Written in the Stars

Chapter 5

The next day the five of you were dropped off at an empty train stop platform. Then a you heard a car coming so Peter grabbed your hand and you all ran down to meet it but it just continued to go.
"The professor knew we were coming." Susan said looking at you and Peter.
"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled." Edmund suggested.
You and Peter looked at eachother worriedly. Then you heard a wagon coming. The lady driving the wagon stopped and looked at you all.
You looked up at Peter who asked, "Mrs. MacReady?"
"I'm afraid so." she replied, "Is this it then? Didn't you bring anything else?"
"No Ma'am. Just us."
She looked at the group for a second then said, "Small favors." and motioned us to get in the back of the wagon.
Peter got all the luggage in the back then helped everyone else up and them he jumped in sitting next to you. Soon you were all at a big mansion. Mrs. MacReady gave you all the rules and then showed you to each of your rooms. After the youngest ones were given their rooms.
She turned to you and Peter and said, "I believe you two are married?"
"Yes, Ma'am." you said and Peter nodded behind you with yours and his luggage in his hands. She nodded then lead you to a room further down the hall than the rest of the family.
"You two are far to young to be married in my opinion but you are so it's not my place to separate you two." She opened a door and said, "This is your room. Now if you'll excuse me I'll leave you to unpack." and she left.
The room was beautiful and had a nice big king sized bed, two dressers, a huge closet and a bathroom linked to the bedroom.
Peter sat on the bed and said,"This bed is huge. We may not be able to find eachother while we here." You smiled and sat next to him.
"We'll manage." you said.
Then he leaned down to kiss you. After a few minuets of kissing you pulled away and said, "We should unpack."
He nodded, stood up and helped you up. You two talked while you were unpacking and soon you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in." Peter said. The door opened and in came Susan and Lucy.
"Wow, you two have a nice room." Susan said.
You spent the rest of the day in the girl's bedroom listening to the radio. By bedtime though the radio started to talk about the war. Peter was sitting on a chair looking out of the window, you and Susan were on her bed talking and Lucy was listening to the radio. Then you and Susan heard Lucy crying a bit because of what the radio was saying. Peter hadn't noticed so Susan got up and turned it off. Peter turned to look at the three of you and then walked over to Lucy's bed and sat down. You walked over to Peter and put your hands on his shoulders. He smiled up at you. Then back to the rest of the family.
"The sheets feel scratchy." she said.
"Wars don't last forever Lucy," Susan said, "We'll be home soon."
"Yeah if home's still there." Edmund said coming into the room.
"Isn't it time you were in bed?"
"Yes mum."
"Ed!" Peter said sharply. Then he looked back at Lucy and said, "You saw outside. This place is huge. We can do whatever we want here. Tomorrow's going to be great...Really." He said encouragingly.
"It will great, Lucy. And I bet we'll even let you choose the first game tomorrow." you say.
"Really?" she said her eyes lighting up.
You nodded and everyone backed you up. She smiled and you all said your goodnights. Edmund went to his bedroom and you and Peter went to yours. Peter shut the door behind you and locked it. The two of you changed and then climbed into bed. It really was too big, at least in your opinion it seemed like you and Peter had to hike before you were able to reach eachother.
"Goodnight, love." Peter said, putting his arms around your waist and holding you tightly against him.
"Goodnight. I love you." you say snuggling into him.
"Mia," Peter started, “Thank you for cheering Lucy up. I know she's been taking it really hard since the bombing."
"We all have Peter." you say.
You two just laid there giving eachother light kisses until you eventually fell asleep.