Written in the Stars

Chapter 30

Soon you were all packed and ready to go. You barely slept that night from the excitement. But soon you were on a train on your way to St. Christopher’s. About three hours later you were there. You and Mrs. Jenson got off the train and to your surprise there Peter was waiting for you with a smile on his face. His eyes locked with yours as he walked up to you. When he was directly in front of you, you both wrapped your arms around each other and your lips crashed together. When the kiss broke Peter put his forehead on yours and said,

“How have you been?”
“Really lonely.” You say before you felt him pull you into another kiss.
When that kiss was over you both looked over at your headmasters. Peter had both arms around and he said to them,
“Thank you so much.”
They smiled at the two of you and the four of you headed to St. Christopher’s. You and Peter were shown to where you would be staying during your visit with Peter. It was so good to be with Peter again. You two spent the majority of the rest of the day just talking and snuggling with each other.
“I hear school’s been hard for you.” Peter said as you two lay on your sides on the bed next to each other. Peter had one of his arms around you.
“It’s been really hard for the last few weeks. The baby won’t stop moving and I’ve been missing you a lot and it’s just been hard to concentrate.” You say to him.
He smiled and put his hand on your stomach and said, “I understand. I’ve found it hard thinking about anything but you and the baby. I’ve been worrying about how you were doing and if you were going to be alright.”
“I’m not that fragile, Peter.” You say smiling.
“I know. But I love you and I wouldn’t be a good husband if I didn’t worry about you.” He said leaning over and giving you a kiss.
Once the kiss broke you two just smiled and had a nice evening together.

You woke up to Peter putting a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him and smiled.
“Good morning love.” You say. Peter was sitting on your side of the bed in his school uniform.
“Good morning.” He said leaning down and kissing you. After the kiss broke he said, “My first class starts in fifteen minutes so I need to go.”
You sat up and said, “Oh, alright.”
“Mrs. Jenson will come by here around 10 and then I’ll join you for lunch around 12:30.” Peter said leaning down and kissing you again.
Once the kiss broke you said, “Have a good day dear.”
“You too. I’ll see you at lunch.”
“Sounds great.”
With that Peter kissed you again and then stood up and left.

After a while you got up and soon you heard a knock on the door. You opened the door and saw Mrs. Jenson.
“Good morning, Mrs. Pevensie.” She said coming into the room.
“Good morning. How are you today?” you say to her
“I’m alright. How are you?”
“Fine.” You say.
You and Mrs. Jenson spent the morning talking. Around 12:15 you and Mrs. Jenson went to a restaurant across the street from the boarding school and waited for your husbands.
After a few minutes Peter sat down next to you.
“Hi, love. How was your morning?” he said giving you a quick kiss.
“It’s been good. How were classes?” you ask.
“They were classes.” Peter said just as Mr. Jenson sat down.
“So girls, how has your day been?” Mr. Jenson asked. After a while Mrs. Jenson said,
“So, I’m going back to St. Margret’s tomorrow.” You looked at her and said,
“We’re going back? So soon?”
“You didn’t get a chance to tell her yet?” Mr. Jenson said.
“Tell me what?” you asked.
“Well, considering the circumstances that you are in, Mr. Jenson and I have decided that it would be best if you stayed here, Mrs. Pevensie.” Mrs. Jenson said.
You and Peter looked at each other surprised.
“Are you serious?” you asked her. She smiled and nodded.
“But what about….?” You started but Peter said,
“Shh. Don’t say anything I like where this is going.” You smiled at Peter and looked back at the Jenson’s.
They smiled at the two of you and said, “With the baby being so closely due, it’s just best to keep you two together. You both move into the married dorms tonight and anything that you left back at St. Margret’s Mia, I will have your sister-in-law mail it to you.” Mrs. Jenson said.

Later that night Peter and you moved into the new married dorms. There were only two other couples that lived there and you and Peter soon became friends with the other couples. After you were done unpacking you and Peter fell asleep, glad that you wouldn’t have to be separated ever again.

Almost two months had passed since you and Peter were reunited. Mr. Jenson gave you a job in the school’s library so you weren’t bored while Peter was in classes and to help you two with money. You enjoyed your job and Peter would often go study in the library just to be near you. Your main job was to put books away and to help students find the books. So after the first week of working there you knew where pretty much everything was. Peter would often come up behind you pretending he didn’t know where a book was at and then by the time you would get to where the book was at he would have his lips on yours and you two would make out until some students told you to ‘get a room’ or your boss, the librarian, would catch you two and tell you to ‘get back to work’. You were now 9 months pregnant and due any day, keeping Peter on his toes in case something should happen. Mrs. Pevensie came to help with the baby once it was born so you visited with her constantly. She was given the guest room next door to your apartment dorm so that made things easier for you and her when either of you wanted to visit. You were just coming home from the market when Edmund met you at the door that led to yours and Peter’s dorm.

