Status: finished, look for the sequel!

These Things Have Changed

"I'm not promising anything."

“IF I GO CRAZY THEN WILL YOU STILL CALL ME SUPER MAN!!! IF I’M A LIVE AND WELL WILL YOU BE THERE A HOLDING MY HAND!! I’LL KEEP YOU BY MY SIDE WITH MY SUPER HUMAN MIGHT!!! KRYPTONITE!!!!!!!!” I rolled over and groaned. How it the world was Joseph up before me? That NEVER happens. I searched through the covers and found my cell, 9:30 am. Why is he up? I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and pulled back the curtain, I hopped down and made my way to the bathroom. I was brushing my teeth and bobbing my head to the beat of the song when Nick walked into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and spit while he laughed at me, “Do you ever knock!?” “Usually” “I could have been changing!” “Shame you weren’t” He said as he reached past me to grab the tooth paste. “Pervert!” I shouted while walking past him into the hallway. Life Goes On was now being blasted as I walked into the back room. Joe was wearing a bandana around his head to be 2pac and was trying to be ghetto. Lindsey and Kevin were reading the paper and Frankie was laughing at Joe. “Joseph, why do you have my ipod?” I asked noticing the purple ipod he had in the speaker. “Cause, you have better music” “Oh I do?” I asked amused. “Yea, I haven’t heard this song in FOREVER!” He said dancing again, “Um it’s not exactly appropriate for uh everyone to hear” I said thinking of Mr and Mrs. Jonas who were just up front and Frankie, sitting here…..singing it. “Oh mom and Dad are ridding in the bus behind, and Frankie’s G. Don’t worry” “Why are they ridding back there?” I asked Kevin, “Going over some stuff, trying to find and opening gig with the producers and stuff” “They wouldn’t need to do that if miss I’m a afraid of crowds, would just sing” Joe said still dancing. “Joe, for the last freakin time I just don’t want to do it!” “Oh whatever” He said rolling his eyes, I let out an aggravated shout and stormed my way to the front of the bus, passing a confused Nick at the doorway.

I toasted my self some toast. That sounds weird… My thoughts were interrupted by Nick. “Al you know he’s just being Joe.” “I know, but he’s so damn annoying about it. I mean I said no like fifty times already. I’M NOT DOING IT, GET OVER IT!!” I shouted towards the back of the bus. “We know, don’t worry. Only Joe needs to get through his thick head.” I grabbed my toast when it popped up and started to butter it. “But uh, how come you don’t want to? Don’t get mad.” He said quickly as I sighed. “I just don’t want to. I like everything this way, I’m just the tagalong. I don’t want to be the one up on the stage….i like being behind the scenes.” He nodded in understandment, “You like being the ‘Unknown girl traveling with the JoBros” “Exactly. Mysterious. Unknown. That’s the best” I said sitting down at the table. Nick laughed at me and ran his hands through his hair while he sat down and stole a piece of my toast. “You have to stop doing that” I said, he thought i meant stealing my food, well i meant that and running his hands through his hair. That drives me crazy. “Hey I’m just glad your eating” he said looking out the window. I didn’t respond just looked out at the passing cars with him. Miley Cyrus’s 7 things came blasting through the bus speakers. I looked over at Nick who rolled his eyes and sighed. I let out a giggle I was trying to hide. “What?” He asked. “This song, I don’t know. Just makes me laugh.” “Oh it does huh?” “Well yea, that’s what I said” I said laughing. “the seven things I hate about you! Your games you’re vain, you’re insecure. You love me, you like her. You made me laugh you made me cry, I don’t know which side to buy.” I bobbed along while mimicking Miley. Nick laughed as I danced in my seat. Then he started singing along. We soon full out started dancing around to the lyrics that were dissing him. We were shouting the lyrics and dancing around and laughing, not really paying attention. When the song ended I blew a kiss to him and mouthed I love you, just like Miley does in the video. We heard laughter and clapping and looked over. Kevin, Lindsey, and Joe were all there, Kevin had the video camera in hand.

“KEVIN!!” Nick shouted blushing while I busted out laughing. “YOUTUBE HERE WE COME!!” Kev shouted turning around and running towards the back. “Well you two are cute singing together” Joe said sitting down. “We were just having fun. I started dancing to make him feel better about the song.” I said grabbing a water out of the fridge. “You could do that on stage you know” He said glancing at me from the corner of his eye, anticipating my reaction. “Joe cut it out already. Please” I begged. “I’m not promising anything” He said getting up and pushing past me. “Joseph!” Lindsey shouted shocked at his behavior. “Lindsey don’t bother. Once Joe gets an idea, he won’t stop until he gets his way.” “So are you going to do it?” “Hell no. I’m more stubborn then he is.” I said following him into the back. I heard Lindsey laugh and mumble something that sounded like “Let the games begin”.

A few hours later and we all were sitting at an Apple Bees in Washington somewhere. “Um guys I have an announcement” Mr. Jonas said getting out attention. “So we're not for sure set on an opening act yet, still looking around.” I could feel Joe’s gaze from across the table, I kicked him under the table and he grunted. “You okay Joseph?” “Yea fine” He said trough his teeth, I didn’t acknowledge him. “Okay well anyway for this concert Miley has agreed to do a few songs for an opening act” Uh oh. I could feel Nick tense up next to me, I rubbed his thigh to calm him down. “So she’ll be uh with us for a little bit, until we get someone permanent. But we're going to be pick her up at the air port sometime tonight, so you guys have a free day here” “Dad is she staying on the bus with us?” Kevin asked. “Yea, me and your mom are going to stay in the other bus, with all the recording equipment, we’ll stay in the room in that one for the mean time.” “Sweet bus to ourselves” Joe said excitedly. “Joseph anything goes wrong and your grounded for the summer.” Mrs. Jonas said pointing to him. “Why me?” “Cause you’ll probably cause it” I said looking at him. “Oh and like your miss perfect?” I glared at him. “Come on kids. It’ll be nice. And were trusting you here to be nice, all of you” Mrs. Jonas said looking at Nick and Joe. They're the two who really don’t like Miley. “Fine” Joe said taking a sip of soda. Nick nodded but I heard him say “I’m not promising anything” under his breath. Brother like brother huh?