Written in the Stars

Chapter 8

Peter, Susan and Edmund decided to play cricket while Lucy read a book and you worked on knitting a vest that your Mum started for your Dad as a welcome home gift, for after the war. Where your Mum couldn't finish it now you decided to work on it for your father from the both you and your Mum.
"Peter winds up, poised to take yet another wicket." you heard Peter say throwing a ball Edmund hitting him in the process.
"Ow." you heard Edmund say.
Then you heard Peter laugh saying, "Whoops. Wake up Dolly Daydream."
"Why can't we play hide-and-seek again?" you heard Edmund say.
"I thought you said it was a kid's game." Peter said.
"Besides," Susan started, “we could all use the fresh air."\
"It's not like there isn't air inside." Ed protested.
"Are you ready?" Peter said.
"Are you?!" Edmund said. The next thing you knew glass was shattering.
"What did you do?" you shouted over at them seeing that a window of the mansion had been shattered.
Soon the five of you were in the room of the shattered window. Not only did the window break but so did a statue of armor.
"Oh, well done Ed." Peter said staring at the damage.
"You threw it!" Ed said back.
"What on Earth is going on up there." you heard a voice say.
"The Macready!" you say alarmed and Peter hurried all of you out of the room.
Eventually you ended up in the spare room where the Wardrobe was.
"Come on." you heard Edmund say trying going up to the Wardrobe.
You, Peter and Susan stood there looking at it.
"You've got to be kidding me." Susan said but then you heard footsteps and you all ran towards it. Peter taking your hand got into the wardrobe after you. closing it.
"Get back." Peter said.
"My toe." Lucy said.
"I'm not on your toe." Edmund yelled.
"Will you stop shoving!" Peter said being pushed further into the wardrobe. Which resulted in you, Peter and Susan falling.

You turned to find a forest like Lucy said there was. Peter stood up and help you up taking you hand and looking at the trees wide-eyed.
"Impossible." you heard Susan say.
"Don't worry." Lucy started, "I'm sure it's just your imagination."
The three of you smiled at her and Peter said, "I do not suppose saying we're sorry would quite cover it."
"No. It wouldn't." Lucy said. Then she threw a snowball at and hit Peter in the side of the head.
"Oh." he said surprised and started to make a snowball of his own.
Soon you, Peter, Lucy and Susan were in a big snowball fight until Edmund was hit.
"Ow." he complained. "Stop it."
"You little liar." you said to Edmund.
"You didn't believe her either!" he said.
"Apologize to Lucy!" Peter said.
"Say your sorry!!" Peter said angerly.
"All right. Sorry." Edmund said not even looking at Lucy.
"It's alright." Lucy said, "Some children just don't know when to stop pretending."
"Oh very funny." Edmund said.
"Maybe we should go back." Susan said.
"Shouldn't we at least take a look around?" Edmund said.
"I think Lucy should decide." Peter said putting an arm around you as Lucy's smile and said,
"I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus!"
"Well, then Mr. Tumnus it is." Peter said leaving your side and going back into the wardrobe.
"But we can't go hiking in the snow, dressed like this!" Susan said.
"No!" Peter said coming back from the wardrobe, "But, I'm sure the Professor won't mind us borrowing these. And if you think about it logically. We're not even taking them out of the wardrobe." Peter said handing everyone a coat.
He went to hand Edmund one but Edmund shrieked as he said, "But thats a girls coat!"
"I know." Peter said making Edmund take it. Then he came to you and helped you put on your coat, then put he put his on. Peter took you hand as you all followed Lucy.
"What a strange place for a lamp-post." you said as you came across the lamppost in the middle of the forest.
Soon you were going down hill and Peter pushed you slightly, causing you to fall. So you grabbed Peter and the next thing you knew you were falling together and then stopped with Peter on top of you. You both laughed and kissed lightly.
"Ug. Would you two stop it?" you heard Edmund say.
You and Peter looked at the rest of the group before Peter got off of you and helped you up.

"We'll have lots and lots of good food and lots and lots of..."Lucy trailed off and stopped. The rest of you stopped next to her.
"Lu?" Peter asked. Then Lucy started to run toward a cave.
"Lucy!" you and Peter said together running after her.
Lucy entered the destroyed home, followed by you and Peter. The rest followed closely after. Who would do such a thing? Lucy asked. You and Peter looked at each other not sure how to answer her.
“Peter, what is that over there?” You ask you husband noticing a paper nailed to a wooden pillar in the middle of the house. Peter walked over there, picked the paper up and read out loud:
“The Faun Tumnus has been convicted of High Treason against her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia, for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans. Signed Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police. Long live the Queen!”
At this point, you were reading over Peters shoulder.
“All right,” Susan started, “now we really should go back!”
“But we have to help Mr. Tumnus!” Lucy cried.
“If he was arrested for just being with a human I don't think there is much we can do.”
“You don't understand do you?” Lucy said,” I'm the human. She must have found out he helped me”
“Maybe we can call the police?” Peter suggested.
“These are the police.” You said to him.
“Don't worry Lucy, well think of something.” Peter said trying to reassure his sister.
“Why?” Edmund started, “I mean hes a criminal.”
Then you heard a bird chirp and a psssst sound.
“Did that bird just psssst us?” Susan asked.
Then you heard it again. The five of you walked outside Peter still holding you hand to hear a tree branch break. You heard moving bushes and you moved closer to Peter. Susan held onto you, while Lucy held on to her. You had a hand on Peters upper arm and one on his shoulder. He was in front of you and had a hand touching yours. You heard movement around a snow bank and then you saw..a beaver?
“Its a beaver.” Lucy said. Peter let go of your hand as the creature started to move toward you all.
“Here boy.” Peter said outreaching his hand toward the beaver and clicking his tongue. “Here boy.” He repeated his hand by the beavers face.
The beaver looked at Peters hand and to all of your surprise said, "I ain't going to smell it if thats what you want."
Peter looked surprised and pulled away saying, "Oh. Sorry."
He put an arm around you and the beaver looked at Lucy.
"Lucy Pevensie?" he asked.
"Yes?" Lucy said going closer to the animal. Mr. Beaver pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to Lucy. "Hey thats the hankie I gave to..." Lucy started but was interrupted by Beaver saying,
"Tumnus. He got it to me just before they took him."
"Is he alright?" Lucy asked.
"Thats better left for safer quarters." The beaver said walking away. You, Peter and Lucy went to follow him but you felt Susan tug on your arm saying,
"What are you doing?"
"Shes right." Edmund said, "How do we know we can trust him?"
"He said he knows the faun." Peter said.
"Hes a beaver! He shouldn't be saying anything!" Susan said.
"Everything alright?" The beaver asked climbed over another snow bank.
"Yes." You say.
"We were just talking." Peter said hand still in yours.
"Thats better left for safer quarters." The beaver said going back over the snow bank and the rest of you followed him.
"Ah, blimey, looks like the old girl has the kettle on. Nice cup of oRosey Lee." The beaver said coming up to his dam.
"Its lovely." You said.
Peter smiled at you and jokingly said, "Maybe thats what I ought to do when we get back home. Ill build you and me a nice dam to live in."
You laughed and said,"No."
"I said it was lovely, I didn't say I wanted to live there." You said teasingly back.
He kissed you lightly and Lucy said,"It really is lovely."
"Its just a trifle ya know. Still plenty to do, not quite finished yet. But it'll look the business when it is." the beaver responded before heading down the hill.