Written in the Stars

Chapter 29

“To my Dearest Mia,
How are you? How’s the baby? Is everything going well? How are your classes? Do you enjoy them? Do you miss me? Everything here is fine. My roommate is another married man whose wife is also pregnant. Do you know a Sharon Johnson? That’s his wife’s name. We’ve become really good friends and enjoy bragging to everyone about our wives.
School is going well. My classes are alright. The only thing missing is you. I was surprised to find that the school system here has designed a program to help us young married students out. I get paid for every A I get on an assignment, test and final grade. That’s really good for us. Also I was able to talk with my Headmaster, Mr. Jenson. Did you know that my headmaster is married to your headmistress? That’s kind of interesting but anyway, I talked to him about when after the baby is born and about you and the baby coming here. It seems that the school will provide special accommodations for us.
I love you Mia. I can’t wait to see you and hold you in my arms, my dearest wife. Remember if you need anything let me know, and I’ll get it for you. Also, if you need me please feel free to use the money I gave you and come visit me. I will call when I get a chance. I miss you so much, my love. I hope all is well with you and the baby. Please remember to write.
Your ever loving husband,

It had been a week since you and Peter had parted ways for school. You enjoyed your classes and you had become good friends with Sharon. Susan would hang around you and Sharon but you could tell she didn’t like Sharon. You would only see Lucy at meal times and then she would take off with her new friends. You finished reading you new letter from Peter and put it in your pocket.

“Is that from your husband?” Sharon asked. You, Susan and Sharon were having a group study session when Mrs. Jenson brought you the letter.
“Yes. He’s doing well. Hey Sharon what’s your last name?” you ask Sharon.
“Well my married name is Johnson.”
“Really? I think my husband and your husband are roommates.”
“Really? That’s so cool. I just got a letter from my Frank yesterday and he said he was rooming with a married man named Peter Pevensie.”
“That’s my husband.” You say smiling.
Then you all went on with your study session. Later that night you sat at your desk writing a letter to Peter. It said:

“To my loving husband, Peter,
“I’m glad to hear that everything is going well with you. That new program for us married students will defiantly be a great asset for us. I’m glad to hear that we won’t have to worry about finding an apartment to live in while your finishing up school after the baby is born.
I do know Sharon. She’s the other girl that’s pregnant here at school. Only I’m further along than she is. We have become good friends.
I am doing well. The baby grows everyday and I can feel him move and kick every other minute. Classes are well. I’ve enjoyed the learning experience but I’m still not sure if it’s worth being away from you. Susan and I are roommates and it’s been really nice having her close by. It’s not as lonely this way.
I love you so much my dearest Peter. I think about you often and wish you well in all of your classes. I can’t wait till I see you again and feel your arms around me. I love you more than anything in this world. Know that the baby and I are alright. We both miss you terribly, my love. Please write again soon.
Love always and forever.

You kissed the bottom of the paper leaving a lipstick mark. You reread the letter before putting it in an envelope. You addressed it and put a stamp on it before turning your oil lamp down. You went to climb into bed when you heard some soft sobs. You looked over at Susan and heard some more sobs. You walked over to her and sat on her bed. You put a hand on her shoulder and said,
“Susan, are you alright?” she turned around and you could see tears streaming down her face.
“What’s wrong?” you ask her.
“I never should have left Narnia.” Susan said sitting up.
“What do you mean?”
“I would still be with Caspian if I had stayed. I love him, so much and I just left.”
“Oh Susan.” You say pulling her into a hug.
“I miss him so much.” She said as another tear ran down her face.
“I’m so sorry, Susan. I’ve been so focused on me and Peter that I didn’t even think to consider your feelings.”
“Now it’s not your fault. I just wish things would have worked out differently.” She said.
“I understand.” You said then you remembered something,
“Susan, there is that dance this next Friday with the boys at St. Brutus’. You could meet someone else there. Or we can just go and have a good time.” You suggested. She thought a moment and said,
“Do I have to dance with anyone?”
“Of course not. We’ll just have a ladies night. Unless there is someone you want to dance with. Would you like that?” you ask her.
She thought for a moment and nodded, smiled and said, “Thanks Mia. I really appreciate your kind words.” You smiled and said,
“We’re best friends Susan. It’s what we’re here for.” She smiled and said,
“Goodnight.” You stood up and said,
“Goodnight, Susan. We’ll talk more in the morning.” Then you climbed into your bed.
You have had a hard time getting to sleep since you and Peter were separated. This is when you felt the loneliest and missed Peter the most. Eventually you were able to get to sleep.

Nearly two months had passed since you got to the boarding school. Susan became friends with the boy that had tried to flirt with her before you guys went back to Narnia. You and Sharon still got along and were great friends. But you had to admit the longer you were away from Peter the lonelier you became. You also found yourself most defiantly looking pregnant. Between the baby’s constant kicking and your constant missing Peter, you found it hard to concentrate in class. On top of all that you found yourself crying a good deal of the time. You blamed a good deal of that on the pregnancy but it was getting to the pint were being pregnant was not comfortable. Then on top of that you had failed most of your midterms because you found it hard to concentrate on anything but the constant reminder that there was baby inside you. It was bad enough that your headmistress called you into her office.

“Mrs. Pevensie it has come to my understanding that you are having a difficult time with your classes. Is that right?” Mrs. Jenson said to you.
“I’m so sorry Mrs. Jenson. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Between the baby’s constant kicking and missing Peter, it’s just really become hard to concentrate.” You say to her. She smiled at you and nodded with understanding.
“You’re getting into the hardest part of your pregnancy. It does make things more difficult. Anyway I have a surprise for you. Your husband is Peter Pevensie who’s at St. Christopher’s right?” she asked you.
You nodded and said, “That’s right.”
She smiled and said, “My husband is the headmaster of St. Christopher’s. I miss my husband terribly too. Umm. I’ve been talking to my husband about you and your husband and it seems you both are having a hard time being away from each other. So I was hoping you would accompany me to St. Christopher’s.” Your eyes widened and for the first time in two weeks you had a real smile on your face.
“Seriously?” you ask her.
“Yes.” She said smiling at you.
You stood up and hugged you. Or at least tried to considering your belly got in the way. She laughed and said,
“We leave tomorrow.”
“Thank you so much.” You say to her before leaving to go pack.

“Susan.” You say going into your room. She looked up from the book she had been reading and said,
“You look happy. Did something good happen?” You got out your suitcase and started to pack.
“Sort of. Mrs. Jenson invited me to go to St. Christopher’s with her so she and I can visit our husbands.” You say to Susan.
“Mia. That is so great. When do you leave?”
“Tomorrow.” You say excitedly.