“Hi Ed. How are things going?” you ask him going up to the door.
“Good.” He said putting his arm across the door making it impossible for you to open it.
“Good. Is there something you need?” you ask wanting to get inside to put the food you had just bought away.
“No.” Ed said looking down.
“Ok.” You say, knowing that something was going on.
“Well, why don’t we go in so I can put this food away.” You say.
“Umm. Ok. One moment.” Then Ed took the grocery bags, opened the door, quickly went in and then closed the door.
‘What the heck are these two up to?’ you asked yourself. A second later Edmund and Peter came out. Edmund walked away smiling as Peter looked at you smiling with a blindfold in one of his hands.
“Hi, my love.” Peter said leaning in and kissing you. After the kiss you eyed the blind fold and asked,
“Hi. What’s going on? What’s that for?”
“I have a surprise for you.” He said, “Do you trust me?” he asked.
“Of course.” You say and he walked behind you.
“Then let me tie this on and I’ll take you into the apartment.”
“Peter this is ridiculous. Why can’t I just walk in like a normal person?” you ask him as he tied the blindfold in front of your eyes so you couldn’t see.
“It would ruin the surprise.” He said, now putting an arm around your shoulder and placing his hand in yours.
He led you into the apartment and into, what you assumed was your bedroom. Then you felt the blindfold loosen and you opened your eyes. In front of you was a beautifully crafted rocking chair and baby crib. Peter watched your reaction as you walked up to them.
You turned back to him in amazement and said, “Where did these come from?”
Peter smiled and asked, “Do you like them?”
You looked back and placed a hand on the rocking chair’s smooth surface.
“They’re wonderful, but you know we can’t afford these, Peter.” You said.
Peter’s grin grew and said, “I didn’t pay for them.”
Your eyes widened and you said, "You stole them?! Peter…”
“No that’s not what I meant. I made them for you in shop class. I knew I couldn’t afford to get you and the baby any of the ones so. I started making them second day of class. It took me forever but they’re done now the only I had left to worry about was if you liked them or not.” Peter said walking up to you and taking your hand. “I know they’re not as good as store bought items, but I want you to know, I thought about you and the baby all the time, while working on these items.” He said.

By this time you were in tears.
“Peter they’re wonderful. Better than anything we could have because you made them. More importantly they came from your heart. I’ll treasure them always as I treasure you. Thank you.” You say pulling him into a hug.
He held you as close as he could consider your 9 months pregnant belly was in the way. Soon he pulled you into a kiss. A second later you heard a knock on the door. Peter pulled away and said,
“I’ll get that.” He left the bedroom to open the door.
You looked at the rocking chair and the baby crib. You put your hand on your belly and said to your unborn child,
“Your father loves you very much.” Then you sat down in the rocking chair.
It was comfortable and so perfect you didn’t want to get up. Then you heard the Peter open the door. A second later Mrs. Pevensie and Peter walked into the room. You went to stand up but Mrs. Pevensie held up her hand and said,
“Peter’s been working on that for you for months. Don’t get up on my account; you’ll only end up sitting down again.” You smiled and nodded.
Peter pulled up a chair from the kitchen and Mrs. Pevensie sat down in it and Peter sat on the bed next to you. The three of you talked until it was dinner time when you and Mrs. Pevensie made some yummy soup and then Mrs. Pevensie went back to her room next door.

The next day was the first day of finals for Peter so the two of you went to bed soon after Mrs. Pevensie left. It was early morning hours when you felt your first contraction hit. Peter was sleeping soundly next to you with one arm around you. You turned to him and started to shake him gently.
“Peter, dear.” You said quietly to him. He just turned a bit and continued to sleep. “Peter!’ you say hitting him with your pillow. That woke him up.
“What? What’s wrong?” He said tiredly looking at you.
“You need to get the doctor.”
“Why? Wait, you mean it’s happening now? We’re having the baby now?” he asked sounding a bit panicky.
“My water just broke so I’m pretty sure it’s now.” You say to him.
Peter quickly got up saying things like: “Stay calm.” and “Don’t panic.”
He quickly got dressed in his school uniform pants and shirt and was out the door. You could hear him pounding on the door to the apartment that Mrs. Pevensie was in. Soon you heard that door open and then a few minutes later Mrs. Pevensie came into your bedroom. She went up to you and said,
“Peter went to get the doctor; everything’s going to be alright.” You smiled and said,
“I know.”
You had gone through this once before but that was in a different land and you were a little older then than you were now. You felt the pain starting to get stronger. Soon Peter and the doctor came in.
“Mr. Pevensie, please wait outside.” The doctor said to Peter, as he put his bag down.
“But…” Peter started to protest.
“Please, Mr. Pevensie, for the safety of your wife and child, I must ask you stay outside.” Peter thought a moment and then nodded. He walked up to you and gave you a quick kiss.
“I love you.” He said once the kiss broke.
“I love you too.” You say to him. He smiled at you and then he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

“Excuse me ma’am, you are?” the doctor said to Mrs. Pevensie.
“Oh. I’m the Grandmother.” Mrs. Pevensie said to the doctor.
“Good. I’m going to need you to get…” the doctor started to list several items.
You were in labor the rest of the night and into the morning. Around 8:35 you finally heard the crying screams of a child. Mrs. Pevensie took the child from the doctor to clean it up and the doctor said,
“Congratulations, Mrs. Pevensie you have a son.” You smiled and thought of Peter’s reaction.
The doctor packed up and left. You didn’t hear any voices so you assumed the doctor left without telling Peter anything. Soon Mrs. Pevensie handed you, your newborn son wrapped in a blanket you had made a few weeks earlier. You smiled at the sleeping figure in your arms.
“I’m going to tell Peter.” Mrs. Pevensie said going to leave.
You nodded and just stared at your son’s perfect face. He was the spinning image of Peter. The door opened and you heard someone move quickly.