Hot Mess


"Bam!" I screeched, chasing after him, in nothing but a fucking towel. "Bam, gimme my god damn clothes!" Me and Tori were going clubbing tonight, and I picked out that outfit especially for it. He found out, and decided to be his true self about it. An asshole. He stood in front of the pool, dangling the clothes above it. "Bam, I swear to God.." I started to threat, but held my tongue.

"What was that?" He smirked.

"Nothing." I frowned. "Gimme my clothes." I held my hand out.

"Hmm..." He stroked his chin. "No." He loosened his grip.

"No!" I cried. "Bam, come on. Any other outfit but that one." I pleaded. I really didn't have the time to find a different one.

"What's in it for me?"

"Uhm...I'll buy you a stripper?" I grinned sheepishly. He rolled his eyes.

"You did that last week." I scowled.

"Whatever. Just gimme my-" He loosened his hand again. "Brandon Cole Margera, don't you dare!"

"Ooh, full names?" He teased. "Well then, Brianna Katelyn Rubano, you have some swimming to do. In your case, skinny dipping,"

"Don't!" I ran at him. He tossed them idly into the air, stepping away. I reached out, catching them. I wobbled then steadied myself. His eyes narrowed. "HA! Asshole!" I smiled. A certain glint in his eye came and I knew it was time to get the hell outta there. I clutched the towel and sprinted to the backdoor.

"Brianna." He sang, following me. "Come here, darling."

"I don't think so." I mocked, running up the stairs and bumping into someone.

"Now, what did I tell you about running around naked?" A voice joked.

"Can you get your friend away from me?" I said quickly, glancing down the stairs as Bam started coming up.

"Yo." He popped his collar. "You no coming up here, capiche?" He said, a horrible Italian accent attempt coming out and his hand on his hip. He snapped his fingers, his head moving in a circular motion. I giggled. Bam went to step past him but Raab tackled him and they went rolling down the stairs.

"I love you, Raab!" I called, locking myself in the bathroom. "Finally." I mumbled, opening the closet. "NOW WHERE THE HELL IS MY BLOW DRYER?"


"Tori, Brianna!" Tony's voice greeted as we reached the bar. We both kissed his cheeks, smiling. He was the best gay friend you could ask for.

"Tony, baby. How's it going?" Tori asked, sitting in one of the stools.

"It's pretty dull tonight." He said, cleaning a glass. "No one interesting. Although, you got some men now, am I right? I don't even need to look for you two anymore." We laughed.

"Oh. But I did see a guy that looked promising for you." I said, scanning a few faces. "There." I nodded at the end of the bar.

"You sure he's gay?" He asked, looking him over.

"Positive. When have I been wrong?" I grinned. He smiled.

"I hope you're not. That ass is fine." He winked, skipping over and asking what the guy wanted. And by the way mystery boys face flushed, I was totally right.

"You're way creepy with that." Tori laughed. "Look around, anyone else gay?" I peeked.

"Lesbo, lesbo, bi, gay, gay, gay, bi, lesbo." I said, pointing at some of the people I saw.

"What about that one?" She said, looking at some guy leaning up against one of the walls by the bathroom.

"Hm....Straight. Look at his legs. Gay guys usually cross them, bi's stand straight." I nodded to myself, leaning over the bar and grabbing two glasses from underneath. Tori grabbed one of the bottles, filling our glasses up quickly. You know someone on the inside, you get free drinks. HOLLER. Speaking of which, Tony came bouncing up to us a moment later.

"Oh. My. Gawd." He clasped his hands together. "Bri, I love you. He is fantabulous!" He grinned. I smiled.

"I knew it. He looks like your type."

"And what's my type exactly?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Gay and hot?" I mirrored his expression. We laughed, clanking our glasses together.

This night had been better then I expected.
♠ ♠ ♠
i guess it's okay.
more will come.
