Unwanted Surprises


For now, I thought to myself, I would just trudge on and let my wounds begin to heal. It was my fault that I was in pain after all. It was my idea, my curiosity, to go into the forest, to follow the trail of blood. It was my fault she was dead. I was the killer, after all.
It started out as a normal walk in the forest with my friend Anna. Nothing weird happened right away, well out of the ordinary weirdness that I am. I wanted to go show her the old grave from like 1840 or some year like that. When we were about half way there, I saw a few drops of what looked like blood (I notice the little things with my color changing eyes). So of course, by my curiosity, we followed. Anna didn’t want to go but the grave was in the direction of the next few drops about 20 steps away. We hiked up the mountain and more time passed. Eventually we got to the grave, where the trail of blood ended. On top of the grave was the dead body of on our classmates, Josh.
“Luna! It’s Josh!” Anna said in a choked whisper.
I sank to the ground at the sight of my dead boyfriend on top of the 150 year old grave. My heart broke as I cried. His eyes were open, the last moment of fear etched permanently on his pale face with black emo hair, the same look I had with the same color hair. Anna, crying as well, hugged me and I hugged her back.
After a few minutes I pulled out my cell phone to call 911 or Josh’s mom. To my luck though, I had no signal. I knew I was going to stay, but I didn’t want Anna to go. After a few more minutes of crying, we heard a noise, like that of a walker or jogger. Anna and I both turned our heads towards the noise that was coming up the hill from behind us. With the setting sun on her back a girl around 16 walked up. She stopped about 20 feet away with a look of sorrow of guilt on her face. Her green eyes were gleaming and crying. The only other thing off about her was that her tears seemed to be tinged pink. Anna didn’t notice this.
“Can you help us? We found our friend here dead. Can you go get some help since we can’t leave and we don’t have any signal?” You could hear the pleading in Anna’s voice. The other girl closed her eyes and cried some more.
“I’m sorry” the girl said in a weak whisper that Anna didn’t seem to hear, I cringed. Then the girl completely shattered what I knew as reality.
The next nano second, she was in front of me and grasping my arm. Anna was only beginning to scream as I was picked up and carried away before she could probably no longer see us. The speed was almost dizzying that I didn’t notice when we went underground. About 13 seconds after being picked up, I was locked in a dark space, with no light flowing in. Then 30 seconds later, Anna’s cries filled up the space with my own almost silent sobs. I finally regained some energy from shock to speak.
“Anna, what the he…” I didn’t get a chance to finish, as I assumed was picked up again. The feeling passed so fast that the sudden candle light blinded me.
I was up against a dirt wall on the floor. One candle was being held by the same girl. The tears had stopped flowing, but her eyes were still puffy and face stained. I didn’t let the fear I felt touch my face. We gazed at each other for a minute or two, neither of us blinking or wavering. I assume she was trying to figure out what kind of person I was. I was noticing the way her eyes looked at me.
I felt something odd, but nothing to big. Like novocain on top of my head.
“If you are planning on doing anything, can you please get it over with” I stated.
“You are very odd” she said, “Why won’t it work?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about” I stated back, confused.
“Hopefully you will soon enough” Then she bit me.
I know it’s a horrible vampire cliché, but that’s what happened. It wasn’t that painful after the initial bite, it felt like someone was giving you a hickie that they wanted everyone to know existed by making that dominant.
After a minute or two, I began to feel really lightheaded and faint. She stopped then and everything was fuzzy and incoherent. I assume I then drank her blood because I felt a weird tasting liquid run down my throat until I passed out.

I woke up on a bed, feeling like shit. My throat hurt, my body ached, and my senses were very fine tuned. I could hear and smell a bunch of different odd shit (it reminds me of what Bella said in breaking dawn, but what I just said is cooler.)
I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the sound of breathing to see that same girl (still nameless to me) with some blonde bimbo looking girl. I sat up without asking any questions, just looking. The girl with the green eyes, black hair, and super pale complection was just looking, but seemed to be a bit frightened by the blonde with gray eyes. The blonde was looking at me with an oh my gosh I am going to kill someone look.
The door behind them opened and they moved out of the way. Some white guy came in, pulling someone in behind him. At the sight of my friend, my vision turned red, and I was craving for her blood more than anything else that I wanted. Anna saw me just as I latched onto her neck, I could hear her final words.
“Luna don’t …lose yourself…or forget…about me please” Her last words were a struggle for her as her life entered mine. I could feel her blood melt into my very being as Anna died. As soon as I regained control over my instincts I dropped her, backed into the wall, sank to the ground and kept saying “no, no”
No one moved for a minute, until nameless black haired girl came over and hugged me. She silently turned to the others, who nodded, and pulled me through some tunnels, out a roof door, and outside into the midday.
“I know it’s hard” She said, “but it gets better.”
“Murder is one of the things I told myself I would never do.” I absently said, remembering the time I told Anna this.
“Survival” Then she added, “I’m Alana by the way.”
I looked for a minute, before responding, “Luna, do you mind if we walk that way. There is a nice bridge” Alana nodded.
The walk was silent in the midday autumn forest. I knew the forest so well because I lived not 10 minutes away. I walked out onto the bridge and saw what I can only explain as a parting ghost of Anna.
“Please don’t forget either of us, and I forgive you” The ghost of Anna said before she disintegrated into the air. I looked at Alana and thought of how everything changed. Words almost can’t explain it. I abruptly turned around back towards the hell hole I climbed out of before, into the darkness and the unknown and unwanted surprises yet to come.
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contest entry. I'm hoping to make it into a full story, but more to come later