Written in the Stars

Chapter 36

After the gun shot you felt yourself fall to the ground. You could hear Peter yelling your name and Tim howling. The group of men with Peter tackled Mr. Cliff and was taking him out of the room. Peter was at your side with your head in his lap. You eyes were open but you could feel the darkness starting to surround you.
"Mia. Love." Peter said worriedly to you.
You tried to answer him but ended up coughing up blood. Peter gave you the most worried look you had ever seen and he yelled,
"Call the doctor!" Peter quickly lifted you up, carried you to your room and put you on the bed.

You could hear Tim cry and you wanted desperatly to know that your son was safe. You tried to tell Peter to check on Tim but no words could be heard from your mouth. Peter watch you struggle as a tear started to fall from his cheek. He put a hand on your cheek and started to rub it softly.
He was whispering things like,"Everything will be alright. They've gone to get the doctor. Please hold on, for me." You nodded but you felt your eyes starting to close, making Peter even more frantic.
"Mia. Don't you dare leave me!" he said to you.
You were able to keep your eyes open for a few more minutes, but as the doctor came up to you felt your eyes close.

Peter's P.O.V
I watched as Mia's eyes closed.
Panic filled me as I cried,"No. Mia. Don't do this to me."
Then I heard,"Mr. Pevensie. I need to ask you to leave, so I can help your wife."
I turned to see the doctor who was getting ready to look at my wife's injury. I nodded and left the room, closing the door behind me. Thats when I noticed Tim's frantic screams. I quickly went to his bedroom and walked up to his crib. I picked up my scared son, trying to calm him down. I held him tightly to me as I said,
"Shhh. Everythings alright. Mum's going to be alright."

After a half hour of waiting for the doctor to tell me how Mia was I heard a knock on the door. I had been able to get Tim to sleep so I had put him back in his crib. I opened the door to see my Mum.
"Peter dear. I heard what happened. Is Mia alright?" she asked me.
Tears filled my eyes as I said, "I'm still waiting for the doctor to tell me."
My mum pulled me into a hug as she said, "I'm so sorry, dear. I'm sure Mia will be just fine. She's a strong girl."
I nodded and said, "If I had stayed here with her as she requested, she would be alright. Mia is my wife. How could I let this happen to her?"
I felt tears going down my cheek. After a while of talking to my Mum she left taking Tim with her so I could take care of my wife.

After four hours of waiting the doctor finally emerged from the bedroom. I stood up and the doctor said, "Mr. Pevensie, your wife is going to be fine. Luckily the bullet didn't hit anything vital. However I do have to tell you, the bullet hit it just right. You wife will never be able to have another baby."
I was shocked, however I knew Mia would take the news worse than I am.
The doctor continued to say, "She should wake up anytime. Here's some medicine for her. She is to take some when she wakes up and then every morning and night until it's gone. Understand?"
I nodded and took the medicine from him. Then the doctor left and I walked into the bedroom. I saw Mia lying there, her face was so white it looked like a ghost. I sat down on the bed next to her and snuggled close to her, while I put my arms around her. I was saddened by the news that Tim would be our last child, but I was so relieved that Mia would be alright, I didn't really care. I wrapped my arms around her and soon fell asleep.

Your P.O.V
Your eyes opened slowly and you realized you were in your bedroom. You tried to sit up but the pain in your stomach and the arms around you made you fall down. You looked over to see Peter was sleeping next to you. You smiled but then remembered the fight and the gun shot. You shook Peter lightly and soon his eyes shot open.
"Mia? Oh Mia I'm so glad you're awake. I was so afraid I had lost you." Peter said before leaning in and kissing you.
You could feel his passion, love and relief in that kiss. Once it was broken you asked, "Peter, what happened? I remember hearing the gunshot, you yelling for me and Tim's screaming, then nothing."
"Mr. Cliff and you struggled for the gun, I gave you. You were shot." he said holding you close to him.
You leaned into him and then you asked, "Peter, where's Tim? He's alright isn't he?"
Peter nodded and said, "My Mum came by and took him. Don't worry about anything Mia, except getting better."
You nodded and laid your head on his chest. But, he moved to get up. You watched him hurry out of the room and then come back with a glass of water and a pill.
"The doctor said to take this. It will help you get better." he said.
You nodded and did as you were told. Peter put the glass of water on his night stand and laid back next to you. He held you to him as close as he dared. You head went back on his shoulder and he laid his head on top of yours. You could feel him kissing the top of your head until you fell asleep.

