Written in the Stars

Chapter 37

The next day after Peter went to work you and Tim was at school you were surprised to hear a knock on the door. You were even more surprised to see Susan.
"Susan, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?" you ask her, as she walked in. She looked nervous and she said,"Is Peter or Tim here?"
You shook your head and said,"No. Why?"
"I need to talk to you." she said.
"Alright, sit down." you say.
After you both were sitting at the table you asked,"So what brings you here?"
Susan looked very nervous now. Her eyes didn't meet yours and she fumbled with the bottom of her blouse before she said,
"Mia. I'm in trouble."
You were confused and asked,"Why? What's happened?"
Then she went on to tell you about a boy she met and that she really liked, but he left when he found something out.
"Whats wrong? Are you sick?" you asked, concerned.
She shook her head and said, "I'm pregnant."
The shock hit you. You never really worried about Susan, she always seemed to have a good head on her shoulders.
"Please, Mia, I need you to help me." she said pleadingly.
"What do you want me to do?" you asked her.
"When the baby is born, I want you and Peter to raise it."
You were surprised by her response. But you had to admit your heart jumped. You really wanted to have another baby, maybe this was your chance.
"I have to talk to Peter about it. But I think we could do that." you say.
Susan smiled and then you heard the door open.
"Mum, I'm home." you heard Tim say.
You smiled as he came running up to you and giving you a hug. You hugged him back and then Tim noticed Susan."Hi, Aunt Susan." he said, smiling.
"Hi, Tim. How are you today?" Susan said smiling back at him.
Then you said,"Susan would you mind taking Tim to your parents house, so Peter and I can talk tonight?"
Susan nodded and soon her and Tim left.

You had just finished dinner when Peter came home.
"Honey, I'm home." Peter said. You smiled and turned to look at him. He smiled at you and came up to you. He wrapped his arms around you and held you to him, before giving you a kiss. When you two broke away Peter asked, "Where's Tim? It's really quiet."
You smiled and said, "He went to spend the night at your parents' house."
Peter's eyebrow lifted a bit before saying, "Is there somthing you want to do tonight."
You laughed and said, "Well, we can do that later, but there's something we need to talk about first."
"Is something wrong?"
"I don't think so. It may surprise you thought, but lets eat first."
After you two were done eating and were doing dishes Peter asked,"So what did you want to talk about?"
"Susan came to visit me, today." you say casually.
You knew Peter wouldn't be happy that his little sister was pregnant, so you tried to break the news gently to him.
"Oh, what did she need?"
"She told me somthing that could increase our family."
"What do you mean?"
"Susan's pregnant."

Peter nearly dropped the plate he was holding.
"What?" he asked.
"Susan's pregnant. But she wants us to adopt the baby." you tell him.
"Do my parents know?"
"She didn't say if she told them or not."
After a while more of talking you two decided to adopt Susan's baby.

9 months later............................
Tim was with Peter's family as you and Peter waited for Susan to deliver your newborn. It had been six hours since you were told Susan was in labor. Peter sat next to you holding your hand, before he stood up and started to pace. You smiled at him as you watched him and you asked,
"Were you this nervous when I was having Tim?"
Peter looked at you and said, "No. I was ten times more nervous."
You laughed and said, "Thats hard to imagine."
Then the doctor opened the door. You stood next to Peter and he took your hand. The doctor looked at you two a bit sadly and said,
"Mr. Pevensie. Mrs. Pevensie, I'm sorry. The baby was stillborn."
Tears started to form in your eyes as Peter pulled you close to him. He put his head on top of yours and he tried to comfort you.
"Shh. Everythings going to be alright. We'll find another way, I promise." he said.
You nodded and held onto him.

So many questions filled your mind, but the one that you worried about the most was what you were going to tell Tim. He knew he was getting a new baby brother or sister. What were you suppose to tell him now.? When you told Peter your concern his reply was simple,
"We're his parents, Mia. We have to tell him the truth. The baby died. It couldn't be helped." You nodded and continued to hold onto Peter.

A few months passed since you lost your baby girl. You and Peter were in the process of finding a child to adopt when you started to get morning sickness. You knew that it wasn't possible for you to have more children, but you decided to go see the doctor incase something was wrong.
"Mrs. Pevensie, you cease to amaze me. It appears you're pregnant." the doctor said to you.
"But, you said five years ago that I...." you started but the doctor interupted you.
"I know what I said. But I was sure you were dead when I left the first time five years ago. Mrs. Pevensie, you're living proof that miracles happen. You know the routine, come see me again next month and I'll make sure the baby is alright."
"How far along do you suppose I am?" you asked him.
"Three or four months." he said.
You smiled and said,"Thank you doctor." and you left.
You were excited, all you had to do was figure out how to tell Peter. You made a great feast that night to help tell Peter your good news. Tim was playing in his room when Peter came home. Peter was quiet and he seemed to be deep in thought until he noticed you watching him. Ever since you and Peter lost the baby Susan wanted to give you two, Peter became very quiet. He still smiled and he held you every chance he got. Peter smiled sadly at you and came up to you.
He put his arms around you and said, "Hi, love." Before he leaned over and placed a kiss on your lips.
"Hey, whats wrong?" you asked once the kiss was broken and Peter's eyes fell to the ground.
Peter shook his head and said,"I'll tell you after dinner. Where's Tim?"
"In his room."
"Is dinner ready?"
"Ok, I'll get Tim."
After dinner Tim went back in his bedroom and you and Peter washed dishes.
"So are you going to tell me what's going on?" you asked him, wanting to know what was bothering him.
You also wanted to get to tell him that you were with child. Peter sighed sadly and put the dish he was holding down. He took your hand and led you back over to the table.
"Mia, before I say anything I want you to know that I love you." he said.
"I love you too. Now tell me what going on." you said.
Peter's hand tightened it's grip on yours and Peter said,"I got layed off at work. I'm jobless." "What? What happened?"
"Money is getting tight. They had to let a few of us go I'm one of the ones they got rid of."
"I don't know. They didn't give me a reason. Oh, Mia. What am I going to do? Our family needs us to have that job."
"You can get another one. There are plenty of places out there who needs a good hard worker like you." you say to him.
Peter looked back at the ground and to your surprise he said,
"Mia, I know that times have been hard, but please, don't leave me. I need you in my life."
"What are you talking about?" you asked him.
"I just can't loose you."
"Why would you?"
"Because I promised that we could adopt a baby, we can't afford that now. I promised that I would buy you a nice big home. I can't do that. I..."
You leaned over and cut him off with a kiss.
Once you two broke away you said, "I could and would never leave you. I love and need you too much."
Peter smiled and gave you another kiss. You decided it was best not to tell Peter about the baby, he had too much to worry about without that information, so you stood up and you both finished the dishes.