Written in the Stars

Chapter 3

You were at the church with your mother and Susan helping you get dressed. You had just gotten into the dress when Mrs. Pevensie came into the room with Lucy.
"Oh Mia you look lovely." she told you.
"Thank you, Mrs. Pevensie." you say.
She smiled and said, "Peter is ready and waiting."
Your stomach did a turn and you nodded. "Shall we go?" you asked.
Everyone nodded. Mrs. Pevensie and your mother went first, then Lucy, Susan and finally you. You locked eyes with Peter's when you entered the chapel. Your eyes never left his as you walked down the isle. When you reached him, he reached for you hand. You gave it to him and then you both turned to the priest.
He smiled at you and Peter and said, "We are gathered here to join Peter Pevensie and Mia Scott in holy matrimony. Now the vows. Peter do you take Mia as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer through sickness and in health, for the good times and the bad, til death do you part?"
Peter smiled looked at you and said, "I do."
The priest asked you the same question and you responded, "I do."
"Now Peter take the ring and put it on Mia's finger saying, .With this ring I thee wed.'"
Peter did as he was told. "Mia put Peter's ring on his finger saying, 'With this ring I thee wed.'" You did and the priest said, "I now pronounce you man and wife....You may kiss your bride."
Peter leaned in and gave you the best kiss you had ever had. After you and Peter finally broke apart the priest said, "I give you Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pevensie."
The only ones there were your mothers and Peter's siblings.
You and Peter smiled at eachother as your now united family gathered around you.

You and Peter were finally able to make it to his bedroom after the days events you were very tired. You went to the bathroom to get into a nightgown that your mother gave you the night before as a 'wedding gift.' You and Peter knew what was coming next. Yours and Peter's mothers told you and Peter the night before. And though you were a bit nervous you both couldn't wait to be united for the first time.
Peter was in blue striped pjs when you finally came back to his bedrooms. You smiled at him as he stood up. He picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the bed. He made sure the door was locked before joining you on the bed.
"I love you, Mia. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive." Peter said to you as he took your hand and started to kiss his fingers.
"I love you too, Peter. Thank you for having me." you said.
Peter smiled and went to kiss you. Soon you and Peter were kissing heavily and he was on top of you. Then you heard the sirens go off. You both immediatly broke away from eachother. Peter immediatly put a regular shirt on and grabbed your hand. "We've got to go." Suddenly you felt a bomb hit the ground.
Then you heard Mrs. Pevensie yell at Edmund and then call for Peter. Peter let go of your hand. Then you realized something. Your mother would probably just sleep through the bombing and get killed. You ran out of the Pevensie house and over to yours but a bomb hit it just before you got there. The impact made threw you to the ground but you were alright. Then you knew your mother was gone.

With Peter:
Peter had just grabbed Edmund after Ed ran into the house to get a picture of their father. They ran back to the bomb shelter.Peter looked around for you.
"Peter where's your wife?" he mother asked.
His eyes widened when he realized you weren't there and he ran back out of the shelter to find you.....
With you:
You ran back to the Pevensie house just as you got inside you saw Peter.
"Peter!" you said. He ran toward you, grabbed your hand and ran back out to the bomb shelter.
"Are you alright?" he asked you once in the bomb shelter and sitting down.
You had started to cry. You nodded and then told him what had happend.
"My mum is gone." you say crying into Peter's shoulder. His arms tightened around and you soon cried yourself to sleep.