Written in the Stars

Chapter 9

"Beaver is that you?" you heard a womans voice say. "If youve been with badger again I'll..." Mrs. Beavers voice trailed off. "Oh. Well those arent badgers." She said as she saw us. "Oh I never thought Id live to see this day." Then she turned to Beaver and said, "Look at my fur. You couldnt give me ten minutes warning?"
"Id have given you a whole week if I thought it mightve helped." Beaver said.
You all laughed except for Edmund. You realized that this was very similar to the way you and Peter always tease each other.
Then Mrs. Beaver said, "Well come inside and see if we can find you something to eat and some civilized company."
Mr. Beaver laughed and pointed at her and Peter had you go in front of him. "Careful. Watch your step." Mr. Beaver said as you climbed into the nicely built dam.
Inside you sat at a round table Lucy was on one side of you, then Peter and Susan. Peter had his arm around you and Peter started the conversation.
"Is there anything we can do to help Mr. Tumnus?" he asked.
Theyd have taken him to the witchs house and you know what they say. There are few who go in that come back out alive."
"Fish and chips." Mrs. Beaver said trying to lighten up the mood. "But there is hope, dear. Plenty of hope."
"Theres a right bit more than hope. Beaver said, after spitting out some of his drink. "Aslan is on the move."
You didnt know who Aslan was but the way Mr. Beaver said it made you smile.
"Whos Aslan?" you heard Edmund ask from behind Peter.
Beaver started laughing saying, "Whos Aslan? You cheeky little blighter."
Then Mrs. Beaver noticed your confused looks and elbowed her husband.
"What?" he asked her. Then he looked at us. "You dont know do you?" he asked.
"Well, we havent exactly been here very long." Peter said in your defense.
"Well hes only the king of all the wood. The top geezer. The real king of Narnia."
"Hes been a way for a long while..." Mrs. Beaver said.
"But he just got back and hes waiting for you near the stone table." Beaver continued.
"Hes waiting for us?" you ask.
Your bloomin joking. They dont even know about the prophecies." He said to his wife.
"Well then..." she said.
"Look. Aslans return. Tumnus arrest. The secret police. Its all happening because of you!"
"You blaming us?" Susan asked.
"No not blaming. Thanking you." Mrs. Bever corrected.
"Look the first prophecy says When Adams flesh and Adams bone sits at Cair Paravel in throne then the evil time will be over and done." Beaver recited.
"You know that doesnt exactly rhyme." Susan said.
"Yeah I know it dont, but youre kind of missing the point."
"It has long been foretold that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve will defeat the white witch and restore peace to Narnia." Mrs. Beaver explains.
"And the second prophecy?" Peter asks.
"The second clearly says, When the four kings and queens a fifth will reign as the powerful Enchantress controlling the magic of Narnia and queen." Beaver said.
"You see," Mrs. Beaver explained, "in Narnia there always has to be a magical being. Someone to control the dark and good magic. However usually they turn out evil and become Witches. However, the first true Enchantress, who is said to be the wife of the High King, will good. She will be able to lock away the evil."
You and Peter look at each other and then he said, "And you think were the ones?"
Well you better be, cause Aslans already fitted our your army." Beaver said.
"Our army?" You asked.
"Mum sent us away so we wouldnt get caught up in a war." Susan said, trying to persuade Peter to get out of there.
"I think youve made a mistake." Peter said turning back to the Beavers, "Were not heroes."
"Were from Finchley."
The beavers looked at each other confused and then you said,"Thank you for your hospitality."
"But we really have to go." Susan said standing up. You and then Peter stood up.
"No. You cant just leave." Beaver said.
"Hes right." Lucy said, "We have to help Mr. Tumnus."
"Its out of our hands Lucy." Peter said grabbing your hand, "Im sorry. But its time the five of us got home. Ed? Ed?!" Peter turned to find no one there. Then he turned back to you and said, "Im going to kill him."
"You may not have to. Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?"
"Once. Why?" Peter asked.
"The witch must’ve talked to him."
Yours and Peters eyes widen and you were both out of the door.