Written in the Stars

Chapter 6

When you woke up the next morning the rain was pouring. So you and the rest of the Pevensie's had to stay inside the mansion.
"Gastro vascular." Susan said holding a dictionary book.
The rest of you were quiet and you felt bad for Peter because Susan kept badgering him to figure out what 'Gastro vascular' meant. Peter sat in a chair next to you while you and Susan sat on the couch. Edmund was on the floor and Lucy was over by the window looking out at the rain.
"Come on Peter. Gastro vascular." Susan insisted.
"Is it Latin?" Peter asked completly bored.
"Is it Latin for 'worst game ever invented'?" Edmund asked.
You laughed lightly and Peter chuckled a bit. Then Susan shut the book with a pout on her face.
"We could play hide-and-go-seek." Lucy as she walked over and stood by Peter's chair.
"But we're already having so much fun." Peter said sarcastically.
"Peter please." Lucy asked pouting her lip a bit.
Peter looked at you and then turned to Lucy smiling, saying, "One, Two, Three."
He stood up and went to a corner continuing to count. Lucy and Edmund were the first ones out of the room, then Susan left. By then you stood up and went to leave only to feel a smack on your butt. You turned to find Peter still counting but with a smile on his face and looking at you.
You raised your eyebrow and said, "Just for that I'm going to go hide somewhere I know you wont find me." you say teasingly.
He looked at you with fake worry then went back to counting. You honestly were never good at this game. So you went to the first place you could think of hiding. Behind the curtains of the room next door. A few minuets later Peter jerked the curtains open and gave you a kiss.
"How'd you know it was me?" you asked after his lips left yours.
"Shoes. And I saw part of your blue skirt." he said smiling.
You kissed one more time before you two started to head to find the others.
"It's alright I'm back." you and Peter heard Lucy yelling.
He looked at you confused and then followed her voice. You and Peter found Edmund with Lucy, neither were hiding.
"I'm not sure you two have quite got the idea of this game." Peter said.
"Does this mean I win then?" Susan asked joining the group.
"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore." Peter said.
"But, I've been gone for hours." Lucy said.
You and Peter looked at eachother confused. Lucy lead the five of you to an big room with nothing but a wardrobe in it. Lucy was telling you about a land called Narnia in a the wardrobe.
After checking it Susan turned to Lucy and said, "The only wood in there is the wood in the back of the wardrobe.
"But it really was there." Lucy said as the rest of you started to walk out of the room.
"Thats enough, Lucy." Susan said turning to her.
"I wouldn't lie about this!"
"Well I believe you." Edmund said.
"You do?" Lucy questioned.
"Yeah. Didn't I tell you about the football field I found in the bathroom cupboards?"
"Ed." you said.
"Now will you just stop it. You just have to make everything worst don't you?" Peter said.
"It was just a joke." Ed said.
"When are you going to learn to grow up?" Peter said sharply.
"Peter." you said warningly.
"SHUT UP. You think your Dad but your not!!!" Edmund said storming out of the room. Peter put his arm around you watching Edmund leave.
Then Susan said, "Well that was nicely handled." and she left.
"But it really was there." Lucy said.
"Susan's right Lucy. Thats enough" and then he lead you out of the room.
Peter sat on your guys's bed and sighed. He put his head in his hand and said, "Oh, Mia, what I'm I going to do about those two?"
"Ed and Lucy?" you asked sitting next to him. You put your arm around his shoulders and he leaned into you.
He looked at you and said, "Yes. Those two have always been at eachother's throat. Why can't they just grow up?"
"Well if I remember correctly you and Susan didn't get along at all when you were that age."
"But we do now. And that was during better times. Before the war."
"Maybe you just need to let them be children. You can't force them to grow up."
"No. But I really want to."
You smiled and said, "Peter, you and I decided we were ready to grow up and be adults. Just because we are, doesn't mean everyone else is ready to grow up." He nodded leaned up and kissed you.
"What would I do without you?" he asked.
"Go crazy." you said teasingly.
He laughed a bit and kissed you again. "I love you, Mia."
You smiled and said "And, I love you, Peter."
You two kissed for while until Mrs. Macready knocked on the door, telling you dinner was ready.