Written in the Stars

Chapter 7

Dinner had been quiet and now you and Peter were getting ready for bed. You two talked for a while as you both laid on the bed. Giving eachother small kisses until you fell asleep.
Around 11 your bedroom door swang open, and the light was turned on. Lucy was at Peter's side, telling you to wake up.
"What?" Peter said tiredly.
Sitting up. You set your head on Peter's shoulder and looked at Lucy as she said,
"Narnia's in the Wardrobe, like I told you."
"Lucy you were just dreaming." Susan said coming into the room.
"No I saw the faun and this time Edmund went with me." Lucy said proudly.
You and Peter looked at eachother for a second before Peter turned to Edmund and asked,
"You. You saw the faun?"
"Well, he didn't actually go there with me." she stopped a moment, "What were you doing Edmund?"
Edmund was quiet for a second then said, "I was just playing along. I'm sorry Peter. I knew I shouldn't have encouraged her. But you know children these days. They just don't know when to stop pretending."
Lucy started to cry and ran out of the room. Susan followed her, you and Peter got out bed shoved Edmund and left the room. You followed your husband until you saw Lucy was holding onto an older gentleman who you were sure was the Professor. You and Peter looked at eachother a little nervously until you heard Mrs. Macready saying she was going to make you, children, sleep in the barn.
"Professor!" she said shocked. "I'm sorry. I told them that you were not to be disturbed."
"It's quite alright Mrs. Macready. I'm sure there's an explanation. But first I think this one is in need of some hot chocolate."
Lucy went with Mrs. Macready and the Professor asked for you, Susan and Peter to follow him. After you explained to the Professor what was going on he told you to start acting like a family. When you and Peter got back to bed, he held you close and said goodnight and soon you were both fast asleep.

The next morning you woke up extra early, got dressed, and went down to the kitchen to start breakfast. You knew everyone would be starting to get homesick so you decided to make them a meal that would similar to what Mrs. Pevensie used to make them.
"Oh, Mrs. Pevensie," Mrs. Macready said as she walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning, Mrs. Macready. I hope you don't mind but I've already started making breakfast for my family today. Would you like some?" you asked her sweetly. She stood there shocked watching you make biscuits and muffins for the family.
"No thank you dear. I'm not accustom to eating breakfast, but if you could make me some tea, that would be lovely." she said.
You smiled and nodded. After you handed her a cup of freshly brewed tea she said,
"What brought this up Madame?"
"What do you mean?" you asked putting the biscuits and muffins into the oven to be cooked.
"Well, I didn't expect any of you children to be down here, making breakfast for the others, at this early morning hour." she said sipping on her tea.
"Well," you said pouring your own tea into a cup and sitting down by her while breakfast cooked, "I am a wife now. I need to get used to taking care of a family. Besides, I want to do it and I enjoy doing it. They are my family after all. I should take care of them."
"Thats a very grown-up thing to say my dear. May I ask, though, why did you and the eldest Pevensie boy decide to marry so young?"
"Well, the war, mainly. We decided that no matter what it brought we wanted to face it together. And, well I don't know if Peter felt it but, I know I felt an urgency to marry. I think part of that may be because the night Peter and I married, there was the first bombing in Finchley. By being at the Pevensie's house my life was saved. But my mother, died when a bomb hit next to our house."
"Oh my dear, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. I'm over the shock and sometimes I still cry about loosing her, but I know she wouldn't want me to miserable so I go on. For her, for Peter and for the family we may have in the future."
Mrs. Macready nodded and said, "I understand now, why your parents would allow you and Peter to marry so young."
"Oh. Why?" you asked curiously.
"You act and sound older than your age."
You laugh a bit and said, "Your not the first one to say that, Madame. But I think you're right. Either way, I love being Peter's wife."
Mrs. Macready nodded and then the timer for the muffins and biscuits went off.
"I better get that." you say standing back up and taking things out of the oven. A second later you felt a pair of arms around your waist.
"This is a pleasant surprise." you hear your husband say.
You turned to Peter and say, "What do you mean?"
"Well, I wake up this morning to find my lovely wife gone. And I find her down in the kitchen, baking. And I didn't even know you knew how to cook." Peter said going to take one of the muffins.
"Be careful what you say, Peter. You don't even know if you like my cooking yet." you say watching him take a bite. "Well, what do you think?" you asked as he tasted it and was thinking for a moment.
"It's decent." he said with a playful smirk on his face.
"Just decent?" you ask just as teasingly.
"Well," he said smiling, “it’s better than dying."
You got a "fake surprise" look on your face. "Well fine then, see if I ever cook for you again." you say taking the half-eaten muffin away from him.
"Hey, I was just joking." he said trying to snatch the muffin back from you.
"Oh, I don't think so." you said not letting him have the food.
"Mia." he whinned, giving you the puppy dogface. "Please. I'll never make fun of your delicious cooking again."
You smile, hand it back to him and say, "I love you."
"I love you too. And, it really does taste delicious." he said referring to the muffin.
"I'm glad you think so. Because you're going to be eating my cooking for the rest of your life."
Peter just smiled and grabbed another muffin. Mrs. Macready took some breakfast up to the Professor and then went along her daily routine. The others came down and enjoyed their breakfast.
"Guess what everyone." Peter said coming back into the kitchen.
"What?" Lucy asked.
"It stopped raining." Peter said as everyone's eyes lit up.