Written in the Stars

Chapter 4

You woke in Peter's arms the next morning. Everyone else was still asleep so you just layed there enjoying being held. The nights events came flooding back to your mind. 'Not the ideal wedding night.' you thought. Then you decided to turn to face Peter. After you had turned, you laid your head on his chest. A second later, his eyes flickered open.
"Good morning." you said to him as he rubbed his eyes.
"Morning." he said tiredly. His grip tightened around your waist as he set his forehead on yours. "How are you?" he asked concerned about what happend last night.
You smiled and said, "I'm not sure."
He leaned down kissed you lightly and said, "If you need anything, anything at all, just let me know and I'll get it for you."
"I just need you." you say kissing him lightly. He started to kiss you and then you turned it into a snogging session.
A few minuets later, you heard someone clear their throat. You and Peter looked up to see his mother standing in the doorway smiling at you two.
"I know you two didn't have the best night last night but please do such things while your alone closed doors."
You and Peter smiled and nodded. Your family's house had been totally distroyed. The Pevensie's house was alright but the house where your mother was, was in total ruble. Peter and Mrs. Pevensie watched you nervously. You reaction was hard to read. Your emotions were mixed. You were sorry that your mother was gone but at the same time happy that you were still alive.
"Mia?" Peter asked softly.
You turned to him and said, "Yeah?"
"I....I'm so sorry. I...."
You put a finger on his lips and said, "Thank you."
Then a police officer came over to the three of you. "We will go through all the ruble and anything savable will be sent back to you, Mrs. Pevensie."
You nodded and thanked the officer.

A week later you along with all the Pevensie children were at the train station. It was being required that all children were sent to the countryside for their own safety. Mrs. Pevensie put tags on all of the children and huged them. Peter had his arm around you when Mrs. Pevensie went to hug him.
"Promise me you'll look after your brother, sisters and wife." she said to him.
"I will mum, I promise." Peter said hugging her back.
She smiled then went to you, hugged you and said, "Take good care of him. He'll need you now more than ever."
"I will." you say hugging her back.
"Oh and one more thing Mia dear. Please write me. I know the others wont but if you get a chance to I'd love to know how things are going."You smiled and nodded. "Well, off you go then, my dears." Mrs. Pevensie said.
Peter grabbed his luggage and your hand. Lucy wasn't happy about leaving so he kneeled down and said, "Come on Luce, we need to stick together."
She nodded and walked infront of you. Edward, Susan and Lucy were infront of you two. You went to broad the train when a lady asked for your tickets. Peter had them so you turned to him, only to find him looking at the soldiers.
"Peter." Susan said, taking the tickets away from him.
He looked at her and then to you, nodded and then you all boarded the train. Peter found a half-empty compartment and went in. He put all of the family's luggage in the storing area. He sat down on the seat that had two other children on it while you sat straight across from him, then Susan, Lucy next to her and finally Edmund by the window. Peter was reading a book while the rest of you slept a bit. When the train finally stopped the two other children left. So you moved over by Peter. He smiled at you as you sat next to him and laid your head on his shoulder. Things were finally starting to seem like they were before the bombing.

That night when the others were sleeping, you and Peter had laid down on with eachother as much as possible. You ended up mostly on Peter and had your head on his chest.
"Mia?" he said, "Are you still awake?"
"Yeah." you say lifting you head up to look at him.
You could see him smile faintly before he said, "I love you."
"I love you, too." you replied kissing him.
He returned the kiss and you laid back down on his chest. "I was thinking," he started, "when we are able to go back home that you and I could start looking for a room or apartment of our own."
"That would be great, but how are we going to pay for it?" you asked.
"I'm not sure yet. I just wanted to start a conversation so I could hear your voice."
You smiled and said, "You always get to hear me talk."
"Not lately. I've been so busy helping Mum and the others. I'm sad to say I've been a very poor husband so far."
"No, you’re wonderful. Any way I've not been in the best of spirits either."
You felt Peter kiss the top of your head and say, "I know that times are going to get harder. I'm going to have to watch out for Edmund and the girls, but if it ever seems like I'm not paying enough attention to you, let me know?"
"You'll know if you don't."
"Well I'll lock us both in our bedroom for starters, and I won't let you leave."
He laughed and said, "I'm so glad I married you."
"Me too." you said leaning up to kiss him again.
"Would you two just shut up and go to sleep." you heard Edmund say tiredly.
You and Peter broke apart and turned to him.
"Sorry." you both whispered.