a portal. The three Talmarines walked towards it and then disappeared.
“How do we know he is not leading us to our deaths?” one Talmarine yelled.
“Sire, if my example can be of any help; I will take 11 mice through without fail.” Reepicheep said bowing to Aslan.
Then Aslan looked at you and Peter with a smile on his face.
“We’ll go.” Peter said looking at you then to Aslan.
“We will?” Edmund asked.
“Come on. Times up.” Peter said walking over to Edmund and then over to Caspian “Beside we’re not really needed here anymore.” Peter said handing Caspian his sword.
“I will keep it safe until you come back.” Caspian said taking the sword.
“That’s just it. We’re not coming back.” Susan said looking at Caspian. His eyes widened.
“Never?” Lucy asked. Peter walked up to her and Edmund and said,
“Well you two are. I least I think he means you two.”
“But why? Did they do something wrong?” Lucy asked Aslan.
“No just the opposite. Your brother and sister and Mia have learned all they can from this world. It’s time they lived in their own.” Aslan said.
“It’s alright, Lu.” You say to Lucy as Peter took your hand.
“It’s not what I expected. But it’s alright. Someday you’ll see too.” Peter said to Lucy.
Then you went to say your goodbyes to the Narnians. After shaking everyones hand you, Peter Lucy and Edmund waited for Susan to say goodbye to Caspian. Peter had his arms around you as you watched those two.
“I wish we had more time.” Caspian said.
“We never would have worked any way.” Susan said.
“Why not?”
“Well, I am 1300 years older than you.” Susan said smiling.
She went to walk towards you guys but then she went back and kissed Caspian. Peter’s arm held you tighter as you watched Susan and Caspian hug.
“When I’m older I think I’ll understand.” Lucy said. You and Peter smiled.
Then Edmund said, “I’m older and I don’t think I want to understand.”
Peter held you tighter as you looked up at him. He kissed you lightly before Susan joined you. You smiled at her and she gave you a small smile. Then Peter, you, Susan, Edmund and Lucy walked towards the tree.

The next thing you knew you were back at the train station. Everything was the way it was before. You and Peter looked at each other and then your train pulled up. The boy that had been talking to Susan went onto the train.
“Are you coming Phyllis?” he asked looking at Susan.
Everyone but you and Susan looked at him confused. Then you all grabbed your luggage and got on the train.
“DO you think theres any way we could get back?” Edmund asked.
“I left my new torch in Narnia.” You and everyone smiled and laughed a bit.
Then Peter went and found a spot that everyone could sit at. You sat next to Peter while Susan sat across from you next to her was Lucy and Edmund. Peter held you close until the train stopped. You, Susan and Lucy would stay on but Peter and Edmund had to get off to catch a different train.
“Remember; if you need anything let me know.” Peter said to you before he got up. You nodded and said,
“Promise you’ll write?”
He nodded and said, “Five times a day and maybe I’ll be able to call you once a week.” you smiled and gave him a kiss.
Once the kiss was broken he put a hand on your belly and said, “Take good care of yourself. The next time I see you, you may have a little one in your arms.”
“I will. And you promise me you won’t be getting into anymore fights.”
“I promise.” Then he kissed you again. When the kiss ended you said,
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Peter said before kissing you. Then he stood up and grabbed his suitcase.
You stood up and walked him to the train door. You two kissed one last time before Peter and Edmund got off the train. Then the train doors closed and you and Peter watched each other before you were no longer in eyesight of each other. Then you sat down across from Susan. She gave you a small smile and you smiled back. Then you just sat and waited till you got to your stop.

It was four more hours until you made it to your destination. You and Susan take a bit while Lucy took a nap. When you finally got to the boarding school you given your school schedule and room number. Luckily you and Susan were named roommates and you two mostly had the same schedule. Once you and Susan got up to your room you two started to unpack. When you opened your suitcase you were surprised to find a letter inside. You picked it up and opened it. Some money fell out of the envelope. You picked up the money and took out the letter. You started to read and it said:

‘To My Dearest Wife Mia,
No words will ever be able to describe the way I feel about you. I know the next few months will be hard on you and I want you to know that you can always come to me. This money is in case you ever need a train ticket to come to me or if there is an emergency. I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world, Mia. You are the light in my life and I can’t wait till I can hold you in my arms again. You and our child are the most important things in my life and I love you both very much. I’ll try to call you every Friday around 2 o’clock. I will write to you every day and I will think of you always.
Love always.

“What is that?” Susan asked looking over at you. You smile at her and say,
“It’s a letter from Peter.” Susan smiled and said,
“What does it say?”
“He gave me some money if I ever need to get a train ticket or if there’s an emergency. It’s a love letter.” You say to Susan.
After everything was unpacked you and Susan headed down to the orientation that happened on the first day.

“Hello ladies. I’m your head mistress, Mrs. Jenson.” A woman said standing in front of the whole school. She went over school rules and informed the first years that there would be a tour of the school that evening. Then she said something that caught your attention.
“It has come to my understanding that some of you married because of the war and I want to let every young married woman here know that there is a support group that meets every Wednesday. It is for those of you married few who are missing your husbands. Also those who are married I would like you all to stay. There is a special meeting after this meeting designed for you married young woman. That is all thank you.” Then she dismissed the group.
“I’ll meet you up at the room.” You say to Susan. She nodded and went to find Lucy.

There were five other girls that stayed behind. You all smiled at each other and soon the headmistress came up to the five of you.
“Hi ladies, I’m Mrs. Jenson. Now it’s come to my attention that all of you here are married but wish to finish your education. I know how hard it can be to be away from your husbands, remember I’m also away from my husband. Now I believe some of you are also pregnant.” You and one other girl nodded. Mrs. Jenson smiled at you and the other girl and said, “These next few months are going to be particularly hard on you two. I want you to know that I’m here for you girls and I want you to feel free to come talk to me whenever you need help. Now I need to go, but I encourage you girls to get to know each other. Remember you all are going through the same thing.” With that Mrs. Jenson left.

You were about to leave when the other girl that was pregnant approached you.
“Hi, I’m Sharon.” She said walking with you.
“I’m Mia. Nice to meet you.” You say smiling at her.
“Nice to meet you. Is it alright if I ask how far along are you on your pregnancy?” Sharon asked smiling back at you.
“Almost 6 months.” You say.
“Oh wow, when’s the baby due?”
“December 13.”
She nodded and said, “I’m due in February.”
You smiled at her and asked, “Where’s your husband?”
“St. Christophers.” She said a bit gloomily.
Your eyes lit up and said, “That’s where my husband is too.”
She smiled and said, “Wow. We have a lot in common.”
“It seems so.”
“I’m going to go now but maybe I’ll see you in classes.”
“I’m in room 66 on the third floor. Come visit me, sometime.” You told her.

She smiled and went on her way. Soon you were back at your room. Susan and Lucy were inside talking about how they hoped the next day would be. Soon it was lights out. You had a hard time falling asleep that night. It was so weird not to have Peter lying next to you that it was into the early morning hours before you got any sleep. Soon the next day started and you started another year of school.