Written in the Stars

Chapter 35

A week later Peter started to work again. You stayed at home and took care of Tim. Susan, Edmund and Lucy returned to school, so Mrs. Pevensie came over to your apartment often and helped you with house work and other things. She usually left before Peter came home, so she could get dinner started for her husband. One day Peter came home a bit frantic. You were making dinner, while holding Tim in one arm when you heard the door open and slam shut. You turned but the next thing you knew Peter was holding you in his arms.

"Peter what?" you asked before Peter's lips met yours. Once the kiss broke you Peter held you at arm length and concerned asked,
"Are you and the baby alright?"
"We're fine. Peter whats going on?" you asked confused.
He looked at you worriedly, finally he said, "One of our neighbors went crazy this afternoon. He shot his wife and son. I heard it at work and they said he might still be in town. I've been asked to help with the search for this man."
"Peter." you say hugging him.
You couldn't believe it. You lived in a nice neighborhood and couldn't believe anyone near you doing such a thing and you didn't want Peter going after a crazy man.
"Don't go." you said to him. He shook his head and he said,
"I have to. I have to make sure you and our son will be safe."
"Then stay here and keep us safe if you have to." you say to him.
Peter put his forehead on yours as he looked from you to Tim.
"I love you Mia. And I love our son. I have to do everything I can to keep our family safe. I can help keep you two safe by going with the group of men chosen to find this man."
"Please don't go." you say to your husband.
You were completely worried for your family, now.
"I want you to stay here and lock the door. Don't leave the house until I get back." Peter said to you.
You nodded, knowing nothing else you could say would discourage him to go. Your eyes locked with his and you two leaned in for a kiss.
"Be careful my love." you say once the kiss broke.
He nodded, then pulled a gun out of his pocket.
"Take this. Only use it if you have to." he said handing the small gun to you. You nodded and took the gun.
You looked down and Peter went on to say,
"No matter what happens. I love you."
"I love you too." you said.
Then Peter looked down at Tim smiled and took him from you. You watched Peter talk to his son. You smiled as Peter told Tim to take good care of you. Then Peter handed Tim back to you, gave you a kiss.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." Peter said.
You nodded and you two gave each other another kiss and then Peter left. You locked the door behind him and quickly finished what you had been making. You put it in your fridge and then went to Tim's room. You sat in the rocking chair until Tim fell asleep. You put Tim in his crib and then you went back into the kitchen. You got out the food and tired to eat but found you weren't hungry.

You sat in a chair in the kitchen for a while until you heard some movement outside of your door. You looked at the door and quickly grab the gun Peter handed to you and went up to the door. After a few minutes of no sound you opened the door. You looked at to see that no one was there. You sighed with relief and went to close the door when suddenly a hand was on the door. Your eyes shot to the hand and looked to see Mr. Cliff, the neighbor that had shot his wife and kids.
"Hello, love. What's for dinner?" Mr. Cliff asked you. You looked at him completely terrified as he walked into your house."Work was horrible dear. But it's not my fault. I tried to get a raise but nothing would convince them, I was good enough. But we know I am, right my dear wife." he said to you sitting down at the table. Then he noticed the gun in your hands and quickly took it from you. "What are you doing with that, wife. This isn't to leave the shelf unless it's to be shot." he said to you. Deciding it was best to go along with whatever was in this man's head you said,
"Yes, husband."
Then you walked over to the fridge and got out what you had made for dinner. You quickly heated it and set the table. Mr. Cliff ate telling you things about his work and other things. You were finally beginning to understand what made him snap. He felt like he was being treated with the respect of a mule and he was angry about it. You head shot up as you heard Tim start to cry.
"What's that?!" Mr. Cliff asked standing up and going to Tim's room.

You grabbed the gun from the shelf and quickly followed Mr. Cliff. You were now fearful for your son as you watched Mr. Cliff looked at Tim.
"So you've cheated on me too, wife." he said looking at the baby and then to you.
You shook your head and said,"No. I have never cheated on my husband." you said truthfully.
Mr. Cliff sneered at you and said,"Whore!" and he threw you to the floor.
You screamed as you hit the floor. Then you watched Mr. Cliff pick Tim up.
"Handsome little lad. Too bad I have to kill him."
"No! Please don't." you say getting to your feet and over to Mr. Cliff. Quickly you took Tim from him and started to run from the room.
You were grabbed by the shoulder and Mr. Cliff looked at you with a hatred you had never seen before.
"Bitch. You and that bastard child of yours with suffer." he said.
Quickly you pointed the gun at Mr. Cliff.
"You will not touch me or my son. I'm not your wife. I'm Mia Pevensie. Peter's wife. This is our son, Tim. You know us, Mr. Cliff. We're your neighbors." you say to him, ready to shoot if you had to.
"Mia Pevensie?" Mr. Cliff asked.
You nodded and said,"Yes."

Mr. Cliff looked like his was thinking for a moment You took this opportunity to put Tim back in his crib. Suddenly Mr. Cliff eyes looked back at you and he shouted,
"LIES!" Then he hit you and you fell to the ground.

Then you heard your front door open and you heard some people running to Tim's room. You looked behind Mr. Cliff and saw Peter emerging with a group of men. Peter's eyes locked with yours. He looked completely horrified. Mr. Cliff followed your gaze and he saw the men.
Peter glared at Mr. Cliff and said,"Stay the hell away from my wife and son."
Mr. Cliff growled at him and then went up to you and pulled you up and pushed you infront of him, using you as a shield.
"Come any closer and I'll kill her." Mr. Cliff told the men.
You moved your hand so the gun was pointing at Mr. Cliff. He noticed your movement and looked down at the gun. He went to take it but you wouldn't let him have it. After a moment of struggling for the gun you heard a gun fire.