Maybe Memories

His name is Robert Edward McCracken, better known as Bert.
He is 17 years old, has short dark blonde hair, and is slender with his 5 foot 11.

Since the day he was born, he has been stuck in the town of Orem, Utah, in the house of a a strict Mormon family with strong beliefs.
He has been an outcast throughout his entire life, never been included by the society nor by his very own family.

He refuses to follow the straight edge Mormon way of life, and is what you can call a rebel.
He drinks, he smokes, he swears, and with no friends or stable support whatsoever, he is a drifter.

Her name is Lina Christine Miller, but goes by the name of Lee.
She is 17 years old, and with her long blonde hair and 5 foot 10, she is what you can call an All-American girl.

With more than a few body complexes, she has been through a lot, and moved to the Mormon state with her alcoholic mother in hope of a change of pace.
It has just been the two of them for as long as she can remember.
Her father was never much around during her childhood, and her mother has not told her much about him, either.

Shortly after she arrived Orem, she met Bert.
He showed her how to drink, to smoke, to swear, but most importantly; how to live.
They became a couple a few months later.

Now, it has been over a year since they first met, and this is their story.
  1. Morning Glory.
  2. Welcome To Timpanogos High School.
    Lee's POV
  3. .
    Happy 20th birthday to me, ahaha. (:
  4. .
    Happy 28th birthday, Bert! (: <3