That morning you got a visit from the undertaker who was extremely surprised to find that you were alive. After the undertaker left you got a visit from the doctor, who was also surprised to find you alive. he checked you for any signs of the bullet. Everything seemed to be alright until he told you and Peter the sad news.
"Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie. I'm sorry, but even though you have made an amazing recovery, considering the fact you were dead when I left, I'm afraid that you wont be able to have any more children. I'm sorry." the doctor said.
Your heart dropped. Peter's hand gripped yours and he leaned his head on yours. You looked at him and tried to smile but you couldn't. Peter thanked the doctor and then the doctor left.
You stood up and said,"I want to go get Tim."
Peter looked at you and said,"I'll get a cab and come with you."
"Don't you have work today?" you asked.
Peter shook his head. "I was given a few days off because everyone thought I was going to be planning a funeral. You were shot just yesterday, Mia." he said.
"I know." you say a bit sharply. Peter looked a little confused at your harshness but ignored it and you two went to his house to get Tim. After a while of talking to Mrs. Pevensie you two were able to go back to your apartment.

For the next few weeks you drowned yourself with taking care of Tim and the house. Anything that could get your mind off of not being able to have any more children. You knew it was not any use trying to run from it, but you just didn't want to think about it. Peter was good to come home right after work and would help you any way he could. He knew you were upset about not being able to have another baby, so he comforted you every way he knew how.

This went on for a few years. Finally you felt like everything was back to normal and you were use to the idea of not being able to have any children. Besides you enjoyed watching Tim learn to walk, the first time called you "Mama" and just watching him grow was a high light of your life.

Tim was now five years old. He started preschool and enjoyed playing with trucks and playing in the park. You and Peter had just gotten over the fact that you two couldn't have anymore children, when Tim informed you and Peter he wanted a baby brother. It was dinner time and Tim started talking,
"Billy's mommy is going to have a baby, Mommy." he said in his little five year old voice.
You had just finished putting dinner on the table and you said,"Really?"
"Yeah, Mommy I was wondering why I don't have a baby brother. It would be really cool to have one. I would have someone to play with and hang out with....." he continued with a few other things and you felt a tear coming down your cheek.
Just then Peter got home.
"Hey." he said as Tim ran up to him and gave him a big hug.
"Daddy, guess what....I want a little brother." Tim said.
The smile on Peter's face faded and he looked up to you. He could see a tear going down your face before you turned from them.
"Dinner's ready boys." you say sitting down at the table.

After Tim was in bed, you and Peter got ready for bed. You had been really quiet all night and Peter was worried about you.
"Mia?" he asked sitting on the bed before you joined him.
"Hmmm?" you asked.
"Are you alright, dear?"
You just stared into space before asked the question you had been dreading to ask to five years,
"Peter, do you regret marrying me?"
Peter's eyes went wide and he took your hand."What?! No, what makes you ask that?" he asked wiping a tear from your cheek.
After a few minutes you looked at him and said,"Because I can't give you any more children. I can't give Tim a baby brother or sister. I'm not worth anything." you say before sobbing into his shoulder.
Peter held you close to him trying to calm you down. Once you stopped crying Peter held you at arms length and said,
"Listen to me Mia. I love you. My life would not be worth living without you. Look, if you want to have another child, we can adopt. There are plenty of children out there who need a good home. And I never want to hear you say that you're not worth anything. To me, you're worth everything. I couldn't live without you."
You stayed quiet a minute before saying, "I love you."
Peter smiled and kissed you and you two fell asleep in each other's arms.